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275px|thumb|right|The cast of Kinnikuman as depicted in the anime series.

The following is a list of characters from Kinnikuman, the manga/anime series.

Major Characters




Kinnikuman is the protagonist of the series. He is initially depicted as a bumbling, inept superhero who grows 30 meters tall by consuming garlic. He is soon revealed as the lost prince of Planet Kinniku, the home of the heroic Kinniku clan, having been accidentally abandoned in Japan as an infant due to his parents' oversight. As the series transitions to focus more on wrestling, the superhero parody aspect of his character is slowly phased away to put more emphasis on wrestling. He develops into a more competent character as the series progresses, such as by training under Prince Kamehame to learn the 48 Killer Moves, among which is the iconic Kinniku Buster. He possesses an ability called the "Burning Inner Strength" (火事場のクソ力 Kajiba no Kuso Djikara) which allows him to access more power than he would normally be capable of and make comebacks. In the 21st Choujin Olympics arc, it is revealed that his face is actually a mask, where the removal of it is punishable by death according to the law of the Kinniku clan. Revealing his face has miraculous properties, such as purifying a river or reviving the dead. At the conclusion of the original series, he ascends to the throne to become the 58th king of Planet Kinniku and marries Bibinba. By the time of Kinnikuman Nisei, he would father a son, Kinniku Mantaro, the main protagonist of Nisei. His favorite food is gyuudon and he will do anything for a bowl of it. His real name is Suguru Kinniku (named after Yomiuri Giants pitcher Suguru Egawa) and he is voiced by Akira Kamiya.



Terryman is Kinnikuman's most trusted ally. He is depicted as a humble and selfless Choujin who is also a brilliant strategist. Originally introduced as an arrogant Justice Choujin from Amarillo, Texas who is initially antagonistic towards Kinnikuman, he mellows out when he recognizes Kinnikuman's sense of justice and subsequently befriends him. Unlike the other Justice Choujins, Terryman does not possess extravagant finishing moves, instead relying on practical holds such as the Spinning Toe Hold. He occasionally tag teams with Kinnikuman under the team name The Machineguns. During the 20th Choujin Olympics, Terryman was shot in the leg shielding Kinnikuman, which led to his leg being amputated and wearing a realistic prosthetic for the rest of the series. During the Dream Choujin Tag Team Tournament, his friendship with Kinnikuman is strained due to the actions of Ashuraman and Sunshine, choosing to partner with Geronimo instead of Kinnikuman. The team would lose in the first round against Ashuraman and Sunshine, where Terryman subsequently inherits the Kinnikuman Great alias from Prince Kamehame and becomes Kinnikuman's partner through the rest of the arc. Early in the revival series, Terryman marries Natsuko, and he would father a son, Terry the Kid, who would be a major character in Kinnikuman Nisei. He was modeled after Terry Funk and he is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka.

Robin Mask


Robin Mask is a British knight Choujin, serving an antagonist role in the 20th Choujin Olympics arc, having been the winner of the preceding Choujin Olympics. His armor reduces his strength (for his opponent's sake) as well as providing him remarkable protection. Despite clearly outclassing Kinnikuman in their first fight at the finals of the 20th Choujin Olympics, Kinnikuman was able to defeat him due to his overconfidence. This, along with his exile, made him bitter towards Kinnikuman, culminating in a rematch during Kinnikuman's American tour. This rematch ends with Robin Mask's apparent death. However, Robin survives this fall, and he would masquerade as the cruel trainer Barracuda and train Warsman for the 21st Chojin Olympics in order to defeat Kinnikuman. He sees the error of his ways after Warsman's defeat, and goes on to join the other Idol Choujins in combating future threats. Robin Mask is notably order than most of his peers, and as a result he often assumes a veteran and leader-like role among the Idol Choujins. He is established in the series as already married to Alisa Mackintosh, and prior to Kinnikuman Nisei he fathers Kevin Mask, who would play a major role in Nisei. His signature move is the Tower Bridge, an Argentine Backbreaker. He is based on Billy Robinson, and he is voiced by Daisuke Gōri.



Ramenman is a Chinese martial arts Choujin. Unlike the majority of characters in the series, Ramenman has a more athletic build, fighting with more Chinese Kenpo instead of more traditional wrestling. He was initially depicted as a violent and remorseless Choujin, murdering Brockenman in cold blood during the 20th Choujin Olympics (this set the tone for future fights in the series, which are often brutal in nature). However, upon losing to Kinnikuman, he began to become less violent, joining the Justice Choujins and often assuming a wise, mentor-like role, particularly towards the young Brocken Jr. During the 21st Choujin Olympics, He was stabbed by Warsman on the temple, rendering him in a vegetative state. Despite this, he would reappear sporadically in a supporting role throughout the following arcs as the masked Choujin Mongolman. Eventually it is revealed that he is only able to function normally while wearing the Mongol mask, which has healing properties.By the time of the Scramble for the Throne arc, Ramenman had recovered enough to fight without the Mongol mask. Ramenman was a breakout character, becoming so popular that he got his own spin-off series, Tatakae!! Ramenman (Although this is established as a separate Ramenman from the one in the main series). He is voiced by Eiji Kanie.

Brocken Jr.


