Wikidata:WikiProject Chess/Lists/IM/1993

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?start_time WHERE { ?item p:P2962 ?statement. ?statement ps:P2962 wd:Q752119; pq:P580 ?start_time. FILTER (?start_time >= "1993-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . FILTER (?start_time < "1994-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . }
portrait name gender country federation date of birth date of death FIDE player ID
Bernal Gonzalez Acosta male Costa Rica Costa Rica 1973-06-10 6500170
Yochanan Afek male Israel Israel 1952-04-16 2800462
Gamil Agamaliev male Turkey
Turkey 1974-08-31 13400215
Esam Aly Ahmed male 1964-03-31 2003-10-27 10600302
Ahmed Al-Khateeb male Syria 1954-01-20 7600070
Aleksej Aleksandrov male Belarus Belarus 1973-05-11 13500139
Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant female United Kingdom
Scotland 1968-07-19 13600168
Valentin Arbakov male Q159
Soviet Union
Soviet Union
1952-01-28 2003-11-30 4100620
Maurice Ashley male United States United States 1966-03-06 2001012
Boris Avrukh male Israel
Israel 1978-02-10 2803895
Giorgi Bagaturov male Georgia Georgia 1964-11-28 13600133
Constantin Baluta male Romania 1949-12-29 1201204
Cerdas Barus male Indonesia Indonesia 1962-01-01 7100094
Christian Bauer male France France 1977-01-11 603767
Günther Beikert male Germany Germany 1968-07-16 4614186
Ferenc Berebora male Hungary Hungary 1966-03-31 701432
Alexander Berelovich male Ukraine
Soviet Union
Germany 1967-07-02 14101440
Fred Berend male Luxembourg Luxembourg 1965-03-25 4000102
Sergej Berezjuk male Czech Republic 1960-02-10 312614
Anatolij Bets male Moldova 1966-03-29 13900447
Michael Bezold male Germany Germany 1972-05-23 4601718
Reefat Bin-Sattar male Bangladesh Bangladesh 1974-07-25 10200207
Richard Biolek male Czech Republic 1970-09-29 300756
Jörg Blauert male Germany Germany 1964-11-27 4600819
Giulio Borgo male Italy Italy 1967-05-13 800180
Vladislav Borovikov male Ukraine Soviet Union
1973-08-10 14102811
Michail Brodsky male Ukraine
Soviet Union
Soviet Union
1969-03-27 14100932
Vladimir Burmakin male Q159 Q159 1967-06-06 4105109
Rolands Bērziņš male Latvia Latvia 1975-01-14 11600357
Harald Casagrande male Austria 1968-02-09 1600150
Alexander Cherniaev male Q159
Soviet Union
1969-08-26 4117301
Vadim Chernov male Romania 1963-04-23 1210629
Konstantin Chernyshov male Q159
Soviet Union
Soviet Union
1967-06-11 4117328
Vladimir Chubar male Ukraine
Soviet Union
1949-04-28 14101491
Robert Ciemniak male Poland Poland 1975-01-13 1105620
Daniel Contin male Italy Italy 1962-03-25 803618
Sergey Daniliuk male Q159 1966-08-22 4115902
Tomas Darcyl male Argentina 1964-11-28 100404
Dionisio Aldama Degurnay male Mexico
Richard K. Delaune male United States 1954-12-24 2004-05-29 2001284
Kong Liang Deng male United States
People's Republic of China
1965-11-23 2013746
Anatoly Donchenko male Germany Germany 1940-09-25 4106091
Igor Drozdov male Q159 1968-04-07 4126270
Oleg Dzyuban male Soviet Union Kazakhstan 1950-07-24 2022-12-07 13700197
Nguyễn Anh Dũng male Vietnam Vietnam 1976-03-17 12400025
Daniel Edelman male United States 1969-02-28 2000660
Jorge Egger male Chile Chile 1974-10-26 3400182
Oleg Eismont male Q159 Q159 1963-09-08 4103602
Peter Enders male Germany
German Democratic Republic
Germany 1963-02-02 4611314
Thomas Engqvist male Sweden Sweden 1963-12-06 1700332
