Eleonora Gonzaga was born on September 23, 1598, and died on June 27, 1655.
- "Eleonora Gonzaga (1598–1655)" (April 15, 2023) in Wikipedia,
Eleonora Gonzaga was born on September 23, 1598, and died on June 27, 1655.
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Featured connections to Irish notables: Eleonora is 14 degrees from C. S. Lewis, 29 degrees from George Best, 20 degrees from Pierce Brosnan, 17 degrees from Catherine Coleman, 23 degrees from Charles Duffy, 24 degrees from Georgie Frost, 14 degrees from Nancy Grosvenor, 22 degrees from Mícheál Ó Coileáin, 16 degrees from Mary Peirce-Evans, 15 degrees from George Bernard Shaw, 23 degrees from Robert Wilson and 22 degrees from William Yeats
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