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“ | Death is rest for the soul. If the body did not die, and the fears borne in the mind just continued to pile up, the world would be nothing more than an eternal prison.
” |
Ziggurat 8 (ジグラット・エイト, Jiguratto Eito), nicknamed Ziggy (ジギー, Jigī) by MOMO Mizrahi and his allies, is introduced as a combat cyborg developed by Ziggurat Industries. He is assigned the task of recovering and protecting MOMO Mizrahi, the prototype 100-Series Observational Realian. He becomes an adoptive father figure to MOMO and encourages Juli Mizrahi to accept MOMO as her daughter. Ziggy is one of the main playable characters of Xenosaga.
Prior to becoming a cyborg, Ziggy's name in his former life was Jan Sauer (ジャン・ザウアー, Jan Zauā). Jan was once a Federation counter-terrorism agent, but he died by suicide at the age of thirty (in T.C. 4667) after witnessing the murder of his wife, Sharon Rozas, and stepson, Joaquin Rozas, at the hands of a notorious U.M.N. terrorist, Voyager.
Because Jan had registered as a donor under the Life Recycling Act, he was revived as a cyborg in T.C. 4669, two years after his death. From then on he was known by his model number, Ziggurat 8, and was legally classified as property, stripped of his personhood and human rights. His memories of his former life remain intact, however, causing him pain and distress. Ziggy wishes to have the traumatic experiences of his prior life erased and to forget his humanity. This is in contrast to MOMO, who wishes to be respected for her personhood.
Ziggy is calm and even-tempered, rarely displaying strong emotion. He prefers to make decisions in a calculating manner, setting aside personal attachments in favor of strategy and objective reasoning. Despite his stoic exterior, he is shown to be compassionate toward others and dedicated to supporting his allies, reluctant to burden them with his own suffering. It appears that he was similarly calm and collected in his former life, as he remarks in an early chapter of Xenosaga: Pied Piper, "However disturbed I may feel, I don’t show it on my face." He occasionally offers advice based on his extensive combat experience over the past century. Jr. initially calls him out for being cold and emotionless in a crisis and for reducing the lives of individuals to mere numbers, but the two soon overcome this misunderstanding and establish a rapport over the qualities they have in common.
Although his emotional responses are typically understated, on rare occasions he is shown expressing anger (most notably in the presence of Voyager) and grief. He also demonstrates a warm and affectionate side when interacting with MOMO, and is similarly less guarded around Jr. and Juli, with whom he empathizes.
Early life[]

Jan talks to his mother, Ingrid, about his father.
Little is known about Jan's childhood and early life before joining the Federation police. His father, whose name is never specified, was also an officer and was killed in the line of duty when Jan was very young. Jan's mother, Ingrid Sauer, is briefly depicted grieving Jan's father's death during a flashback in Pied Piper.[1] Later in the flashback, Jan confesses to Ingrid that he doesn't remember his father and wants to know what he died for. His mother then disappears from the flashback. It is unclear whether she is still alive during Pied Piper, but it is implied that Jan feels grief for both of his parents, and that his emotional reticence may be due in part to these formative experiences of family tragedy.
Sean McCallum, a friend and former colleague of Jan's father (and later Jan's superior in the police department), figures prominently in Jan's life as a role model and a mentor or parental figure. During the flashback referenced above, Jan addresses him as "Uncle Sean" (ショーンおじさん / Shōn ojisan)[2], implying some degree of familiarity. The Japanese term can be used for an older male friend who is not necessarily a relative, but given the context it seems likely that Sean remained close to Jan's family after his father's death.
Federation Police[]
Jan Sauer was assigned to the Federation police in T.C. 4659 after graduating from the Fifth Jerusalem Class A Police Academy. In 4660, at the age of 23, he became a captain in the 1875th Special Operations Command Detachment of the Federation Police Bureau, a unit specializing in counterterrorism.
Xenosaga: Pied Piper[]

Captain Jan Sauer, Lactis and Melisse Ortus.
Pied Piper begins in T.C. 4667, 100 years prior to the events of Xenosaga: Episode I.
Jan and his squad--Melisse Ortus, Lactis, Mikhail Ortmann, Erich Weber, and Bugs, under the supervision of Chief Sean McCallum--are deployed to the planet Abraxas to investigate a series of murders committed via the U.M.N. The suspect is an enigmatic cyberterrorist operating under the alias "Voyager." The investigation focuses in part on uncovering the true identity of this individual, who appears in white robes and communicates in cryptic verses from the Biblical Book of Revelation, but it soon becomes evident that more powerful interests are at work behind the scenes.
Jan's unit receives assistance from Dr. Sharon Rozas, who works at a hospital on Abraxas. Sharon is drawn into the investigation while attempting to save the lives of Voyager's victims--including Erich Weber, who is apparently killed during a mission and is pronounced dead in the hospital. To Sharon's astonishment, Erich mysteriously awakens a few hours later.
