Novels or short stories I've read, ordered alphabetically by author. See also my canon list of novels.
- The Winter Queen / Азазель
- The Turkish Gambit / Турецкий гамбит
- Leviathan / Левиафан
- The Death of Achilles / Смерть Ахиллеса
- The Jack of Spades / Пиковый валет
- The Decorator / Декоратор
- The State Counsellor / Статский советник
- Coronation, or the Last of the Romanovs / Коронация, или Последний из романов
- Altyn Tolobas
- Extracurricular Reading
- Eugene Onegin
- The Queen of Spades
- The Captain's Daughter
- The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin