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This is Sally's Userpage and it's a pleasure to have you here!

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The Basics

Who Am I by DNA

Autism_spectrum_infinity_awareness_symbolThis user is autistic.
This contributor to Wikipedia is female.
This user may be genderfluid, and is currently questioning.

ag ♀This user is an androgyne with a female body.
The time at this user's location:
2025-02-23 13:32 UTC+8
IQ This user's Intelligence Quotient is 140.

Where Am I

This user is a citizen of China.
This user is a native of China.
This user is of Chinese ethnicity.

Who Am I in Society

This user feels unloved.
This user is a member of the LGBTQ community.
Pansexuality_Pride_FlagThis user is panromantic.
This user is greysexual
This user wishes they had a partner.
This user is a nerd.
:(This user is a pessimist.
This user is an introvert
This user loves deadlines.
They love the whooshing sound
they make as they go by
This user loves Friday
This user prefers to stay up late than wake up early.
E4This user is an Enneagram Type 4
This user wears glasses.

Who Am I on Wikipedia


I support the Chinese language Wikipedia with my contributions.
wiki-1This user is a beginning Wikipedia editor.
This user respects copyright, but sometimes it can be a major pain.
MrianeCohn likes to turn Wikipedia Green.

This user clicks the "Show preview" button to avoid making useless mistakes...
Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 1 year, 9 months and 12 days.
Languages that I speak

Open Your Mouth, Ahhhh--

UKThis user uses British English.
enXja-NThis user wa nihonglish* no native speaker dayo.
*Not Engrish, not any of the Japanese-English pidgins, but a fluid mix of the two languages.
SATThis user scored 1400 of 1600 on the SATs.1400
their, to, your, its, ... This users english is far from being perfect!.
This user has a near-native understanding of British English.

On the Paper And On The Screen

This user uses Simplified Chinese characters.
This user uses Traditional Chinese characters.
ANAL 1User here dont worry two much about their's bad grammars.
MistEYkThis user does not always see their grammar mistakes. It would be nice of you to correct them.
OEDThis user uses Oxford spelling.
big wordsThis user opposes the use of esoteric, abstruse and recondite big words in Wikipedia articles when simple ones will do.

Chinese Variations

nan-0Chit-ê iōng-chiá m̄-bat Bân-lâm-oē (ia̍h-sī liáu-kái ū khùn-lân).

Weakness on Speaking

es-0Este usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende muy difícilmente).
ar-0هذا المستخدم لا يفهم حرفا في العربية.


IntS-NTihs tweedler uses Internet slang IRL.
BS-2This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of Bullshit.
en-U-2This ******* user can contribute with an **** intermediate level of the ******* Urban English (This guy is a king of the loosers).
sar-2This user is an intermediate speaker of sarcasm.
Who am I Offline

You won't know who am I even if I give you these information...

This user lives in or hails from Beijing.
HSThis user is in high school.
BNDSThis user attends or attended Beijing National Day School.

And This is All About My School Life.

ARTThis user's favourite subject is Art.
This user's favourite subject is Chemistry.
This user has memorized the elements' names and symbols.
This user understands Physics at a basic level.
CHIThis user's favourite subject is Chinese.
DRAThis user's favourite subject is Drama.
LITThis user's favourite subject is Literature.
This user's favorite subject is Music.
BIOThis user's favourite subject is Biology.

Some Other Interests

Sky blueThis user's favourite colour is sky blue.
This user likes roses.🌹
This user is interested in
LEGOThis user likes playing with LEGO, but hates stepping on it!

This user enjoys writing.
S This user is a Slytherin.
My views on society


This user identifies as a centrist.
This user identifies as a centrist.
This user identifies as a centrist.
This user identifies as a centrist.
This user identifies as a centrist.
Peace symbolTo this user, all human lives matter.
Peace symbolTo this user, all human lives matter.
Peace symbolTo this user, all human lives matter.
Peace symbolTo this user, all human lives matter.
Peace symbolTo this user, all human lives matter.

China Politics

This user doesn't trust the Chinese government
This user supports the peaceful reunification of China.

REALLY Important NOWADAYS Matters

This user supports a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine.
This user is strongly against the terrorism of Hamas
This user recognizes the Palestinian right of return.
This user recognizes the Jewish Right of Return to Israel.
This user believes there is a Jewish identity. But does not believe that all Jews are automatically Israeli.

Rainbow Ways For Imaginary Friends

PC-0This user is politically incorrect.
This user believes in gender equality.
This user is against both radical feminism and radical masculism
This user knows that
Respect Matters.
This user supports trans rights.


Media Mania


It’s Football, Not Soccer!
MCFC Blue Moon!  
This user supports
Manchester City F.C.
AFCThis user HATES Arsenal F.C.
MUFCThis user HATES Manchester United.


This user contributes while using VLC media player.
fan-4This user thinks Nick Cave is the best artist ever!
This user likes the Imperial March so much, he/she treats it like it was a hit single.

oasisThis user is gonna live forever.
This user is a fan of
The Who.
am Contrary to popular belief, this user does not look good on the dance floor.




*_*This user loves anime.
This user is a fan of Bocchi the Rock!
This user is a Cardcaptor.
黒執事  This user is     
 one hell of a fan.
レインThis user is connected, wherever they are...
This user DOES NOT live in a pineapple under the sea.


This site is under new management by order of the Peaky fooking Blinders.
MMThis user is a fan of Mickey Mouse.
This user enjoys
The Big Bang Theory.
ITHello, I.T. , have you tried turning it off and on again? Is it definitely plugged in?
This user likes both the British and American versions of The Office.W.H.


This user is a Nintendo fan.
This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the PlayStation Portable.
This user likes to play games on his or her Mac, but is getting awfully sick of Breakout.
This user uses Steam for digital distribution.

This user plays Nintendo Switch
This user proudly owns a Nintendo 3DS.
Splatoon2Rather than getting cooked,
this user prefers to stay
off the hook.
This user has got his pickaxe swingin' from side to side. Side side to side.
CGThis user's alignment is Chaotic Good: the "Rebel."
This user wishes they could play Role-playing games.
 Monopoly This user enjoys playing Monopoly.
AAThis user has an Objection!