Over the course of the investigation, Jan befriends Sharon's son Joaquin and develops a romantic relationship with Sharon, whose first husband was killed in the line of duty, leaving Joaquin without a father. Sharon and Jan eventually get married, and Joaquin becomes Jan's stepson. Sharon explains to Jan that she and Joaquin, along with most of the population of Abraxas, are considered "people of Zohar" by the Immigrant Fleet, which is currently in conflict with the Federation for control of Abraxas. Voyager also seems to be targeting the people of Zohar as his victims in order to harvest a particular brain chemical marketed as a psychotropic drug.
With the help of his squad and Sharon’s medical knowledge, Jan's investigation draws closer to the funding source of Voyager’s murders. This turns out to be Dmitri Yuriev, who exploits his connections within the government to have Jan and his team removed from the investigation. Jan and several of his subordinates are arrested, and Sean McCallum is fatally injured. Lactis helps Jan and the others escape from the detention center, but Sean dies in Jan's arms in his prison cell.
Meanwhile, after analyzing tissue samples taken from the sites of Voyager's crimes, Sharon determines that Voyager is Erich Weber. She alerts Jan's team, but by then it is too late; Voyager has just killed Mikhail Ortmann and is setting his plans in motion for his next intended target--the Pilgrimage Council between the Federation and the Immigrant Fleet at the Archon Cathedral. Jan and his surviving team members confront Erich during an Encephalon dive, and Erich explains his connection with U-DO and his relationship with Dmitri Yuriev. Voyager's identity then takes over Erich's consciousness and lures Jan to the cathedral during the Pilgrimage Council, where Voyager activates the Zohar, killing nearly everyone in attendance. Sharon and Joaquin are also present, and Voyager kills them and forces Jan to witness their deaths.

Jan makes his choice.
A battle ensues, during which Bugs attempts a suicide attack, but he dies without successfully damaging Voyager. Wilhelm then appears to Voyager and offers to make him a Testament. Voyager accepts, and his white robe turns black. As the Black Testament, he returns to Jan with an ultimatum: either to be killed and allow Voyager to absorb his consciousness, granting him eternal peace in a world of illusion along with Voyager's other victims, or to become a Testament along with Voyager. Jan refuses and dies by suicide, shooting himself in the head.

Ziggurat 8 is activated.
His death is witnessed by Lactis and Melisse, the last surviving members of Jan's team. Melisse is traumatized by the incident and is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric institution. Because no one believes her eyewitness account, she founds Scientia in an effort to uncover and preserve the truth behind Voyager's actions. Lactis, a Realian, is recalled to Vector and reprogrammed, and Jan's body is collected for recycling. The game ends with the activation of Ziggurat 8 two years after Jan's death.
Ziggurat Industries[]

Ziggurat 8 in Episode I.
Following his suicide, Jan Sauer's body was reconstructed with synthetic components, and he was revived in T.C. 4669 as a Ziggurat Industries Type 8 battle cyborg. Type 8 models are designed for use in law enforcement, with enhanced combat abilities; they also happen to be the last in a series of cyborgs developed by Ziggurat Industries before the Species Preservation Act outlawed the practice, and the widespread adoption of Realian technology rendered the use of cybernetics obsolete.
Unlike Realians, who retain some legal rights, cyborgs such as Ziggurat 8 are not recognized as persons and are denied the protections afforded to other Life Recycling victims after the Species Preservation Act. The Xenosaga Episode III database notes an additional distinction between living humans who receive cybernetic implants for medical reasons, such as prosthetics, and those created from donated bodies after the donor's death.
Because his legal status reduces him to a piece of equipment, Ziggy has virtually no bodily autonomy and cannot defy orders from his superiors. As noted by Juli Mizrahi, Ziggy has also been programmed with a safety mechanism which prevents him from intentionally harming himself or abandoning an assignment. This creates a conflict between his desire to erase his consciousness along with any traces of his humanity, and the material and sociopolitical realities of his situation, which paradoxically deny his personhood while stopping him from acting on his wish for self-destruction. As a result, by the time of his introduction in Episode I, Ziggy has spent the past 98 years gradually replacing the remaining organic parts of his body with synthetics and risking his life by taking on exceptionally dangerous missions.
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht[]
Xenosaga Episode I HD Cutscene 044 - The Madman's Wife - ENGLISH
Ziggurat 8 speaking with Juli Mizrahi after the S.O.C.E. briefing.
In Episode I, Ziggurat 8 is commissioned by the S.O.C.E. to rescue MOMO from the U-TIC Organization's asteroid base, Pleroma, and to bring her to Second Miltia for analysis. His introduction as a playable character marks a shift in focus from the first part of the game, which centers on Shion and KOS-MOS during the Gnosis attack on the Woglinde.
After learning the details of his assignment at his briefing with the S.O.C.E., Ziggurat 8 departs on a solo mission to Pleroma, where the U-TIC Commander Margulis holds MOMO captive. MOMO's late father and creator, Joachim Mizrahi--who was also the founder of U-TIC--is believed to have encoded his research into MOMO's unconscious memory in a format known as the Y-Data. Margulis intends to seize the Y-Data in order to further the goals of the U-TIC Organization. Despite a few setbacks, including a malfunction of his cloaking device, Ziggurat 8 successfully infiltrates the base and finds MOMO in her cell. Together, they fight their way out of Pleroma.
