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Johann Ernst Hartmann (1726 - 1793)

Born in Gross Glogau, Schlesien
Died at age 66 in København, Danmark

Johann Ernst Hartmann (1726 - 1793)

Born in Gross Glogau, Schlesien
Died at age 66 in København, Danmark

Family Tree of Johann Ernst Hartmann


Johann Ernst was born in 1726. He passed away in 1793.


  • Niels Friis: Det kongelige Kapel : fem Aarhundreder ved Hoffet, paa Teatret og i Koncertsalen 1948
  • V.C. Ravn: "Hartmann, Johan Ernst" (i: Dansk biografisk Leksikon, VII Bind; Kjøbenhavn 1893; s. 110-113)

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Featured connections to Irish notables: Johann Ernst is 19 degrees from C. S. Lewis, 28 degrees from George Best, 26 degrees from Pierce Brosnan, 24 degrees from Catherine Coleman, 25 degrees from Charles Duffy, 30 degrees from Georgie Frost, 20 degrees from Nancy Grosvenor, 24 degrees from Mícheál Ó Coileáin, 22 degrees from Mary Peirce-Evans, 21 degrees from George Bernard Shaw, 27 degrees from Robert Wilson and 26 degrees from William Yeats

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