User talk:Jean-Jacques Georges

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j'ai remarqué que ces derniers mois, votre bot avait ajouté à pas mal de "seiyu" japonais une description en leur attribuant la profession de "voxographe". Or, ce mot n'existe pas : on dit couramment "doubleur" ou "doubleuse". Le mot "voxographie" (au sens "filmographie de doublage") existe, mais il est très rare et un sondage a abouti à ce qu'il soit retiré des conventions rédactionnelles en vertu du principe de moindre surprise. cordialement, Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 15:48, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Effectivement, le sondage parait clair. A l'époque où j'ai programmé mon bot le terme voxographe semblait ne poser aucun problème. Je vais donc corriger. Vaut-il mieux "comédien de doublage ou doubleur" ? Cordialement, Thieol (talk) 19:48, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Les deux se valent. cdlt, Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 19:51, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Voilà, c'est fait. Encore merci pour la remarque... (talk) 20:36 2 March 2015 (UTC)
Bonjour : apparemment, il y a un petit problème avec le bot. Cordialement, Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 17:54, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
La correction en masse avait été lancée mais j'ai du restarter le bot pour qu'il prenne en compte la nouvelle règle; ce qui est chose faite. Cordialement !(talk) 19:20, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Allez !


Encouragements parce que je vois que tu fais des progrès fulgurants. C'est moi qui ai créé comics writer (Q20870256) en voyant que ça manquait et que c'est ce que tu cherchais. Attention en modifiant à la chaîne, il existe manga gensakusha (Q948692) pour les mangas. Thierry Caro (talk) 19:00, 24 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Thierry Caro: j'aurai peut-être besoin d'aide pour utiliser autolist2 (voir ici) parce qu'en lisant les explications, j'ai un petit peu peur (je relirai demain ou après-demain à tête reposée). Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 20:17, 24 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
J'utilise l'outil en ce moment même : voir les modifications récentes. C'est impressionnant mais assez simple quand on a compris. Thierry Caro (talk) 20:21, 24 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Thierry Caro: je regarderai tantôt et je demanderai de l'aide si besoin. (pas ce soir, parce que j'ai fait une overdose de wikidata et des discussions autour de wikidata, alors que ce n'est pas mon sujet de prédilection) Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 20:22, 24 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Par ailleurs, il est possible de créer un lien vers une requête donc ce n'est pas sorcier de te refiler un truc tout fait ou à l'inverse pour toi de me donner à vérifier : le lien s'obtient via le lien Permalink de la page d'Autolist. Il ne reste alors qu'à entrer l'action à accomplir dans la boîte à droite, soit une commande toute simple du type de « P641:Q41466 », celle que je déploie en cet instant précis. Thierry Caro (talk) 20:25, 24 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Thierry Caro: On peut aussi récupérer une "pile", et ça a l'air assez pratique, on peut combiner différentes piles (prendre les éléments en commun à deux piles par exemple) et les envoyer à un autre outil comme autolist2 ou les outils de magnus pour trouver des images. author  TomT0m / talk page 08:01, 25 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Thierry Caro: ça commence bien. J'ai essayé de faire les commandes qu'on m'indiquait sur autolist2, ça m'indique un nombre de pages, mais je ne vois aucune liste... Bref, j'avoue que je n'y comprends rien. :( Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 10:40, 25 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Utiliser[106%3A482980]&statementlist=&run=Run&mode_manual=or&mode_cat=and&mode_wdq=and&mode_find=or&chunk_size=10000 pour Catégorie:Écrivain estonien et ses sous-catégories, par exemple. La liste elle-même est en bas de page. Elle s'affiche sous une série de Qxxx pendant un temps, puis si tu utilises l'ascenseur pour la faire monter ou descendre, elle finit par afficher les labels des éléments. Là, tu décoches ce que tu ne veux pas modifier. Puis, dans la boîte ouverte à droite, tu entres les commandes spécifiées sur le Bistro. Thierry Caro (talk) 12:56, 25 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Jean-Jacques Georges: Tu t'es connecté avec widar ? c'est nécessaire pour modifier Wikidata. cherche "widar" sur la page d'autolist et suis la procédure. author  TomT0m / talk page 13:00, 25 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]