During their escape, MOMO asks Ziggurat 8 whether he is a combat Realian. He explains that he is an "ex-human," revived as a cyborg under the Life Recycling Act. Upon learning that his name is actually a model number, MOMO suggests the nickname Ziggy. This exchange causes Ziggurat 8 to experience a flashback to his former life, in which he recalls giving his stepson, Joaquin, a synthetic dog with the model number Nexus 6. Joaquin remarks that the model number "makes him sound like a robot," and he names the dog Nex. The memory ends abruptly, with MOMO further underscoring the parallels between past and present by wondering aloud whether Ziggy "sounds like a puppy's name."
Margulis boss fight
Ziggy and MOMO fight Margulis.
Before MOMO and Ziggy can leave Pleroma, Margulis confronts them and attempts to stop them from escaping. They defeat him in battle and flee into hyperspace aboard a small spacecraft, with several U-TIC fighters in pursuit. Thanks to MOMO's piloting skills, she and Ziggy are able to outmaneuver the enemy until they happen to cross paths with the Elsa. The Elsa crew fights off the remaining U-TIC ships and rescues Ziggy and MOMO, who then join Shion's party en route to Second Miltia.
After joining the main party, Ziggy continues to play a supporting role throughout Episode I, using his experience and tactical skills to assist his allies as they find themselves at the center of an escalating series of conflicts and political intrigues. His primary objective, per his assignment, is to protect and support MOMO on her way to Second Miltia. MOMO begins to regard him as a father figure, from whom she draws reassurance and security in the absence of the father she barely remembers. Likewise, Ziggy's connection with MOMO echoes his feelings toward his deceased stepson, ultimately leading Ziggy to reconsider his wish to have his memories erased. Among the other playable characters, his relationship with Jr. is perhaps the most complex and dynamic.

"It's the same ... just like that day ...." Ziggy recalls another fragment of his past.
Ziggy's past is not explored in detail in Episode I. His memories of his former life appear to be fragmentary and inaccessible, and are revealed only in brief and cryptic flashbacks triggered by external circumstances, such as the memory of Joaquin and Nex that resurfaces when MOMO gives him a name. This is further indicated in Episode III, when he explains to Jr. that the memories of his past life are "fragmented and not linked properly," and that Ziggy has attempted to suppress them because they are traumatic. Another significant flashback occurs in the Cathedral Ship, when Ziggy witnesses Andrew Cherenkov's transformation into a Gnosis and recalls Voyager, as the Black Testament, undergoing a similar transformation.
When the U-TIC Organization produces doctored footage to frame the Kukai Foundation for the attack on the Woglinde, Ziggy suspects that this was part of U-TIC's plan to recapture MOMO even if he were to succeed in rescuing her, and that implicating the Foundation and Second Miltia may have been part of U-TIC's intentions all along. Later, when the party dives into KOS-MOS' Encephalon, Ziggy and MOMO are drawn into Jr.'s memories of the Miltian Conflict. Ziggy's remarks indicate that he was not on Miltia during the Conflict and was not directly involved in it. His detachment from the immediate situation enables him to support Jr. and MOMO as they relive the horrors of Miltia's final days.
Ziggy's relationship with Jr. is further developed when Albedo Piazzolla abducts MOMO from the Foundation and assaults her in the Song of Nephilim. Ziggy wants to travel alone to the Song of Nephilim and rescue MOMO by himself, as he did on Pleroma. Jr. stops him and insists that he, Jr., will rescue MOMO "no matter what." Ziggy then argues that Jr.'s emotional attachments may cloud his judgment and leave him vulnerable, while Jr. takes Ziggy to task for appearing "cold and detached" and for allowing himself to think only of numbers and tactics, rather than focusing on his loved ones who are in danger. Both Jr. and Ziggy are speaking from their own experiences: Jr. has seen firsthand what happens when living beings are reduced to numbers, and Ziggy has witnessed the deaths of his family and friends at the hands of Voyager. Ultimately, the entire party unites to save MOMO together, and Jr. and Ziggy soon resolve their differences.
Ziggy's character development in Episode I concludes with him helping Shion pull KOS-MOS back onto the Elsa during the escape from Proto Merkabah. Whereas Ziggurat 8 was aloof and solitary, detached from others and from his own emotions, Ziggy has begun to accept his humanity again, reaching out to assist his new friends when they need help.
Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse[]

Ziggy as he appears in Episode II
In Episode II, Ziggy continues to assist the main party and to support MOMO beyond the scope of his assignment.
After the prologue, the Elsa arrives safely on Second Miltia, and the party disembarks. In the spaceport, Ziggy reports on the status of his mission during a video call with Juli Mizrahi, who has also recently arrived on Second Miltia. Juli instructs him to continue the assignment by accompanying MOMO to the U.M.N. Control Center, where MOMO is to undergo analysis. During the call, Juli addresses Ziggy by his former name, Jan Sauer. He corrects her, stating that he is "currently Ziggurat 8." Ziggy then relays a message from MOMO, who has asked Ziggy to tell Juli that MOMO is looking forward to seeing her. Juli reacts with discomfort, and the call ends on an awkward note, with an interjection from Jr., who has been eavesdropping on their conversation. Ziggy advises Jr. that "[e]avesdropping is not a very admirable pastime." Undeterred, Jr. asks why Ziggy hasn't transferred to a carbon-based Realian body to replace his older cybernetic frame. Ziggy explains that he does not wish to prolong his lifespan. Jr. notes that MOMO would be happy if Ziggy lived longer, but he respects Ziggy's decision.
