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Land dwellers, can you find it in your heart to help us? We must free manking from the grasps of Solaris... We must gain true freedom and build a peaceful world to live in.

Queen Zephyr (ゼファー女王, zefā joou) is the quiet leader of the nation of Shevat. She is one of the few on the planet who knows some truth about the world, having been alive since before the Shevat-Solaris War.


Zephyr fought against Solaris during the Shevat-Solaris War as part of the Anti-Solaris Alliance. She also knew Sophia. During one of Solaris's raids on Shevat, the Imperial family is killed, leaving Zephyr the only survivor.[1]

Zephur survived the Diabolos Collapse, and in 9505, Zephyr, along with the Three Sages Isaac Balthasar, Gaspar Uzuki and Taura Melchior, restored Shevat.

In 9511, along with several other individuals, she was "punished" with the gift of eternal life through nanomachines for, in Karellen's mind at least, the events that led to Sophia's death.


In the second disc of the game Shevat is destroyed during the resurrection of Deus and crash lands on one of the northern snow-covered islands of the world. She remained queen of the surviving population of Shevat and the rest of the world in the Snowfield Hideout.

Later, Zephyr tells Fei Fong Wong and his allies about the existence of Anima Relics, and advice on where they may find them.


  • "The snow keeps falling... Softly covering up everything in this world... Our sorrow, our defilement, our mistakes... If only we could wipe away these things as easily as that... What have we... have I... been doing... been pursuing... for these past 500 years?"


  • There is a discrepancy. Zephyr says she is 522 years old in-game, and 9999-522=9477. However, Perfect Works says Zephyr was born in 9486, and says she was thirteen when she met Sophia.
  • Fei can find an old picture in Shevat that shows two parents, a girl, and a younger brother. It is implied that this is her family.[1]
  1. Perfect Works pg. 193