Brocken Jr. is a German Nazi Choujin. However, Despite his appearance and heritage, he never portrays any explicit Nazi beliefs. He is the son of Brockenman, who was murdered in cold blood my Ramenman during the 20th Choujin Olympics, and as a result he initially seeks revenge against Ramenman. After his defeat by Ramenman, Ramenman advised him to abandon his hatred, and they become close friends. Brocken Jr. is generally portrayed as a more inexperienced Choujin compared to his fellow Justice Choujins, being slightly younger than his peers. In the Scramble for the Throne arc, Brocken Jr. joins Team Soldier, where it is revealed during his match against Team Super Phoenix that the members of the Brocken family are not born Choujins, but instead becomes a Choujin by equipping a special totenkopf. In Kinnikuman Nisei, Brocken Jr. becomes the adoptive father of Jade. Brocken Jr.'s signature move is the Red Rain of Berlin, a powerful chop that cuts the opponent, which is a family heirloom passed down by the Brocken family. He ranked highly in several character popularity polls, where Yudetamago notes that he appears to be popular among female readers. He is voiced by Tetsuo Mizutori.



Warsman is a Soviet cyborg Choujin. He possesses a pair of retractable claws called Bear Claws. He also has an internal computer that could discover and exploit any weakness, which allows him to calmly judge his opponents so as to defeat them. However, after 30 minutes, his inner computer would begins to overheat and smoke emits from his body, a flaw that is often exploited by his foes. Warsman was introduced as a cold-blooded Choujin, more robot than man, being almost entirely mute save for a sinister breathing sound, and being completely expressionless except for a creepy smile called the Warsman Smile that appears when he fights a formidable opponent. He spent the majority of his initial appearances being commanded by his trainer Barracuda (in actuality a vengeful Robin Mask). After his defeat by Kinnikuman at the 21st Choujin Olympics finals, he regains his compassion, befriending the other Justice Choujins. Even after this change, he maintains a strong student-teacher relationship with Robin Mask. Throughout the rest of the series he struggles with his cyborg nature and his humanity. In Kinnikuman Nisei, Warsman assumes the Kuroe identity, becoming Kevin Mask's trainer. He is voiced by Hideyuki Hori.



Buffaloman is a large Spanish Choujin with cow-like horns called the Long Horns. His fighting style relies on his strength and power. Buffaloman is the de facto leader of the Seven Devil Choujins who invaded earth after the 21st Choujin Olympics. In the past, he had made a pact with Satan in order to exponentially increase his power. His splitting of Meat into 7 pieces was the catalyst of the Devil Choujin arc.Despite his nature as a Devil Choujin, Buffaloman fights honorably. He is defeated by Kinnikuman at the climax of the Devil Choujin arc, and subsequently sacrifices his life to resurrect the Justice Choujins that had fallen in battle. He himself was resurrected by Akuma Shogun during the Golden Mask arc in order to serve him, but later betrays him and joins the Justice Choujins after Akuma Shogun is defeated. He joins Team Soldier during the Scramble for the Throne arc. At the beginning of the Perfect Origin arc, Buffaloman declares he had rejoined the Devil Choujins, to the surprise of the Justice Choujins. Throughout the series, a Buffaloman loses and regains his Long Horns for various reasons. He is modeled after Bruiser Brody, and he is voiced by Masaharu Satou.

Meat Alexandria


Meat Alexandria is Kinnikuman's young sidekick and trainer from Planet Kinniku. He is Kinnikuman's best friend, although he is much smarter than Kinnikuman and often scolds him for being stupid. Meat plays a supporting role throughout the whole series, providing Kinnikuman with advice and encouraging him, as well as admonishing him for his cowaedice. He is usually referred to as Meat-kun. During the Devil Choujin arc, Buffaloman splits him into seven pieces. Although Meat cannot fight like the Justice Choujin, he does defeat Mixer Emperor during the Scramble for the Throne arc with a backdrop. In Kinnikuman Nisei, unlike the rest of his peers who chose to enjoy their lives in peace, Meat elects to be cryogenically frozen in order to serve the next generation of Justice Choujins, where he would become the trainer of Kinnikuman's son, Kinniku Mantaro. His character was re-imagined as a diminutive older man in the Ultimate Muscle dub. He is voiced by Minori Matsushima, and by Mike Pollock in the English dub.

Prince Kamehame


Prince Kamehame is a veteran Choujin and the former Hawaiian Champion, having lost to Jesse Maivia. During the American Tour arc, he faces and defeats Kinnikuman, remaining one of Kinnikuman's only singles loss, but he sees promise in Kinnikuman and decides to teach him the 48 Killer Moves. Kinnikuman would continue to regard Kamehame as his esteemed master throughout the series. During the Dream Chōjin Tag arc, he teams up with Kinnikuman under the alias Kinnikuman Great, hiding his elderly nature. He dies from injuries sustained when shielding Terryman from Sunshine, and passes on the Kinnikuman Great mantle to Terryman. He would return from time to time as a spirit to guide Kinnikuman and his allies. During the Scramble for the Throne arc, Omegaman uses his Omega Metamorphosis technique to channel Kamehame, but this backfires as Kamehame was able to wrest control from Omegaman and instead teaches Kinnikuman the 52 Submission Holds. He is voiced by Masaharu Satou.



Wolfman is a Sumo Yokozuna Choujin. He was modeled after famous sumo wrestler Chiyonofuji Mitsugu and, like him, relied more on strength than weight. He was originally introduced as a contender for the 21st Choujin Olympics and was hostile towards Kinnikuman. After being defeated in a Sumo match by Kinnikuman in the semifinals, he begins to respect Kinnikuman and takes part in combating future threats. He faces Springman in the Devil Choujin arc, but was killed, and later revived by Buffaloman's sacrifice. Prior to the revival series, Wolfman retires from Sumo due to injuries, but despite this he returns to fight the incoming threat of the Omega Centauri's Six Spears, defeating Lunknight. In the anime he is renamed Rikishiman. The Ultimate Muscle dub renamed him again as Sosumi. He is voiced by Masashi Hirose.