Later, en route to the U.M.N. Control Center, MOMO asks Ziggy about his conversation with Juli. Ziggy admits that Juli seemed busy when he told her that MOMO wanted to see her. MOMO appears disappointed, but she decides to do her best to help Juli. Shortly afterward, the party's vehicle is ambushed by Richard and Hermann of U-TIC. After a battle, the party escapes with the help of Gaignun Kukai, Helmer, and Canaan. When Canaan refers to Jr. by his former name, MOMO observes that neither Jr. nor Ziggy are happy with their old names. Jr. points out that Ziggy seems to like MOMO's nickname for him, even though it "sounds like something you would call your dog."
When the party arrives at the U.M.N. Control Center, Juli Mizrahi greets them and thanks them for shutting down Proto Merkabah at the end of Episode I. Ziggy praises MOMO's contributions and points out that they couldn't have done it without her help. Juli behaves dismissively toward MOMO at first, but she invites MOMO to live with her "once things settle down."

Juli and Ziggy discuss their feelings.
The characters then head off separately in preparation for MOMO's analysis. Ziggy undergoes maintenance and returns to consciousness to find Juli standing over his bed, asking how he feels. He initially expresses discomfort, but Juli explains that MOMO asked her to supervise Ziggy's maintenance. Ziggy seems to accept this. He questions her about her reticence toward MOMO, and Juli admits that she has conflicted feelings about MOMO stemming from her grief over the death of her daughter Sakura and her resentment toward Joachim Mizrahi, the father of Sakura and MOMO. Juli asks Ziggy whether he has children. He reveals that he died by suicide after the death of his son. Juli expresses sympathy and explains that her own grief manifested in the form of anger toward Joachim. Ziggy then asks Juli to think of MOMO as a second daughter instead of seeing her as a copy of Sakura. Juli agrees to consider it. After she leaves, Jr. and chaos enter the laboratory where Ziggy was undergoing maintenance, and Ziggy observes that Jr. has been eavesdropping again.
Despite Juli's sympathy for Ziggy--and although he is treated with compassion and dignity by Jr., MOMO, and the other main characters--his marginalized status becomes apparent when Ziggy is set as the lead party member inside the U.M.N. Control Center. The employees regard him as property rather than as a person, and their responses range from invasive curiosity to annoyance and disgust. Some initially react with hostility, only to apologize when they learn that Ziggy is affiliated with the S.O.C.E. under Juli Mizrahi, whom they appear to respect. A few express pity over the hardships they imagine he has endured as a Life Recycling victim.
Albedo's Trap
Ziggy during MOMO's maintenance.
While the final preparations are being made for MOMO's analysis, Ziggy and Mary Godwin attempt to reassure her. MOMO becomes distressed upon hearing that her personality layer will be shut down during the procedure and that her emotions and identity are merely "an optional function." She holds out her hand to Ziggy, and he reaches toward her, but her arm goes limp as her personality layer is shut down.
In the analysis room with Juli, Ziggy witnesses Albedo's hacking attempt. Juli reluctantly prepares to erase MOMO's mind in order to protect the Y-Data from Albedo, but Ziggy pleads with her to reconsider. While they are deliberating, MOMO takes matters into her own hands and severs her own neural connections, damaging her memory and shutting herself down completely. MOMO collapses, and Juli and Ziggy rush out of the analysis room to help her. While Juli tries desperately to resuscitate MOMO, Ziggy experiences a flashback to the deaths of his wife and stepson. He remembers seeing a pool of spilled blood against a brilliant white background. No bodies are visible, but a small child's shoe lies on its side at the edge of the pool. A black-cloaked figure, later revealed to be Voyager, looms over the carnage.

Ziggy explains that immortality would be a prison for the mind.
During the Encephalon dive into MOMO's subconscious domain, the party observes a young Albedo digging graves for his siblings after learning that they cannot regenerate their bodies as he does, and that they will die while Albedo remains immortal. Ziggy, who has been kept alive for a century against his will and is haunted by the memories of his former life, makes the following observation: "Death is rest for the soul. Who was it that said that? If the body did not die, and the fears borne in the mind just continued to pile up, the world would be nothing more than an eternal prison." Jr. then explains that he and Albedo were conjoined twins and that Jr. has the ability to halt his cellular development, which diverges from the same source as Albedo's regenerative abilities.
Later in the game, Ziggy pilots E.S. Zebulun with MOMO.
Xenosaga Episode II HD Cutscene 75 - Creation of the Space-Time Anomaly - ENGLISH
Ziggy recognizes that the Black Testament is Voyager, then sacrifices his arm to clear an escape route from the Ω System.