Ça vient sans doute du traitement automatisé que tu as lancé : l'intitulé de author (P50) n'est plus bon, on dit bien que quelqu'un est "auteur" d'un texte, pas écrivain. Cette propriété est utilisée dans les éléments de type "œuvre écrite" (articles, etc) pour indiquer qui sont les auteurs (enfin, je crois). --El Caro (talk) 10:39, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@El Caro: bonjour. Si je comprends bien, il s'agirait d'une propriété à changer, ou à changer de nouveau ? Il y a peut-être une contradiction à résoudre entre la propriété "auteur" et l'intitulé de la profession d'écrivain (ça vient peut-être de l'anglais "author"). Je veux bien regarder quand le traitement automatisé sera fini. Qu'est-ce qu'il faudrait changer ? Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 11:44, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Je pense qu'il faut juste changer le libellé de author (P50) en "auteur", c'est tout. Sinon, on se retrouve avec des livres ou articles scientifiques qui ont pour "écrivain" M. Untel au lieu d'avoir pour "auteur" M. Untel. --El Caro (talk) 16:17, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@El Caro: je suis bien sûr d'accord pour le principe, mais est-ce que ça ne va pas aboutir à défaire ce que je fais en ce moment, en rechangeant tous les "écrivain" en "auteur" ? (désolé si je confonds deux types de propriétés, mais il faudrait être sûr et qu'on m'explique exactement la manip à faire pour éviter ce problème). Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 16:26, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Je ne pense pas. Si j'ai bien compris, tu t'occupes de remplacer, dans les éléments qui concernent les personnes, la valeur author (Q482980) par writer (Q36180) (partie droite, en face de occupation).
Là, il n'y a qu'un seul endroit à changer, sur la page author (P50), c'est-à-dire annuler ce diff, ce qui aura pour effet de remplacer "écrivain" par "auteur" dans la partie gauche d'un ouvrage, par exemple regarde Megalithic routes (Q20813590) --El Caro (talk) 16:33, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@El Caro: fait. Je n'avais pas saisi la différence entre "valeur" et "propriété" (c'est bien ça, la nuance ?) Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 16:38, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Parfait. Merci ! --El Caro (talk) 17:58, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Donc tu fais ça et tu ajoutes une requête dans la ligne "WDQ" (wikidata query) : la requête prend cette forme « claim[106:482980] » (tu veux la liste des entités wikidata qui ont la propriété "profession" avec la valeur "auteur"). Maintenant dans la liste en dessous tu coches "AND" et "AND" pour "category" et "WDQ" et le reste en neutre. Tu viens de lui demander ceux qui sont dans la catégorie de fr ET qui ont la propriété occupation renseignée avec la valeur "auteur". Tu appuies sur "run" et il te génère la liste.
Tu peux maintenant cocher ou décocher les éléments de la liste pour faire la même manipulation sur tous les éléments cochés (donc *vérifie* ta liste et décoche ceux pour lesquels tu as un doute pour l'automatisation). Quand tu as fait cela, un champ apparaît sur le côté. Dans ce champs tu indiques « P106:Q36180 » (propriété occupation, valeur : écrivain). Cela ajoutera la propriété occupation:écrivain à tous les éléments cochés de la liste. Tu peux ajouter aussi à la ligne d'en dessous « -P106:482980 ». Cela signifie que pour chaque élément coché il ajoutera d'abord "&crivain" puis supprimera "auteur" (ton 2e ordre sur ta 2e ligne). Quand tu es prêt, tu le lances. Il fait une modification toutes les dix secondes, donc soit préparé à le laisser tourner longtemps. Tu as un bouton d'arrêt d'urgence qui te permet de stopper les choses pour décocher d'autres cases par exemple. Par contre la mise à jour est un peu lente, donc fais-le tourner en une seule fois, sinon la requête de départ te renverra des éléments déjà traités.

