User talk:Jefft0

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Thanks for catching that duplicate! I've filed at WD:RfD on your behalf. Just so you know, if you want an easy way to request deletion, you can enable RequestDeletion in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets. Alternatively, you can just click the button at the top of the RfD page. Once again, thanks, and if you have any questions about WikiData, feel free to drop by at my talk page. — PinkAmpers&(Je vous invite à me parler) 05:59, 1 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]



Estaria bé que t'apuntéssis també a Viquitrobada tècnica perquè crec que pots aportar bastant. Aquí pots comptar que s'abordaran projectes amb Wikidata per l'any vinent.--KRLS (talk) 16:58, 17 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Moltes gràcies, KRLS! He posat el meu nom a la llista. Jefft0 (talk)
Per cert, el 29 vaig cap a BCN a passar uns dies, si tens temps per quedar avisa'm. Fins aviat!--Micru (talk) 18:32, 27 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki4R meetup in Berlin


Hi Jeff, thanks for signing up to participate in Wikidata:WikiProject Wikidata for research/Meetups/2015-02-23-Berlin. Will you be there in person or do you plan to attend remotely? Do you have any prior experience with DFG-funded projects or research in Germany? Besides, one of the Wiki4R partners is based in Barcelona – perhaps you can organize a Wiki4R meetup there too? --Daniel Mietchen (talk) 13:38, 30 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Daniel Mietchen: I'll be there in person. I don't have experience with DFG-funded projects. My prior experience is at the Viquitrobada tècnica in Tarragona. After I get a feel for Wiki4R at the Berlin meeting, yes I'd like to try in Barcelona. Jefft0 (talk) 00:18, 31 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
OK, noted. Thanks! --Daniel Mietchen (talk) 00:25, 31 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]



Hola Jefft. Espero que tot vagi bé. Et comento que el mes que ve estem preparant una jornada de formació (programació) destinada a Wikidata. Serà molt pràctica i crec que potser et pot interessar: Viquiprojecte:Grup Tècnic/Formació tècnica 2015.--KRLS (talk) 15:17, 17 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@KRLS: Em sembla molt bo! Gràcies per avisar-me. Com pots veure a dalt, aquest dilluns estic a la reunió de Wikidata a Berlin. Podrem discutir-ho. Jefft0 (talk) 11:40, 18 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ho entenc. Ens veiem a la pròxima.--KRLS (talk) 16:42, 12 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]