Log · Gwybodaeth SUL · Cyfraniadau cydwici · Userpage pageviews
Ystadegau cyffredinol
Gwybodaeth sylfaenol | |
ID'r defnyddiwr | 614,251 |
Registration date | 2024-05-18 07:41 |
User groups | |
Is administrator? | |
Golygiad cyntaf | 2024-05-18 07:45 |
Golygiad diweddaraf | 2024-05-18 07:45 |
Latest logged action | 2024-05-18 07:41 |
Thanks received | 1 |
Golygiadau sy'n fyw | 1 · (100%) |
Golygiadau a ddilëwyd | 0 · (0%) |
Total edits | 1 |
Golygiadau (live) | |
Golygiadau yn y 24 awr diwethaf | 0 |
Golygiadau yn y 7 diwrnod diwethaf | 0 |
Golygiadau yn y 30 diwrnod diwethaf | 0 |
Golygiadau yn y 365 diwrnod diwethaf | 1 |
Golygiadau bob dydd ar gyfartaledd | 1 (1 dyddiau) |
Y maint golygu ar gyfartaledd* | 344 bytes |
Minor edits | 0 · (0%) |
Golygiadau bach (<20 beit)* | 0 · (0%) |
Golygiadau mawr (>1000 beit)* | 0 · (0%) |
Arall: Edit Summaries · Automated Edits |
Tudalennau | |
Tudalennau a olygwyd (cyfanswm) | 1 |
Golygiadau fesul tudalen ar gyfartaledd | 1 |
Total of all pages created, including those created as a redirect when moving a page. See the documentation for more details.
Pages created |
0 (0 since deleted) |
Ffeiliau | |
Ffeiliau wedi'u huwchlwytho | 0 |
Ffeiliau wedi'u symud | 0 |
Ffeiliau wedi'u huwchlwytho (Comin) | 0 |
Ffeiliau wedi'u symud (Comin) | 0 |
Gweithredoedd | |
Pages moved | 0 |
Diolch | 0 |
Cymeradwyo | 0 |
Patrol | 0 |
Cyfrifon wedi'u creu | 0 |
Blociau | |
(Re)blocks | 0 |
Longest block | – |
Current block | – |
Global edit counts (bras) | |
► no.wikipedia.org | 1 |
en.wikipedia.org | 0 |
login.wikimedia.org | 0 |
meta.wikimedia.org | 0 |
Prosiectau eraill | 0 |
Pob prosiect | 1 |
Namespace Totals
Parth | Count |
Brukerdiskusjon | 1 (100%) |
1 namespaces | 1 |
Year counts
Blwyddyn | Count | Brukerdiskusjon |
2024 | 1 | 1 |
Month counts
This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either mewngofnodi to XTools as this user, or create User:Erlend-Rock-My-Star-Bakken/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the dogfennaeth for more information.
Time card
This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either mewngofnodi to XTools as this user, or create User:Erlend-Rock-My-Star-Bakken/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the dogfennaeth for more information.
Top edited pages
This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either mewngofnodi to XTools as this user, or create User:Erlend-Rock-My-Star-Bakken/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the dogfennaeth for more information.