Geronimo is a young Cherokee Choujin. Initially, it was left ambiguous whether or not he was a Choujin, since he appeared to be unaffected by leaving his life-support bubble and his endurance was much lower than a typical Choujin. Regardless, He was able to defeat Sunshine within Warsman's body after sustaining grave injuries, whereupon it was revealed that he was human all along, and he succumbs to his injuries. He was revived at the conclusion of the Golden Mask arc and after undergoing a special trial he finally becomes a Choujin. He refers to the other Idol Choujin as senpai and is known for his battlecry, U-Ra-Ra!!. Geronimo appears in Kinnikuman Nisei as a trainer for the Hercules Academy. In the dub, he was renamed Beetlebomb and rewritten as being British in origin. He is voiced by Kaneto Shiozawa.



Seven Devil Choujin


The Devil Choujins were notorious for being the most brutal and powerful choujins in the universe, surpassing even previously established brutal Choujin such as Ramenman or Warsman. In the past, the seven were trapped in a space roach motel before being accidentally freed by Kinnikuman. They come to earth in order to challenge the strongest Justice Choujins, and they split Meat's body into seven pieces, each held by a separate member, in order to spur the Justice Choujins into action. They return in the Perfect Origin arc to fight the Perfect Large Numbers.

SteCasse King


SteCasse King is a walkman-themed Choujin and the weakest of Buffaloman's henchmen. He was the first Devil Choujin to face Kinnikuman. He has the ability to load various cassette tapes into his body to emulate the signature moves of various Choujins such as Warsman and Ramenman. He was defeated when he mistakenly inserts a cassette of Kinnikuman from 3 years prior, when Kinnikuman was still less competent. He returns in the Perfect Origin arc to face the Perfect Large Number Turboman in Warsman's place. He demonstrates several new tapes such as those based on Neptuneman and Kinnikuman Zebra, but he ultimately loses to Turboman and is destroyed. He is voiced by Issei Futamata.

Black Hole


Black Hole is a black-colored Choujin who has a giant hole where his face is supposed to be. He has the ability to travel through shadows, and the hole on his head leads to an alternate dimension, and he is able to suck his opponents through his hole into this dimension. However, his body is linked to this dimension, and any wounds he sustain would reflect to cracks within the dimension. He was the second Devil Choujin Kinnikuman faces and defeats. He returned in the Dream Choujin Tag arc, where he teams up with his brother, Justice Choujin Pentagon, to form the 4D Killer Combo. They are defeated in the first round by the Muscle Brothers. He returns in the Perfect Origin arc to fight Perfect Large Number Dalmatiman, being the only Devil Choujin to decisively defeat his opponent in the first round of matches. He would also defeat another Perfect Large Number, Jack Faucet, with the help of his brother Pentagon, before collapsing from his injuries and acting as a means of transportation for the rest of the arc. He is voiced by Daisuke Gori.



Atlantis is a gill-man-type Choujin who specializes in fighting underwater and even manipulating water. He faces Robin Mask, luring the latter to an underwater fight that ends with him defeating and drowning Robin Mask. He later fights Kinnikuman, where he employs the Devil Necromancy Blood Bind technique that summoned specters of the fallen Devil Choujins to gang up on Kinnikuman. However, this plan was thwarted by Terryman and Brocken Jr. using a Spirit World mirror provided by Mongolman to defeat the specters, allowing Kinnikuman to defeat Atlantis proper. In the Perfect Origin arc, Atlantis fights Perfect Large Number Marlinman, who he was able to defeat by using Robin Mask's Tower Bridge finisher. Unfortunately, he succumbs to his injuries resulting in a tie. He is voiced by Kazuhiko Kishino.

The Mountain


The Mountain is an enormous mountain-themed Choujin from the Himalayas and a practitioner of Judo. During the Devil Choujin arc, he fights and was defeated by Terryman. In the Perfect Origin arc, he fights the Perfect Large Number vanguard, Strong the Budo, and was heavily scarred from the fight. Rather than being turned into a human, he chose to die fighting as a Devil Choujin, having his head destroyed by Strong the Budo's Helmet Breaker. He subsequently destroys the suspended ring that they were fighting on with the intent of taking Strong the Budo with him, although this sacrifice was ultimately in vain since Strong the Budo survives the chasm drop. He is voiced by Yonehiko Kitagawa.

Mr. Khamen


Mister Khamen is a Pharaoh-themed Choujin. He has the ability to encase his foes in a mummy wrapping and subsequently drain them of their moisture using an enlarged straw in order to mummify them. He faces Brocken Jr., who he was able to encase in his mummy package, but he was interrupted by a hooded Mongolman who breaks his neck with a Leg Lariat, killing him. Mr. Khamen returns in the Perfect Origin arc to face Perfect Large Number Crushman, but he was defeated when his mummification technique failed to work on Crushman's steel body. He is a parody of King Tutankhamun and he is voiced by Ryoichi Tanaka.



Springman is a spring-themed Choujin that resembled a giant spring with arms and legs. He faces Wolfman, who he constricted until Wolfman was literally torn to pieces. He teams up with Buffaloman to face Kinnikuman and Mongolman in the climax of the Devil Choujin arc, where Mongolman would use his sweat to create a rain cloud that would rust and weaken Springman, allowing Mongolman to defeat him and leaving Kinnikuman to face Buffaloman alone. He returns in the Perfect Origin arc, though he did not face a Perfect Large Number from the first wave. He later fights the Perfect Large Number Grim Reaper, until the match escalates to a tag team with the addition of Buffaloman and Turboman. He was able to kill Turboman before breaking apart from his injuries. Springman is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka.