Patrice Etchegaray male France France 1969-04-13 601047
Vadim Faibisovich male Q159
Soviet Union
Q159 1944-05-08 4102703
Imre Fancsy male Hungary 1974-05-09 701327
Alexander Finkel male Israel Israel 1975-01-01 2801957
Hung Fioramonti male Switzerland 1966-08-18 1300202
Vasilij Gagarin male Soviet Union
Soviet Union
1960-11-30 2023-02-27 4103610
Aleksey Gavrilov male Soviet Union
Q159 1960-10-20 4104358
Gabriel Georgescu male Romania 1953-03-07 1200682
David Gluckman male South Africa South Africa 1966-05-27 14300010
Vitali Golod male Soviet Union
Israel 1971-06-23 2804140
Alexej Gorbatov male Q159 1961-06-07 4111834
Mirosław Grabarczyk male Poland Poland 1971-01-03 1101684
Eduard Grinshpun male Soviet Union
1965-12-12 4167554
Gilberto Hernández Guerrero male Mexico Mexico 1970-02-04 5100011
Sarhan Guliev male Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 1968-04-01 13400231
Jesper Hall male Sweden Sweden
1971-07-15 1700707
Sune Berg Hansen male Kingdom of Denmark Denmark 1971-04-21 1400266
Ronen Har-Zvi male Israel Israel 1976-10-13 2801485
Sayed Barakat Hassan male Egypt 1966-05-18 10600299
Maher Himdan male Egypt 1961-02-18 10600221
Imre Horvath male Hungary 1956-10-30 2014 700762
Đào Thiên Hải male Vietnam Vietnam 1978-05-10 12400084
Nana Ioseliani female Soviet Union
Georgia 1962-02-12 13600079
Alexey Ivanov male Q159 1969 4104790
Timur Ivanov male Q159 1969-03-18 4115350
Victor L Ivanov male Soviet Union Q159
Soviet Union
1969-01-30 4106148
Bjorgvin Jonsson male Iceland 1964-03-17 2300125
Evarth Kahn male Hungary 1972-02-02 703257
Amanmurad Kakageldyev male Turkmenistan
Soviet Union
1949-12-28 14000024
Evgenij Kalegin male Soviet Union
Q159 1954-09-06 4103416
Nikolaos Kalesis male Greece 1970-07-31 4200438
Aleksandr Karpatchev male Soviet Union
Q159 1967-05-25 4117182
Alexander Kaspi male Israel 1964-05-21 2802910
Dmitry Kayumov male Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1949-02-28 2021-07-28 14200090
Bazar Khatanbaatar male Q711 Q711 1973-02-25 4900332
Kalle Kiik male Estonia Estonia 1963-02-10 4500075
Hans Klarenbeek male Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 1965-06-09 1000500
Martin Klebel male Germany 1966-05-13 4600843
Andreas Kofidis male Greece 1964-09-19 4200217
Varugeese Koshy male India 1958-10-03 2024-05-08 5000114
Pavel Kotsur male Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1974-01-03 13700278
Ilias Kourkounakis male Greece 1960-12-05 4200080
Predrag Kovacevic male Serbia 1960-09-06 901180
Oleg Kozlov male Q159 1960-09-27 4104544
Oleg Krivonosov male Latvia Latvia 1961-05-11 11600349
Dharshan Kumaran male United Kingdom England 1975-06-07 401978
Daniel Rivera Kuzawka male Uruguay Uruguay 1959-06-29 3000052
Mario Leskovar male Argentina 1950-10-12 100617
Carsten Lingnau male Germany 1969-04-15 4607392
Timotheos Lirindzakis male Greece 1960-09-16 4200381
Alexander V Lisenko male Q159 1951-06-14 4104552
Valery Lisik male Q159 1964 4101596
Eran Liss male Israel Israel 1975-07-02 2800721
Guillermo Llanos male Argentina 1961-09-14 100358
Stefan Löffler male Germany 1968-07-03 4603257
Jens-Uwe Maiwald male Germany
German Democratic Republic
Germany 1974-05-06 4612396
Andrey Makarov male Soviet Union
Q159 1954-07-22 4117174
Vasilij Malyshev male Q159 1962-06-17 4105346
Stephen R Mannion male Scotland 1964 2400111
Alisa Marić female Serbia
Serbia and Montenegro
