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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Ark Cradle

Ark Cradle (arc)




Āku Kureidoru

Japanese translated

Ark Cradle

Anime storyline


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Original run

6 October 2010 – 30 March 2011



Preceded by

World Racing Grand Prix

Ark Cradle is the fifth and final arc of the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime. This arc takes place after the final match of the World Racing Grand Prix, after Team 5D's won the final match against Team New World. It was believed that doing so would stop the Divine Temple (Ark Cradle in the Japanese version) from colliding with New Domino City. However, that match also completed the Grand Design and thus the Temple appeared. The arc itself focuses on Team 5D's infiltration of the structure to stop Z-one's plans. It also includes the final time skip in which the members of Team 5D's must decide whether they should stay together in the city, or leave the city to follow their goals, but having to be separated.

In the English version, only 131-136 were dubbed, furthermore the dubbed version series ended in episode 136 (The dub version of the episode had the rest of Aporia's duel from the beginning of episode 137, as well as the part where Team 5D's celebrated their victory. Also during the end of the episode when Aporia lost, the Divine Temple disappeared from existence entirely, and ends with Yusei saying the future and present are now safe).