See: Buffaloman

Six Devil Knights


The Six Devil Knights are a higher ranking group of Devil Choujins, They steal the Golden Mask, a sacred relic of the Kinniku clan, creating impostor masks and forcing Kinnikuman to use its sibling relic the Silver Mask to find the genuine Golden Mask. The theft of the Golden Mask sapped the power of the Justice Choujins, initially rendering all of them but Kinnikuman unable to fight. After Sneagator and Planetman's defeat, the rest of the Devil Knights retreat to Warsman's body, initiating the Five Story Ring battle in order to save Warsman. In the Perfect Choujin arc, they each fight a member of the Perfect Origin to obtain their Origin Dumbbell, with varying degrees of success. Each of the Devil Knights represent a different "Hell", themed to their character and signature moves.



Sneagator (スニゲーター) is an alligator and sneaker themed Choujin. He was the first opponent that Kinnikuman fought in the Golden Mask Arc.He represents the "Gator Hell", with the ability of turning inanimate objects into various reptiles, although this is eventually revealed to be an illusion. He is also able to shape-shift into various reptilian forms, such as a turtle or a frilled lizard. His true form is the foot of a Tyrannosaurus. Kinnikuman was able to defeat him, but not before he poisoned Kinnikuman, necessitating Wolfman to sacrifice himself to restore Kinnikuman. In the Perfect Origin arc, Sneagator faces one of the Perfect Origin, Ganman, but he was defeated. His grandson is Maxman, one of the villains in the earlier parts of Kinnikuman Nisei. He is voiced by Issei Futamata.



Planetman is a planet-themed Choujin. His body is made up of the nine planets of the solar system with his head being the legendary 12th planet Vulcan. Representing "Space Hell", he fights with a variety of space and planet-themed moves. He also possesses a technique called Demon Face, which manifests the faces of Kinnikuman's allies all over his body, causing Kinnikuman to hesitate harming him. Ultimately, Kinnikuman was able to triumph over Planetman by punching through Warsman's face, severely harming Warsman in the process. In the Perfect Origin arc, Planetman faces the Perfect Origin Psychoman, but is killed when Psychoman is unfazed by Planetman's Demon Face technique. He is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka.



Junkman (ジャンクマン) is a Choujin with giant crushing plates as hands, resembling a trash compactor. He represents the "Bloodbath Hell", as his spiked crushing plates would cause his foes to gush blood. He is also able to protrude spikes from his chest, as well as conjuring a face at the back of his head. He fought Robin Mask during the Five-Story Ring battle within Warsman's body. Although he was powerful enough to shatter Robin's sapphire-made armor, Robin eventually defeated him with the Reverse Tower Bridge. In the Perfect Origin arc, Junkman fights Painman, who he is able to defeat by making his air bags more susceptible to popping by heating the air with his Junk Crush. He then claims Painman's Wind Dumbbell. His voice actor is Kazuhiko Kishino.

The Ninja


The Ninja is a ninja Choujin, employing various ninjutsu techniques such as the "Scorching Hell", where he uses fireballs as mini-suns to scorch an incapacitated opponent. He fought Brocken Jr. during the Five-Story Ring within Warsman's body. Although he had the advantage throughout the fight, Brocken won in the end, with The Ninja impaled on Junkman's spikes. The Ninja turned up alive and became a member of Team Soldier during the Scramble for the Throne arc. He fought Satan Cross and was killed by his Triangle Dreamer, but was brought back to life along with the rest of Team Soldier by Kinnikuman's Face Flash. In the Perfect Origin arc, The Ninja fights and defeats Crowman, and later presents Crowman's Dark Dumbbell to Akuma Shogun. In the Ultimate Muscle dub, The Ninja is renamed Ninja Ned. The Ninja's voice actor is Masashi Hirose.



Ashuraman is a six-armed, three-faced Devil Choujin, based on the Asura. He is a prince of the demon realm, providing a villainous parallel to Kinnikuman. When he loses an arm, he is able to steal a deceased Choujin's arms to replace it. He represents "Tornado Hell", as he is able to throw small tornadoes using his arms. Ashuraman fights Terryman and even steals the latter's arms, but Terryman was able to fight him to a standstill, resulting in a tie by double count-out. Since he survives this match, Ashuraman would fight Kinnikuman before the latter fights Akuma Shogun, and Kinnikuman was able to defeat him after finding the Ashura Buster's weakness. He teams up with Sunshine for the Dream Choujin Tag tournament, creating cursed dolls to steal the Idol Choujins' friendship power. Eventually, they are defeated by Kinnikuman and the 2nd Kinnikuman Great, but not before having a change of heart due to being touched by Sunshine's empathy. During the Scramble for the Throne arc, he joins Team Soldier, and later he fights Satan Cross, revealed to be his old teacher, to a draw. He sacrifices himself to allow Kinnikuman to face Super Phoenix, but was restored to life with the rest of Team Soldier by Kinnikuman's Face Flash. In the Perfect Origins arc, he fights Justiceman, but was outclassed and defeated, with his arms and faces destroyed. He returns in Kinnikuman Nisei as a major villain of the Demon Seed arc. He is voiced by Daisuke Gori.



Sunshine is a large Choujin made out of sand. His technique "Sand Hell" allows him to break down into sand and trap opponents, and he is also able to transform into other forms, such as a top or an arch. He fought Geronimo during the Five Story Ring battle within Warsman's unconscious body. Though he nearly killed Geronimo, he was ultimately defeated by his Apache War Cry technique after his weakness was discovered to be loud noises. Later, in the Dream Choujin Tag arc, he and Ashuraman plot to steal the Friendship Power of the Justice Choujins using Cursed Dolls. They enact their plan during the Dream Tag Tournament, where they compete as the Stray Devil Choujin Combo. After they are defeated by Kinnikuman and Kinnikuman Great during the semi-finals they repent, but Sunshine is killed by Neptuneman. He returns in the Perfect Origin arc, fighting the Perfect Origin Thingman. He defeats Thingman by using his Disc Cutters against him, claiming his Star Dumbbell. He would later insert the remaining Origin's Dumbbells onto the dial at the Choujin Graveyard at Akuma Shogun's behest. He is based on the Sunshine 60 Building in Tokyo. Sunshine is voiced by Masaharu Sato.