George Regal


You reverted me reverting you. I gave a reason why you did not. What's up? GerardM (talk) 15:09, 27 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@GerardM: hi. I thought I had given a reason. If it did not appear, my bad. The fact is that, in French (unlike in English), the word "auteur" is completely generic. It can mean "author of books" if the context is obvious (i.e. "the authors working for that publisher") but otherwise, it can mean a lot of different things ("songwriter", "writer" etc). So it should never be used as a profession : saying "whatsisname is an author" is, at best, an anglicism or - if the context is not given - completely meaningless. I changed the occupations of Joseph Michael Reagle to "universitaire" ("scholar" in French : a scholar obviously writes about this subject) and added "essayiste" (writer of non-fiction books) for good measure, although it was not indispensable. Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 15:15, 27 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I checked, and I did give a reason. As I said above, "author" should not be used as a profession in French, it is too generic a word in that language. Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 15:17, 27 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Wikidata is not in French, nor in English. Many people are known as an author and your argument does not wash in the greater scope of things. Arguments for French only are not admissible. Thanks, GerardM (talk) 15:19, 27 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@GerardM: the point is that, if this appears in infoboxes which automatically import stuff from wikidata, it will create an absolute mess in the French wikipedia, with everybody being credited as an "auteur" which does not make sense at all. You should take into account that wikipedia is a multilingual project. We cannot import anglicisms into other languages. Actually, I have been modifying the descriptions in French, replacing them with more accurate words (i.e., "écrivain", which means "writer", "parolier" for "songwriter", etc). Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 15:24, 27 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'd suggest you raise this in the project chat if you haven't already. Maybe another item can be made for "author by profession" (or maybe one already exists!) to distinguish from the "person who wrote some things"? Or "author" in the "occupation" field can be limited to only refer to "authors by profession". --BurritoBazooka (talk) 02:57, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
appendix: Ah, I see you already have. Unfortunately, I can't read French, so I don't know what the consensus was. Do we now use the French way, and what is that? --BurritoBazooka (talk) 03:15, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, BurritoBazooka. The consensus was just a solution should be found. Actually, as I said above, we have a system that now imports stuff from wikidata in the infoboxes, and it creates a complete mess on the French wikipedia if it imports "auteur" ("author") as a profession. "Author" as a profession is meaningless in French unless you give the context, i.e. of what the person is an author (at best it is an anglicism, meaning "writer", in the sense "writer of books"). Having it in the infoboxes makes no sense whatsoever, and indeed many people were not even author of books, just people who had written something at some point. If the person is an "author" of books, we should use 'writer" or "novelist" if he writes novels, if he writes songs (a frequent use of the word "author" in French) we should use "songwriter", if he is an author of plays, we should use "playwright", and so on... Actually, I'm starting to think that "author" should simply not exist as a profession, as it creates confusion in some languages (it certainly does in French).... Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 05:42, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Not to mention the fact that I find lots and lots and lots of people who are marked as "authors" without being the "authors" of anything (at least, they are not writers, in the sense that they do not write books) or who should have more precise professions. For example, I found a poet, who has only written poetry, who was marked as "poet" and "author". That doesn't make sense : if he is a poet, of course he is the author of his own poetry, that's implied. Or a historian (or any kind of other scholar) who is marked only as an "author", while it would be much more useful to mark his actual profession (a scholar necessarily writes - books or articles - about his field of studies). Or a screenwriter, who has only written screenplays, who was marked as "screenwriter" and "author" : "author" of what ? Of screenplays... That's completely useless, in any language... Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 08:43, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'd agree there. I think just using "author" is the worst way to express their profession in data. Even in English it can mean "writer of anything". --BurritoBazooka (talk) 12:02, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Exactly : in French - I down't know about English - the word has an even loosest meaning. It can mean "author/creator of anything", i.e. a painter is the author of his paintings. If the context is given, or obvious (an "auteur" of plays means, of course a playwright ; the "auteurs" of a singer are the people who write the words of his songs, etc), the word can be of course be used, but without context, in an infobox, it just creates confusion. Especially when it is used instead of their actual profession. For example, I changed some doctor of islamic law who was marked as an "author" while his real profession is "islamologist", i.e., he was a scholar of islam... who wrote about his specialty, like any scholar does. Using "author" in that context is just meaningless, I'd even say worst than useless. Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 12:45, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
BurritoBazooka : the use of "author" as a profession has created an real mess, mixing novelists with non-fiction writers, screenwriters, people who have just written - or signed - a book without being actual writers (like for example sport champions who publish a book of interviews, or politicians who write a book to expose their ideas), scholars who wrote about their field of studies (without specifying which field ; i.e. a historian or a linguist will be marked as an "author" with no reference to their actual professions), journalists, theologists, philosophers, etc. There are litterally thousands - or maybe tens of thousands - of such occurences.
I'm not saying that Q482980 should actually be deleted, but I wonder if anything can be done, technically, so it can never be used as a profession ? I hope that's possible but I certainly don't know how it works. Do you have any idea about that ? Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 22:18, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I also just started out here, and don't really know how everything works and how they do things, so I'm not the best person to ask. But if I were king for a day, I would remove the "instance of (P31) : occupation (Q13516667)" entry on the item author (Q482980). I'd then add a note in the description suggesting people to be more specific with the occupation (P106) property (similar to how there's a note at person (Q215627)). The constraints at Property_talk:P106 suggest to the user not to use non-occupations as a value for the occupation (P106) field. And database reports are produced here for violations, which can be fixed over a long period of time (or when a bot clever enough to tell the difference can do it). But I'm pretty sure other people will have other opinions than me. I think other people might be better than making this decision than me. It's something that will affect a lot of items, so I think consensus would be needed. Also, when data gets exposed to Wikipedias (including the French one), it will automatically get exposed to thousands more contributors, who will be able to either complain or help fix the problems (along with many other inaccuracies). --BurritoBazooka (talk) 22:34, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
BurritoBazooka thanks. Don't be too modest, that's very helpful. I'll have a look at that tomorrow or in a few days. Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 22:47, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]