In the Ω System, Voyager arrives with the Red and Blue Testaments, killing Patriarch Sergius XVII in front of the party. Unlike the other Testaments in this scene, Voyager appears unmasked, revealing his face for the first time. Ziggy experiences another flashback to the deaths of his wife and stepson, the same memory he relived when MOMO collapsed during her analysis. This time he recognizes the cloaked figure as Voyager. Ziggy becomes enraged and fires missiles at Voyager, but Voyager deflects the attack by teleporting the missiles behind Ziggy so that they strike him in the back. Ziggy is gravely injured and falls to the floor, and MOMO rushes to his side.
Ziggy remains incapacitated until the party is forced to escape. Despite his prior injuries, he manages to break through a wall, destroying his cybernetic left arm in the process. He collapses again as the wall shatters around him. MOMO and Jr. run toward him in concern.
The party returns to the Durandal, and MOMO stays with Ziggy while he is being repaired. During the repairs, Juli Mizrahi contacts Ziggy and MOMO via the U.M.N. and asks Ziggy to consider lifespan extension, noting that "[t]he average lifespan of a living brain that hasn't undergone extension is 130 years," or approxmately Ziggy's current age. Juli encourages him to live longer for MOMO's sake and because Juli also wants to spend more time with him. In a departure from his prior attitude toward prolonging his life, Ziggy hesitantly agrees to consider it.
After the call, Jr. enters the maintenance lab and apologizes preemptively for eavesdropping again. This time--again in contrast with previous scenes--Ziggy says he doesn't mind and that he has "nothing to hide." Jr. remarks on Ziggy's anger during his confrontation with Voyager and admits he is relieved to learn that even Ziggy can't control his emotions all the time, especially in the presence of his enemy. Their conversation highlights the parallels between Jr. and Ziggy and their troubled histories with Albedo and Voyager respectively. Ziggy empathizes with Jr.'s conflicted feelings toward Albedo and encourages him to "do what you feel is right."
At the end of Episode II, Jr. arranges for Ziggy's assignment to the Kukai Foundation. Ziggy explains to MOMO and Juli that he will be stationed on the Durandal and will be available to assist MOMO as needed. He also announces his decision to undergo lifespan extension.
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra[]
In Episode III, Ziggy continues to support the main party, once again co-piloting E.S. Zebulun with MOMO during missions such as the investigation of Rennes-le-Château near the beginning of the game.
When Voyager appears on the Elsa in an attempt to capture KOS-MOS, Ziggy confronts him and questions Voyager about his motives. Voyager does not answer and continues to resist his attacks until KOS-MOS intervenes. Voyager then retreats, addressing Ziggy by his former name and vowing to "settle this later."
Ziggy also appears deeply affected when Dmitri Yuriev and the Salvator Faction take over the Durandal. The party attempts to rescue the survivors, but upon boarding the Durandal, they find that nearly everyone has been killed or taken prisoner. Jr. is overcome with grief and warns Ziggy not to say anything about staying calm, but Ziggy explains that he understands Jr.'s feelings and that "even I'm going to get emotional. I can't stay quiet after what they've done." It is unclear at this point whether Ziggy retains any memory of Dmitri Yuriev's involvement in Voyager's crimes on Abraxas, as revealed in Pied Piper. However, Ziggy has been stationed aboard the Durandal while working with the Kukai Foundation during the past year. Many of his friends and loved ones--including Juli Mizrahi, who is present on the bridge when Yuriev reveals that he has been possessing the body of Gaignun Kukai in order to override the Durandal's security systems--have been captured or threatened by the Salvators.
Later, when the party arrives on Michtam, Ziggy recognizes his surroundings from his former life on Abraxas. Jr. observes that both Ziggy and Canaan are behaving strangely. As the group proceeds through the ruins of the Archon Zone, Ziggy draws connections between his fragmented memories, eventually identifying the site of his fatal confrontation with Voyager from 100 years earlier. In the Archon Cathedral, Voyager once again appears to the party and announces that he has been waiting for Ziggy. Voyager torments Ziggy for his own amusement, referring to Ziggy by his former name and insisting that Ziggy is still suffering even after death--a fate Voyager believes Ziggy could have avoided by accepting Voyager's offer to become a Testament.
When MOMO reacts with surprise to the possibility of Ziggy becoming a Testament, Voyager explains that everyone in the party has the same potential, and that Wilhelm has been using Canaan--against Canaan's will, and until recently, unbeknown to Canaan--to spy on them. Voyager then reveals that Canaan was once Ziggy's former subordinate, Lactis. Ziggy responds with disbelief, but Canaan has recovered his own memories of their past lives on Abraxas, and he admits that Voyager's accusations are true. He addresses Ziggy as "Captain," acknowledging their prior relationship, and apologizes to Jr. for "betraying" all of them.
Ziggy becomes infuriated with Voyager and demands to know why Voyager became a Testament. Voyager explains his desire to escape the fear of death and to share the pleasure of his eternal life with Ziggy. He continues taunting Ziggy by invoking his suicide and declaring that this time, Voyager will "have the pleasure of finishing you off, myself. Just like I did your own son."