Akuma Shogun


Akuma Shogun is the final antagonist of the Golden Mask arc. He is initially portrayed as the leader of the Devil Knights and Devil Choujins as a whole, whose body is formed by the fusion of the Devil Knights. In truth, Akuma Shogun is actually Goldman himself, a Choujin God and the original form of the Golden Mask prior to being decapitated. He had made a deal with Satan in order to regain a body so that he may settle his feud with Silverman. Akuma Shogun is capable of hardening and softening his body at will, as well as possessing the Hell's Nine Point Seal technique, a 9-part move which seals off various body parts of the opponent. Kinnikuman was able to defeat him with his new finisher the Kinniku Driver, and he subsequently realizes his folly and fuses with the Silver Mask. In the Perfect Origin arc, Akuma Shogun returns in a larger role, where it is revealed that he was originally Perfect First: Goldman, one of the Perfect Origin. He resurrects his Devil Choujins and instigates a war between Devil Choujins and Perfect Choujins. He intended to collect all of the Dumbbells held by the Perfect Origin in order to definitively end the Perfect Origins' immortal life, but fails to do so due to Psychoman's interference. At the climax of the arc, Akuma Shogun faces Strong the Budo, who is in truth the Choujin Enma, and defeats him, ending the war with the Devil Choujins' victory. He is voiced by Yonehiko Kitagawa.

Perfect Choujin


The Perfect Choujin (完璧超人 Kanpeki Chōjin) are a group of Choujin, being the very first faction created. They possess godlike strength and transcend emotions, and as a result look down upon all other Choujin with contempt, deeming them inferior. They have several strict rules, such as to never turn one's back towards the enemy or that defeat is punishable by death. During the Dream Choujin Tag arc, a group of Perfect Choujins infiltrate the tournament in order to hunt the masks of the competitors, in preparation of a full scale Perfect Choujin army invasion.

Screw Kid


Screw Kid (スクリューキッド) is a screw-themed Perfect Choujin who served Big the Budo. He and Kendaman crashed the tag championships, quickly defeating Brocken Jr. and Wolfman. However, they lost their next match against Buffaloman and Mongolman. Fearing death for his failure, Screw Kid attacked Big the Budō to try to save his own life but was crumbled to dust by his master's power. He had the power to extend sharp drill bits from his hands and knees. He is voiced by Kaneto Shiozawa.



Kendaman (ケンダマン) is Screw Kid's partner, and a fellow Perfect Choujin. His special ability is to use his head (attached to one wrist by a chain) as a smashing weapon. In their combination attack he would jump on top of Screw Kid as they came down and use his massive weight to drive Screw Kid's spike deeper into their victims. After losing to Buffaloman and Mongolman, he tried to run away but was caught and killed by Neptuneman. Renamed "Mace" in the Ultimate Muscle dub. He is voiced by Masashi Hirose.



Neptuneman is introduced as the leader of the Perfect Choujins. His appearance and mannerisms are explicitly based on Hulk Hogan. Neptuneman employs the Magnet Power that Big the Budo also uses, most notably for their tag team attack Cross Bomber, which is a double clothesline enhanced by Magnet Power that is the pair's primary means of harvesting the masks of Choujins. Upon his debut, Robin Mask correctly recognizes him as Quarrelman, Robin Mask's old rival who had outclassed him in the 20th Choujin Olympics selections. Quarrelman had became dissatisfied by the lack of contenders when he encounters Neptune King, who bequeaths to him the Neptune Mask and dubs him the Perfect Choujin Neptuneman. Neptuneman and Big the Budo would be defeated by Kinnikuman and Terryman at the climax of the Dream Choujin Tag arc, where he realizes the hypocrisy of Big the Budo and sacrifices himself to stave off the Perfect Choujin invasion. He reappears in the Scramble for the Throne arc under the disguise The Samurai, being on the run from Omegaman for having cheated death. He assists Kinnikuman in his fight against Team Super Phoenix. In the Perfect Origin arc, Neptuneman was branded a traitor for signing the peace treaty of the three factions. Despite this he remained loyal to the Perfect Choujin ideal, though he believes that it has been corrupted and is in need of a reform. He is voiced by Kazuhiko Kishino.

Big the Budo


Big the Budo is Neptuneman's tag partner, taking the appearance of a giant bogu-clad warrior. He has mastery over an ability called Magnet Power, which allows him to attract or repel metallic objects, as well as his partner Neptuneman. Magnet Power is derived from the earth itself, and Kinnikuman would eventually be able to seal it off by closing an Apollo Window, a conduit to their power. Neptuneman and Big the Budo enters the Dream Choujin Tag tournament as the Hell Missionaries, with the express purpose of hunting down the masks of the greatest Justice Choujins. During the finals, His true identity is revealed to be that of the true Perfect Choujin Don, Neptune King (ネプチューンキング), who had given Neptuneman his Neptune Mask, in truth being his superior instead of the other way around. He along with Neptuneman are defeated by Kinnikuman and Terryman by Muscle Docking. This shatters his Neptune Mask, revealing an emaciated elderly face, and Neptune King succumbs to his injuries shortly afterwards. He is voiced by Yonehiko Kitagawa.