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Serbia 1970-01-10 904180
Miroslav Marković male Serbia Serbia 1973-05-08 901504
Tomasz Markowski male Poland Poland 1975-07-30 1105680
Martin Martens male Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 1970-03-10 1000683
Viesturs Meijers male Latvia Latvia 1967-12-05 2024-11-09 11600314
Gyula Meszaros male Hungary 1967-06-08 701653
Nils Michaelsen male Germany 1967-06-07 4603028
Jozef Michenka male Czech Republic 1955-09-21 2022-04-20 301175
Normunds Miezis male Latvia Latvia
Soviet Union
1971-05-11 11600136
Alexander Mikhalevski male Israel Israel 1958-03-11 2801728
Victor Mikhalevski male Belarus
Israel 1972-07-08 2801914
Vojislav Milanovic male Serbia 1961-09-23 905046
Leonid Milov male Germany Germany 1966-02-06 14101068
Alexey Mitenkov male Q159 1961-03-08 4103874
Gabriel Miulescu male Romania 1949-07-20 1200690
Evgeny Mochalov male Belarus
Soviet Union
Belarus 1951-10-29 13500074
Alexander Moroz male Ukraine
Soviet Union
Soviet Union
1961-01-18 2009-01-17 14100509
Alexander Morozevich male Q159 Q159 1977-07-18 4116992
Karen Movsziszian male Armenia Armenia 1963-01-06 13301152
Eldar Mukhametov male Q159 1969-05-21 4102746
Sergey Nadyrhanov male Q159 Q159
1963-09-28 4135830
Evgeniy Najer male Q159 Q159 1977-06-22 4118987
Tigran Nalbandian male Armenia Armenia 1975-06-05 13300245
Vlastimil Nedela male Czech Republic 1972-09-21 303259
Mikhail Nedobora male Ukraine 1970-05-03 14101122
Zoltan Nemeth male Hungary 1959-10-20 700657
Dejan Nestorovic male Serbia 1964-08-06 904279
Vladimir Nevostrujev male Q159 Q159 1966-05-25 4114345
Aleksander Nikitin male Soviet Union
Q159 1935-01-27 2022-06-05 4103173
Maksim Notkin male Soviet Union
Q159 1963-12-11 4114914
Augusto Moran Nuque male Ecuador 1979-10-04 3600025
Tom O'Donnell male Canada 1965-01-20 2600064
Alexander Obukhov male Q159 Q159 1969-04-17 4108442
Alexander Onischuk male United States United States
Soviet Union
1975-09-03 14101025
Pavle Orlov male Serbia 1953-07-17 901113
Milan Orsag male Czech Republic 1964-01-08 300853
Nikola Ostojic male Serbia 1972-05-29 904287
Peter Panzer male Germany Germany 1963-12-29 4604504
Jonathan Parker male United Kingdom
England 1976-05-19 400580
Steffen Pedersen male Kingdom of Denmark Denmark 1974-11-27 2023-11-23 1401491
Nikolay Peregudov male Kazakhstan 1962 13700260
Karen Petrosian male Armenia 13300687
Dieter Pirrot male Germany 1964-10-30 4601157
Dirk Poldauf male Germany Germany 1965-09-16 4611470
Aleksandr Poluljahov male Q159 Soviet Union
1965-06-06 4112849
Rainer Polzin male Germany Germany 1971-02-13 4610741
Nikolai Pushkov male Q159
Soviet Union
Q159 1946-11-26 4117131
Robert Rabiega male Germany Germany 1971-02-01 4601475
Evgeni Ragozin male Q159 1967-06-06 4106849
Yehya Rahman male Egypt 1963-02-27 10600264
Ziaur Rahman male Bangladesh Bangladesh 1974-05-01 2024-07-05 10200037
Vivek Rao male United States 1970-10-09 2000989
Vitezslav Rasik male Czech Republic Czech Republic 1973-11-07 300306
Dimitri Reinderman male Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 1972-08-12 1001302
Julio Becerra Rivero male Cuba United States
1973-10-15 3501728
Darius Ruželė male Lithuania Lithuania 1968-04-27 12800104
Alexander Ryskin male Belarus
Soviet Union
1963-01-12 13500473
Gennadij Sagalchik male United States United States 1969-04-22 2007916
Srdjan Sale male Croatia 1963-09-15 14500760