Xenosaga III HD Cutscene 302 - Canaan's Feelings (Archon Cathedral) - ENGLISH - REGULAR MODE
Ziggy mourns Canaan's death.
A battle ensues between the party and Voyager, who pilots the E.S. Dan. Voyager's E.S. is destroyed, but as a Testament he cannot be defeated by conventional means. Ziggy tries to fight him physically, but Voyager counters by throwing Ziggy to the floor and continuing to mock his helplessness and his reliance on his allies to save him. Finally Canaan intervenes and deceives Voyager by offering him access to Wilhelm's Compass of Order and Chaos, promising Voyager the power of a god. Voyager accepts but is unable to contain the power of the Compass. He and Canaan both disintegrate into phase space and are annihilated together.
Ziggy is distraught over Canaan's death and his own inability to prevent it, just as he was unable to prevent the deaths of Voyager's victims 100 years ago. Ziggy believes that he has "failed" again, but Jr. tries to reassure him by pointing out that Canaan is finally free from the "curse" of being used by Wilhelm and others. Ziggy notes that this is similar to his own chosen path.

Ziggy, Juli, MOMO, and Alby together at the end of the game.
At the end of Episode III, before the Elsa departs to search for Lost Jerusalem, Jr. asks Ziggy to take care of MOMO and Juli while Jr. and the others are gone. Ziggy's last appearance onscreen is in the credits of Episode III, where he is shown together with MOMO, Juli Mizrahi, and Alby on the Dämmerung.
MOMO and Ziggy have a father-daughter relationship. In Episode II and III, they are the co-pilots of the E.S. Zebulun, reflecting their complementary skill sets in battle.
MOMO recognizes Ziggy as "a real human" despite his legal status as government property, and Ziggy respects MOMO as a person, refusing to see her as a mere object or as a tool to be used. He treats her no differently from a non-Realian, affording her the personhood that their society denies to both of them, even as he continues to view himself (and is regarded by others) as less than human. He also admires "the purity of [her] heart" and feels comfortable around her. Their familial bond is significant in the light of their past circumstances. MOMO's father, Joachim Mizrahi, died before she was born, and Ziggy's stepson Joaquin was murdered by Voyager. MOMO and Ziggy's relationship allows both of them to heal from the loss of their respective loved ones and to reaffirm their humanity and/or personhood.
Juli Mizrahi[]
As one of the seven core members of the S.O.C.E., Juli is present at Ziggy's mission briefing, and she meets with him privately afterward to discuss additional details pertaining to the assignment. Juli brings up her past marriage to MOMO's father, Joachim Mizrahi, whom she calls "a murderer." Ziggy notes that MOMO is registered as Juli's daughter, and he asks why Juli doesn't want to see her. Ziggy's first impression of Juli is that she is "a strange woman." Juli's initial opinion of Ziggy is more equivocally stated, but she expresses curiosity regarding his past and his desire to become "a complete machine."
In Episode II, Juli refers to Ziggy by his former name, Jan Sauer. At MOMO's request, Juli performs maintenance on Ziggy after the party arrives at the U.M.N. Control Center on Second Miltia. This is a step outside Ziggy's comfort zone, as he has previously admitted in Episode I that he is embarrassed of his cybernetic body. He appears willing to show vulnerability around Juli, however, as the two begin a conversation about MOMO and discuss their respective experiences with the loss of a child. Ziggy encourages Juli to accept MOMO for who she is and to treat her as a second daughter, rather than as a replacement for Sakura--echoing an earlier conversation between Juli and Jr., in which Jr. urges her to do the same.
After Ziggy sacrifices his left arm in the Ω System, Juli calls him and talks to him while he is undergoing repairs. She encourages him to undergo lifespan extension, not only for MOMO's sake, but because Juli also cares for him and wants to learn more from him, "from the way you live."
Despite an initial misunderstanding between them, Jr. becomes one of Ziggy's closest friends. Their relationship is one of mutual support and respect, even when their opinions differ. Jr. frequently shows concern for Ziggy's well-being and quality of life. Early in Episode II, Jr. talks to Ziggy about Ziggy's options for lifespan extension, acknowledging that Ziggy should have the right to decide for himself whether he wants to prolong his life, and by what means, if any.
After Ziggy confronts Voyager in the Ω System, Jr. remarks that this was "the first time I've ever seen you angry" and points out the irony of Ziggy having lectured him about remaining calm when Ziggy couldn't follow his own advice in the presence of Voyager. Jr. admits that he can't stay calm around Albedo, either. Ziggy empathizes with Jr. and encourages him to "do what you feel is right." At the end of Episode II, Jr. arranges for Ziggy's assignment to the Kukai Foundation, where Ziggy will be free to assist MOMO and Juli at any time should the need arise.
Jr.'s boldness and heroic attitude are often presented in contrast to Ziggy's more reserved personality, but these contrasts also highlight the parallels between them. Both characters have experience in leadership roles and have endured the tragic loss of their loved ones; both are victims and survivors of the Life Recycling Act; both care deeply for MOMO and are committed to protecting her; and both have complex relationships with an antagonist who becomes a Testament.