Five Fated Princes


Feeling threatened by Kinnikuman's Burning Inner Strength, the 5 Evil Choujin Gods hatch a plot to prevent Kinnikuman from taking the Kinniku throne.They each grant power and control 5 different Choujins who had all been born on the same date as Kinnikuman, and who due to a hospital mishap could plausibly be the true heir to the Kinniku throne, thus creating the Five Fated Princes. The five stakes their claim on the Kinniku throne, and a royal survival series is held to decide the true heir among the five and Kinnikuman. In the True Devil Choujin arc, they are called upon by the Evil Gods once more to combat the invading Omega Centauri's Six Spears.

Kinnikuman Mariposa


Kinnikuman Mariposa is a luchador-themed Choujin with many high flying, acrobatic maneuvers. Originally known as George the Thief, he turned to a life of crime due to his impoverished upbringing. While living as a thief, he stole the Robin Family heirloom the Anoalo Sceptre, an item capable of controlling flames, and this gave him pyrokinetic abilities. George was chosen by the God of Flight (飛翔の神 Hishou no Kami) to become Kinnikuman Mariposa. At the survival series, Kinnikuman Mariposa's team fought the true Kinnikuman and his allies in the first round in Kumamoto Castle. Mariposa ended up fighting Robin Mask himself, making use of the stolen staff. He was stunned by a beam from a temple on Planet Kinniku when he tried to use a fake Muscle Revenger, a sacred technique used by the Kinniku Royal family, and was ultimately beaten by Robin's Robin Special. He returns in the True Devil Choujin arc, facing Hailman in Bran castle. He showcases a newfound mastery over fire despite lacking the Anoalo Sceptre, and he defeats Hailman with a refined version of his fake Muscle Revenger. In the anime he is voiced by Masaharu Satou, and George the Thief is voiced by Sho Hayami.

The Hawkman

A birdman-themed Choujin, and the advance guard of Team Mariposa. The hawk upon his head is a separate organism who can attack in tandem with The Hawkman, as well as transform into other avians such as an owl. The Hawkman also posseses the ability to camouflage with his surroundings. He is defeated by Kinnikuman's Kinniku Driver.

Mister VTR

Mister VTR (ミスターVTR) is a camera-type Robo Choujin, and the second guard of Team Mariposa. He uses various video-related techniques, such as pausing and shrinking a foe as one would a video. While posing as a relay camera he records the fight between Kinnikuman and The Hawkman and afterwards fights and loses to Kinnikuman. However, after his defeat and right before he dies he takes the footage he had recorded of the Kinniku Driver and edits it, contributing to Mixer Emperor's victory. He is voiced by Toshio Kobayashi.

Mixer Emperor

Mixer Emperor (ミキサー大帝 Mikisaa Taitei) is a blender-type Choujin, and Team Mariposa's center guard. With the assistance of the 5 Evil Gods, he is able to separate the Burning Inner Strength from Kinnikuman using his Power Separator. This greatly weakensKinnikuman for the majority of the rest of the arc. As a result of this and Mister VTR's assistance, he was able to defeat Kinnikuman. However, he doesn't notice when Kinnikuman removes one of his screws shortly before. Because of this, Meat is able to shatter him with a Back Drop. He is voiced by Yasuhiko Kawazu.

King the 100-Ton

King the 100-Ton (キング・ザ・100トン King Za Hyaku Ton) is a weight-type Choujin, acting as the second-in-command of Team Mariposa. He possesses a 100 Ton metal body, making him the heaviest Chōjin in the series. His weight body is divided into different parts, allowing him to adjust his weight according to the situation in fights. His body can also transform into iron balls, barbells, and other things, but this requires images from the outside (special cards with a picture of the object on it). He overwhelms Meat with his weight but Terryman takes advantage of his transformations by causing his molecules to rearrange so he can shatter his body with his Calf Branding. However, after the match, he uses the last bit of his power to knock out Terryman, making the match end in a draw. He is voiced by Kazuo Oka.

Kinnikuman Big Body


Kinnikuman Big Body is a Choujin of great strength and stature, being the physically largest and strongest amongst the Fated Princes. Originally Strongman, he was chosen by the God of Strength (強力の神 Gouriki no Kami) to become Kinnikuman Big Body. His team fights Team Super Phoenix in the first round at Aizuwakamatsu Castle, where the majority of his team is defeated by Team Super Phoenix's Mammothman alone. Big Body would face Super Phoenix himself, and despite his large size, is instantly defeated by Super Phoenix's proper rendition of the Muscle Revenger, a Kinniku Royal family sacred technique. Big Body returns in the True Devil Choujin arc, where he fights the Omega Centaurian Choujin Gear Master at the Forbidden City. Big Body was able to redeem his brutal loss, defeating Gear Master and showcasing his finisher, the Maple Leaf Clutch. He is voiced by Masato Hirano.


A choujin with pliers for a head and forearms. He is the advance guard of Team Big Body. He is defeated by Mammothman. Pinchman is voiced by Takko Ishimori.


Leopardon is a Choujin based on a Leopard Tank, and the second guard of Team Big Body. He is swiftly defeated by Mammothman in a single strike.


Golemman is a golem-themed Choujin, and the center guard of Team Big Body. He is defeated by Mammothman.


Cannonballer is the second-in-command of Team Big Body. He fights Mammothman to a draw when they both simultaneously clotheline each other, but it is immediately revealed that Mammothman lost on purpose so that Super Phoenix can fight Big Body.