Spartaco Sarno male Italy Italy 1964-12-27 800120
Roland Schmaltz male Germany Germany 1974-11-15 4614054
Peter Schmidt male Germany 1969-09-02 4601017
Rodrigo Vásquez Schroder male Chile Chile 1969-12-06 3400042
Michael Schwarz male Austria
1971-07-22 4612060
Georg Seul male Germany Germany 1963-05-29 4601653
Gustavo Rafael Hernandez Sevillano male Dominican Republic 1970-12-11 6400132
Andrei Shchekachev male Soviet Union
1972-10-27 4107730
Yury Shulman male United States United States 1975-04-29 13500520
Andrei Shuraev male Q159 1964-01-13 4115295
Roman Skomorokhin male Q159 1969-02-25 2019-12-18 4112610
Roman Slobodjan male Germany Germany 1975-01-01 4617347
Hugo Spangenberg male Argentina Argentina 1975-11-22 101966
Yaroslav Srokovski male Germany Ukraine 1961-08-11 14100479
Nikolaus Stanec male Austria Austria 1968-04-29 1601776
Branko Stanojevic male Serbia 1943-01-03 2020-07-15 902560
Alexander Stripunsky male Ukraine
United States
United States 1970-08-18 2015315
Oleksandr Sulypa male Ukraine Ukraine 1972-06-03 14100487
Khvicha Supatashvili male Georgia 1969-03-31 13600664
Emil Sutovsky male Israel
Soviet Union
Israel 1977-09-19 2802007
Tamaz Tabatadze male Georgia
Soviet Union
1968-03-30 13600214
Từ Hoàng Thông male Vietnam Vietnam 1972-06-22 12400076
Vladislav Tkachiev male France
Soviet Union
France 1973-11-09 618438
Christian Endre Toth male Brazil 1968-02-26 2100339
Pavel Tregubov male Q159
Q159 1971-12-21 4115341
Joan Mellado Triviño male Andorra
1968-10-09 2201224
Konrad Typek male Poland Poland 1966-12-31 1100483
Tahir Vahidov male Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1963-12-11 14200155
Oleg Vasilchenko male Q159 1960-12-21 4101480
Vladislav Verdihanov male Azerbaijan 1970-05-18 13400240
Giovanni Vescovi male Brazil Brazil 1978-06-14 2100789
Serguei Vesselovsky male Czech Republic
Soviet Union
1952-01-26 313998
Roman Vidonyak male Germany Germany 1972-08-19 14100622
Bela Vigh male Hungary Hungary 1944-11-13 2002-07-07
Leon Voloshin male Q159 Czech Republic 1964-05-10 311111
Alexander Volzhin male Q159 Q159 1971-02-02 4115031
Pavel Votruba male Czech Republic 1948-09-23 301019
Slobo Vratonjic male Serbia 1965 901890
Markus Wach male Austria 1964-10-13 1601296
Joshua Waitzkin male United States United States 1976-12-04 2005158
Andrew A Webster male England 1973-08-10 400769
Gerard Welling male Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 1959-04-03 1000446
Mark van der Werf male Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 1968-02-12 1000470
Peng Xiaomin male People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1973-04-08 8600511
Valery Yandemirov male Q159 Soviet Union
1963-02-11 2017-11-16 4102622
Igor Yanvarjov male Q159
Soviet Union
1957-07-18 4103378
Alexey Yuneev male Q159
Soviet Union
Q159 1957-09-13 4104315
Eid Mahmoud Abou El Zein male Egypt 1952-06-28 10600078
Valery Zhidkov male Soviet Union
Ukraine 1939-09-04 14100282
Valerij Zhuravliov male Latvia
Soviet Union
Latvia 1938-12-11 2021-07-18 11600055
Dov Zifroni male Israel Israel 1976-02-17 2800659
Andrey Zontakh male Ukraine
Soviet Union
Ukraine 1970-11-04 14101130
Vadim Zvjaginsev male Q159 Q159 1976-08-18 4113403
Alisä Ğällämevä female Q159 Q159 1972-01-18 4129725
Darko Šifrer male Slovenia
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Slovenia 1956-05-18 14600110

∑ 223 items.

End of automatically generated list.