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The article says that the Treuhandanstalt was criticised for closing off profitable businesses, but I thought that the reverse was the case.

The Treuhandanstalt was charged with privatising state-owned businesses, but because of the lack of investment, environmental damage, and the unrealistic exchange rate after the social and economic union, the businesses were forced to close; don't forget that many businesses were also over-staffed, due to the 'lack of unemployment' in the DDR.

Can anyone clear this up?? (RM21 01:14, 26 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

There are always supporters and opponents. In this case, some companies are supposed to be sold at less than fair value such as the (in Germany) prominent case of VEB Waermeanlagenbau which was still having orders, sales, and income due to an then still existing demand for their products. The fact that many businesses were over-staffed does not mean that there was no chance to restructure them reducing the number of employees. Unfortunately, I cannot find so many English sources for the background of this discussion. -- (talk) 22:38, 11 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]



I've stumbled upon this page looking for the "trustee" meaning of treuhand. Is there any way to expand upon other modern meanings of the word other than the company? I've been told that "treuhand" is a phrase for a loyal manager of assets. (talk) 20:10, 11 June 2008 (UTC)Anon[reply]

If you're talking about a person, this is 'Treuhänder'. -- (talk) 22:19, 11 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Erblast Als "Erblast" wird bezeichnet, was ohne zu tilgen an die naechste Generation weitergegeben wird

Die Eigentuemer der KFW IKB DEPFA BAYERNLB WESTLB LBBW HSW LANDESBANK BERLIN die Deutschen Sparkassen Deutsche Volksbanken Deutsche Kirchenbanken zahlen dem Direktkandidaten der CDU in NRW, wie GLOS SEEHOFER MERKEL BECKSSTEIN DIEPGEN LANDOWSKY SCHROEDER (KFW GLOS "CDU MANN") RUETTGERS MILBRADT 900.000 EURO in Zwei Jahren monatlich 45.000 EURO fur VITAMIN B.
Uebrigens ergeben die 18 Monate Ruettgersarbeitslosengeld und 18 Monate Kurzarbeitergeld 36 Monate (3 Jahre) staatlich bezahlten Arbeitslosenexistenz der Besserverdienenden Deutschen Arbeiterklasse (CSU CDU FDP Parteibuch Arbeiterklasse 900.000 Hessische Waehler 2009) auf Kosten aller, die wenig Steuern und wenig Sozialabgaben zahlen (Fresoer, Putzfrau, Nachtwaechter).
Nach allen internationalen Statistiken vor dem Regierungsantritt (verfuegbar bei Springer und de.wikipedia.org "Erblastentilgungsfond") von Helmut Kohl von CSU CDU FDP verfuegte die Deutsche Demokratische Republik ueber mehr als 9.000.000 Arbeitsplaetze 50% Maenner/ 50% Frauen und einer Auslandsverschuldung (nicht DDR Mark) von zirka Deutsche Mark.
Von diesen Arbeitsplaetzen waren durch die Kohlsche Waehrungsunion und Wirschaftsunion am 1.7.1990 wahrscheinlich nur 1.000.000 Arbeitsplaetze uebriggeblieben (Eigene wissenschaftliche Berechnungen).
In der Weltwirtschaftskrise von 1929 bis 1945 waren zeitweise von 36.000.000 Deutschen im Deutschen Reich 6.000.000 Arbeitslos.
Es luegt also der FDP Parteivorsitzende Westerwelle und die CDU Parteivorsitzende Merkel im Deutschen Bundestag/ CDU Parteitag 2008 (oder wurden diese internationalen Statistiken vor 3.10.1990 schon im Bundeskanzleramt geloescht?). —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:47, 29 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
What is the point of this section? -- (talk) 09:45, 13 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Garbage! -- (talk) 18:07, 24 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]