Kinnikuman Zebra


Kinnikuman Zebra is one of the Five Fated Princes from the Scramble from the Throne arc. His name comes from the zebra-stripe pattern covering his body. Originally Powerfulman, he grew up in Africa, where he worked as a farmer to earn money to buy his way into the Choujin Society. His only friend during this period of his life was his pet zebra Zebra Kid. When he went to gain admission by offering the money he had earned, he was denied but then offered admission if he killed Kid. He did so and from then on, he trusted only those who live for money. He was chosen by the God of Technique (技巧の神 Gikou no Kami), turning him into Kinnikuman Zebra. He organizes Team Zebra by hiring various choujins and paying them large sums of money. They fought against Team Kinnikuman at Himeji Castle. Zebra is usually a clean fighter (White Form), but when he steps into Parthenon's shadow his stripes cover most of his body and his brutal side emerges (Black Form). He is able to do the Muscle Inferno, one of the sacred techniques of the Kinniku clan, but it was revealed that it is an incomplete version, allowing Kinnikuman to escape the move and defeat Zebra. He returns in the True Devil Choujin arc, fighting Mariquitaman at Castel del Monte, and despite reconciling his two forms and completing the Muscle Inferno, he is defeated nonetheless. He is voiced by Hirohiko Kakegawa.

The Vice

The Vice (ザ・マンリキ Za Manriki) is the advance guard of Team Zebra. As his name indicates, he is a Choujin with a scramble vice protruding from his shoulders which he uses to crush opponents. It is powerful enough to crush steel and diamond and can also grow from areas other than his shoulders.He dominates Meat but then faces the recently revived Warsman. At first Warsman forgets his fighting style and is overwhelmed, but he is eventually defeated with the Palo Special. He is voiced by Masaharu Satou.


Motorman (モーターマン) is the sentient Choujin power source for Robo Choujin Bikeman as well as the second guard of Team Zebra. He has a very simple design with a drill-shaped head, batteries for hands and feet, and a motor body. He easily dominated Terryman, but he revived Ramenman's fighting intuition and was ripped in half by the Camel Clutch. Zebra later admits his role in the team is primarily to support Bikeman. He is voiced by Yasuhiko Kawazu.


Bikeman (バイクマン Baikuman) is a Machine Choujin the form of a motorbike and served as Kinnikuman Zebra's Center Guard. At first, he was called Riderman (ライダーマン), but a character with the same name appeared in Kamen Rider V3, so it was changed to Bikeman. He is usually shaped like a normal human, but he can transform into the shape of an autobike. Ramenman disguised himself as Bikeman before making his debut in the Scramble for the Throne arc, and subsequently faces the real Bikeman after defeating Motorman. Ramenman defeats him with the Kowloon Wall Drop. He is voiced by Masato Hirano.


Parthenon (パルテノン) is a Choujin modeled after the real-life temple Parthenon. His shadow has the power to bring out Zebra's brutal personality. His entire body is made up of sculptures. Thousands of dead creatures are inside his temple body, and his pillars are filled with methane gas. He was paid a large sum of money to join Team Zebra, and when he is defeated this money was scattered throughout the arena. In the last match of the semifinals, he teamed up with Zebra in a Tag Match against Kinnikuman and Robin Mask. He trapped Robin inside his pillars with his "Body Petrification Trap", but Robin escaped using the Anoaro Staff. He then broke Parthenon in half with his Tower Bridge and finished him off with the Robin Special. He is voiced by Masaharu Satou.

Kinnikuman Soldier


Kinnikuman Soldier was first introduced as an army-themed Choujin named Soldierman who was chosen by the God of Brutality to become Kinnikuman Soldier. However, the Kinnikuman Soldier who appears for the majority of the series is actually Ataru Kinniku, Kinnikuman's long lost older brother. Ataru had walked out of the Kinniku clan after becoming fed up of his spartan training. During the Scramble for the Throne arc, he kills the original Kinnikuman Soldier and takes his place. Ataru then gathers a team consisting of Brocken Jr., Buffaloman, The Ninja and Ashuraman, forming the Choujin Blood Brigade (超人血盟軍, Choujin Ketsumeigun). His goal is to show Kinnikuman the True Friendship Power, in order for Kinnikuman to be able to face Super Phoenix. His identity was only made public during his fight with Super Phoenix at Nagoya Castle; however, Super Phoenix would burn his page on the Muscle Prophecy Book, which causes him to slowly fade out of existence. Before fading completely, he shows Kinnikuman his version of the Muscle Spark, allowing Kinnikuman to develop the perfected Muscle Spark. His ashes would continue to assist Kinnikuman posthumously during his fight against Team Super Phoenix. Like the rest of Team Soldier, he is revived by Kinnikuman's Face Flash. Ataru fights with a mixture of his teammates' signature moves as well as his own original moves, such as the Napalm Stretch. He possesses a counterpart to Kinnikuman's Burning Inner Strength, called the Fiery Inner Strength. He is voiced by Shigeru Chiba.

Kinnikuman Super Phoenix


Kinnikuman Super Phoenix is the main antagonist of the Scramble for the Throne arc. Originally Phoenixman, he grew up poor, although he was intelligent. This eventually led him to despise Kinnikuman, who he perceived became renowned despite his perceive incompetence. On his mother's deathbed, he was told that he could potentially be the true heir to the Kinniku throne, and Phoenixman began to believe this as fact to a fanatical extent. He is then possessed by the God of Intelligence (知性の神 Chisei no Kami), becoming Kinnikuman Super Phoenix. Super Phoenix is able to perfectly execute the Muscle Revenger, one of the Kinniku clan's three sacred techniques. In the survivor series, his team defeats Team Big Body at Aizuwakamatsu Castle and Team Soldier at Nagoya Castle. The arc, and the original series as a whole, culminates with a showdown between him and Kinnikuman at Osaka Castle. Kinnikuman eventually defeats him with the Muscle Spark, claiming the Kinniku Throne. As prophesied in the Muscle Prophecy, Super Phoenix has a heart disease, which he succumbs to after his match. However, as with the other fallen Choujins throughout the arc, he is resurrected by Kinnikuman's Face Flash. During the True Devil Choujin Arc, Super Phoenix returns to fight Omegaman Aristera at Azuchi Castle, having rejected the God of Intelligence's offer to be possessed once again. He is voiced by Michihiro Ikemizu.


Mammothman is a hulking, mammoth-themed Choujin, and a member of Team Super Phoenix. He attacks with his brute strength, and employs his tusks and trunk in battle. He wipes out nearly the entirety of Team Big Body, before tying with Cannonballer so Super Phoenix could fight Big Body. When Team Super Phoenix fights Team Soldier, He fights Buffaloman, and the latter tries to take Mammothman down with him by diving into a canyon. However, Mammothman survives this ordeal, and burns Ataru Kinniku's page on the Muscle Prophecy Book, erasing him from existence. Prior to the finals, he ambushes Warsman, rendering him incapable of participating in the finals. He fights Robin Mask in the final, and as Robin Mask is disappearing, he is able to defeat Mammothman with the Ropework Tower Bridge. Mammothman's own page on the Muscle Prophecy book would be immolated, erasing him from existence. He is voiced by Masaharu Satou.

Satan Cross

Satan Cross appears as a four-armed Centaur Choujin with two faces. He employs Western Ninjutsu as his fighting style. The second face and set of arms and legs are able to separate and act independently from the main body, allowing tandem attacks such as the Triangle Dreamer. Satan Cross is soon revealed to be Samson Teacher, Ashuraman's kindhearted childhood instructor who attempted to teach the young prince empathy, and had seemingly sacrificed himself saving the young Ashuraman from some rapids. In truth, Samson Teacher had survived, but he had lost his legs. The God of Intelligence offered him the parasite Satan Cross, which would repair his mobility, in exchange for becoming his servant. Bitter at the loss of his legs, Samson Teacher accepts, becoming Satan Cross. He joins Team Super Phoenix to repay the God of Intelligence. While fighting Team Soldier, he fights and kills The Ninja, and subsequently ties with his former student Ashuraman. In the finals, Satan Cross was the advance guard, facing Kinnikuman. Kinnikuman was able to defeat him with a Complete Muscle Spark, destroying only the parasite's head and allowing Satan Cross to die as the kind-hearted Samson Teacher. He is voiced by Hidetoshi Nakamura.


Prisman is a prism Choujin who appeared as a member of Kinnikuman Super Phoenix's team during the survivor series.. Prisman's trademark technique is the deadly Rainbow Shower, where he channeled sunlight through his body into a beam that could destroy any Choujin's body. Prisman first demonstrated this on the defeated Kinnikuman Zebra's body, reducing him to a skeleton. Prisman first saw action in the ring in a six-man tag team match between Team Super Phoenix and Team Soldier. His head was shattered by Brocken Jr.'s Bremen Sunset, but he survives this ordeal. At the finals, Prisman fights Ramenman, who defeats Prisman by shattering his body into pieces with the Kowloon Wall Drop. He is voiced by Ken Yamaguchi, and later Ryouichi Tanaka.


Omegaman is a Perfect Choujin bounty hunter, tasked by the Choujin Enma to retrieve Choujins that had escaped from the Choujin Graveyard. He comes from the Omega Centauri star system. Omegaman's most distinguishing feature is the giant left hand upon his back, that he uses for various techniques. In addition, he is also able to transform into deceased Choujin, such as Sunshine, Screw Kid, and notably, Prince Kamehame. The Choujin Enma had tasked him to join Team Super Phoenix in order to capture Neptuneman, who had cheated death. Omegaman, along with Kinnikuman Super Phoenix, fights Kinnikuman and Neptuneman in a tag team match for the climax of the Scramble for the Throne arc. Although he was able to burn Neptuneman's page in the Muscle Prophecy book, erasing him from existence, Kinnikuman was able to defeat him with the Muscle Spark, and he in turn was erased from existence by having his page burned. During the True Devil Choujin arc, it is revealed that this Omegaman is actually Omegaman Dexia, with his right hand counterpart twin brother Omegaman Aristera playing a major antagonist role. Dexia had been sent to earth and joined the Perfect Choujins as a spy for the Omega Centaurians, but due to his death at the Scramble for the Throne finale, he was unable to return. Omegaman is voiced by Ken Yamaguchi.

Perfect Large Numbers


The Perfect Large Numbers are among the upper echelon of Perfect Choujins. Several days after the signing of the peace treaty, they invade earth with a declaration of war, denouncing that Neptune King's group of Perfect Choujins that had appeared during the Dream Choujin Tag arc were a renegade faction. Although they initially plan to fight the Justice Choujin, this plan was interrupted by the arrival of the Devil Choujins. Each of the Perfect Large Number has a moniker of the format "Perfect X", where X is a phrase that represents each Perfect Large Number.

Max Radial


Perfect Shredder Max Radial is a truck themed Choujin with giant shoulder tires and suspension legs. He shreds his opponents using the tires on his shoulders. He is the first Perfect Large Number fought. As all the other Idol Choujins are recuperating, Terryman is forced to fight Max Radial. Although he initially struggled against Max Radial due to his physical properties preventing Terryman from using his signature techniques, Terryman was able to defeat him with the Calf Branding once he destroys one of his shoulder tires.











Strong the Budo




Jack Faucet


Grim Reaper






Perfect Origin






















Choujin Enma


Omega Centauri's Six Spears






Gear Master






Omegaman Aristera