In Pied Piper, Erich Weber poses as Jan's friend and colleague while committing serial murders under the alias Voyager. Because Jan cares for his subordinates, including Erich, Voyager's betrayal is devastating for Jan. Not only had Erich fabricated his identity as a Federation police officer, he had tormented Jan by orchestrating the deaths of everyone close to him, ultimately killing Jan's wife and stepson and driving Jan to death by suicide. In the present day, Voyager remains obsessed with Ziggy and appears to derive enjoyment from his suffering. Voyager also refers to Ziggy by his former name, but in contrast with Juli's use of the name as an affirmation of Ziggy's humanity, Voyager invokes the past as a provocation. Ziggy reacts to Voyager with intense anger, struggling to maintain his composure when Voyager is present.
In his prior incarnation as Lactis, Canaan worked with the Federation police and was one of Jan's subordinates. During this time, Lactis and his colleagues remained unaware that Wilhelm was using Lactis to monitor Jan and Erich under Program Canaan. After witnessing Jan's death by suicide, Lactis was recalled to Vector and reprogrammed, and his memories were suppressed.
Although Canaan interacts with the main party in Episode II and III, he and Ziggy do not immediately recognize each other from their former lives. (In Xenosaga I & II, Ziggy observes that Canaan seems familiar. [3]) Toward the end of Episode III, Canaan learns of his designated purpose and recovers his memories of his former life, but he does not reveal this information to the party until Voyager confronts him about it. Ziggy reacts with astonishment, demanding to know why Voyager is tormenting Canaan over a role that Canaan was powerless to refuse or escape from. Their reunion is short-lived, as Canaan sacrifices himself to defeat Voyager, saving the lives of Ziggy, Jr., and the others. Ziggy feels that he has failed by being unable to prevent Canaan's death, but Canaan believes that this final act gives his life a purpose beyond the intentions of his creator.
Sharon Rozas[]
Sharon meets Jan and his team while they are investigating Voyager's crimes on Abraxas. Sharon is intrigued by Jan's impassive demeanor, and during their initial conversations she describes him as "mysterious" and "interesting." As the investigation progresses, Sharon and Jan become romantically involved with each other. Jan befriends Sharon's son, Joaquin, and learns that Sharon was previously married to an officer who was killed in the line of duty. Sharon empathizes with Jan's attempts to shield himself from pain and loss by isolating himself and avoiding connection with others. She refers to her own grief over the loss of her husband as though she were "in a world of ashes." Jan relates to this and admits that he feels happy with Sharon and Joaquin: "[T]hat ashen world you mentioned ... I feel as though I’m emerging from it."[4]
In the third chapter of Pied Piper, Sharon and Jan are married. Their happiness is interrupted, however, when Voyager lures Sharon and Joaquin to the Pilgrimage Council and murders them, forcing Jan to witness their deaths. Voyager offers to "reunite" Jan with his deceased family by killing him as well and imprisoning Jan's consciousness in a world of illusions, but Jan refuses and dies by suicide instead.
In XenoComi, Ziggy has a nightmare about the deaths of Sharon and Joaquin. Ziggy also mentions Sharon in Episode III, when he refers to the Archon Cathedral as the place "where he [i.e. Voyager] killed my wife and child."
Joaquin Rozas[]
Joaquin is Jan's stepson. Like Jan, Joaquin experienced the loss of his biological father at an early age, and he views Jan as a father figure. He confides in Jan and encourages him to pursue a relationship with Sharon. After Jan and Sharon get married, Jan gives Joaquin a synthetic dog, Nex, as a gift. During the Pilgrimage Council, Joaquin sneaks out to join Sharon at the Archon Cathedral, and Voyager kills them both.
In Episode I, Joaquin and Nex appear briefly in Ziggy's flashback on Pleroma. In Episode II, when Juli Mizrahi asks Ziggy if he has children, Ziggy speaks fondly of Joaquin, calling him "a healthy, intelligent boy." Ziggy then explains that Joaquin died "in an accident" which led to Ziggy's death by suicide. In a flashback shortly afterward, Ziggy remembers seeing a small empty shoe (implied to be Joaquin's) lying in a pool of blood, with a dark-cloaked figure standing nearby.
Ziggy's feelings toward Joaquin are echoed in his relationship with MOMO, who also looks up to Ziggy for reassurance and protection in the absence of the father who created her. Ziggy's memories of Joaquin are often invoked in MOMO's presence: when MOMO gives him the nickname Ziggy, he remembers Joaquin giving Nex a similar nickname; and when MOMO collapses during her analysis, Ziggy experiences a flashback to the deaths of Joaquin and Sharon.
Near the end of Episode III, Ziggy explains to the party that Voyager killed Joaquin and Sharon in the Archon Cathedral. Voyager tries to provoke Ziggy by vowing to finish him off the same way Voyager killed Ziggy's son.
Melisse Ortus[]
In Pied Piper, Melisse admires Jan and looks up to him as a role model. Her youthful inexperience and idealism are depicted in contrast to Jan's emotional restraint. Melisse's belief in justice is challenged over the course of the investigation into Voyager's crimes. After witnessing Jan's death by suicide, Melisse is profoundly shaken. She attempts to expose the truth behind Voyager's actions, but her mental stability is questioned and she is institutionalized for two years following the investigation. During the epilogue of Pied Piper, Melisse describes being "haunted" by her inability to prevent Jan's death, but she also reveals that she "never thought for a moment that his reasons for what he did were wrong."[5] As a result of her experiences in Pied Piper, Melisse becomes the founder of Scientia.[6]
Jan is a variant of the name John, a name shared by many Biblical figures, including John the Baptist and the Apostle John. The latter is credited as the author of the Gospel of John as well as the Gnostic Apocryphon of John, which describes the creation of a demiurge and beings known as Archons. The Archon Zone on Abraxas may be a reference to this. Additionally, the Book of Revelation has been variously attributed to the Apostle John or to a separate individual, John of Patmos. In Xenosaga: Pied Piper, Voyager and his victims quote passages from Chapter 16 of Revelation.
Sauer is a German surname, derived from the German word for sour. In addition to its literal meaning, the German word sauer also occurs in idioms relating to displeasure or hardship.
Ziggy is a nickname for Ziggurat 8 and is likely a reference to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie, whom Ziggy resembles in appearance.
A ziggurat is a stepped pyramidal structure originating in ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, designated as a dwelling place for the gods. Typically they had between two and seven tiers.
Tech Attacks[]
Battle quotes
- "I will show you what a true battle is like!"
- "Watch the enemy closely, and react quickly!"
- "Do not hesitate if you wish to live!"
- "A worthy adversary!"
- "MOMO, be careful. This is no ordinary foe." (During Margulis battle)
- "Don't take it too hard. You didn't stand a chance."
- "The outcome was decided even before the battle began."
- "The first rule of survival is to only think about oneself."
- "Perhaps interference still lingers within me..."
- "I'm sorry...!"
- "I owe you one... thanks!"
- "Let's go!"
Cutscene quotes
- "A cyborg has no rights. I cannot refuse your request. I will analyze the situation and let you know what weapons and resources I need. I don't mean to demand any compensation, but... may I make one request? After my return, I ask that you eliminate the neural memories residing in my brain from my previous life. Add as many synthetic parts as necessary. Thank you."
- "It looks like... this is the end of the line. I'm sorry I couldn't see you through this safely. Are you scared?" (to MOMO when they suspect they will die)
- "Well, I'm built as tough as I look."
- "You may find this funny, but even with a body like this, I still feel uncomfortable about a young woman working on me. Well, I'm embarrassed of this patchwork mechanical body. I'm being silly, aren't I?"
- "When someone close to you is in danger, you lose your objectivity. And it almost always ends in tragedy. I've... seen it happen too often."
- "Only allow yourself to think of numbers and battle strategy. Don't let your mind wander to the faces or voices of those precious to you... even when it seems cruel not to. Too intense of an interference will overwhelm and ruin everything. That's what I've learned over these past hundred years."
- "Eavesdropping is not a very admirable pastime."
- "There's no need to play around with extending my lifespan. I'll pass, thanks. I have no desire to prolong things."
- "Dr. Mizrahi, this is just an idea, but why don't you imagine you had two daughters? One that passed away, and one that's still alive. Please consider it."
- "Voyager! How much longer do you intend to keep doing this? Do you really think this will satisfy your never-ending thirst for power? Answer me, Erich! Now do you think that you've really won this?"
- "I know. This time, even I'm going to get emotional. I can't stay quiet after what they've done." (after the Durandal crew is murdered)
- "Even cyborgs get nightmares. I tried everything I could to erase it."
- In the Xenosaga: Official Design Materials, Ziggy is described as an Enneagram type 9 along with chaos. This personality type is characterized by a peaceful temperament and a tendency to put others at ease. Unlike chaos, Ziggy is further described as an "extremely unhealthy type 9," as evidenced by his desire to erase his humanity and suppress his emotions altogether, effectively seeking death by becoming a machine. However, as his relationships with MOMO, Juli, Jr., and the rest of the party develop over the course of the story, Ziggy begins to reevaluate his wish for oblivion and to process the trauma of his past instead of trying to erase himself.
- The in-game database for Episode I states Ziggy was born in 4637, whereas the timeline that came with the Episode III guide states he was born in 4639 (inaccurately, as it is established that he was thirty years old at the time of his death in 4667).
- In Episode I, Ziggy may be considered both 128 years old and 130 years old, as he was dead for two years before being revived. He has been a cyborg for 98 years.
- Soraya Saga tweeted that two women associated with Ziggy have names that follow a verse from Song of Solomon 2:1: "I am a rose of Sharon, A lily of the valleys." Juli's maiden name is Niwashiro, which, combined with the Japanese transliteration of the name, Yuri, becomes niwashiro-yuri, which means 'madonna lily'. Sharon is named after the Rose of Sharon.[7]
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht[]
Xenosaga I&II[]
Xenosaga: The Animation[]
Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse[]
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra[]
Xenosaga: Pied Piper[]
Xenosaga Freaks: XenoComi[]
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