Main public logs
This is a combined display of all logs except the patrol, review, tag and thanks logs:
- Who performed the action – enter their name without prefix under "Performer".
- The page or user affected by an action – enter the page or user name (prefixed with "User:") under "Target".
- 18:07, 18 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:LorenzCoordinatesBig.png (Created with Mathematica and Illustrator)
- 22:27, 16 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:LorenzCoordinatesSmall.jpg (Created with Mathematica)
- 22:24, 16 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:TwoLorenzOrbitsSmall.jpg (Created with Mathematica and POV-Ray)
- 22:17, 16 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:TwoLorenzOrbits.jpg (Created by XaosBits using Mathematica and POV-Ray {{cc-by-2.5}})
- 00:18, 6 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:RiemannIntegration.png (Created with Illustrator)
- 21:40, 5 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:FunctionalIntegration.png
- 15:59, 4 March 2006 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:VanDerPolPhaseSapce.png (Van de Pol phase portrait. Created with Mathematica and touched up with Illutrator.)
- 03:11, 30 June 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:LinearFields.png (Different linear vector fields. Created with Mathematica and Illustrator. I used the Mathematica packages CurvesGraphics.nb by [ Gianluca Gorni] and the DrawGraphics.nb by [
- 16:09, 21 May 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:HMstrips.png (The two basic domains of the horseshoe map.)
- 15:38, 21 May 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Foldings2.png
- 15:32, 21 May 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Action.png
- 15:31, 21 May 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Action.png
- 04:49, 4 April 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Action.png
- 04:47, 4 April 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Action.png
- 15:11, 3 April 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Invariant.png (Approximation of the invariant set of the Horseshoe map)
- 04:08, 31 March 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Foldings2.png
- 05:05, 23 March 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:DifferentHS.png (Variants of the horseshoe map)
- 03:29, 23 March 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Action.png
- 14:15, 20 March 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:Action.png (Geometric actions of the Smale horseshoe)
- 06:19, 7 February 2005 XaosBits talk contribs uploaded File:HenonMapImage.png (Henon Attractor)