User:Joshbaumgartner/property available summary/4700-4799
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property P4719 does not exist. Use "id=new" if it's to be created.
property P4767 does not exist. Use "id=new" if it's to be created.
Title | ID | Data type | Description | Examples | Inverse |
Cairn publication ID | P4700 | External identifier | identifier for a journal or an article in Cairn, an online library of French-language scholarly journals | Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales <Cairn publication ID> revue-actes-de-la-recherche-en-sciences-sociales | - |
Google Arts & Culture asset ID | P4701 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Google Arts & Culture website | The Balcony <Google Arts & Culture asset ID> ggFK0UgXAd7OCA | - |
Google Arts & Culture partner ID | P4702 | External identifier | identifier for a museum or other partner on the Google Arts & Culture website | Proje4L / Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art <Google Arts & Culture partner ID> elgiz-museum-of-contemporary-art | - |
HATVP person ID | P4703 | External identifier | identifier for a French politician on the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life website | Valérie Pécresse <HATVP person ID> pecresse-valerie | - |
Smithsonian American Art Museum artwork ID | P4704 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Smithsonian American Art Museum website | Portrait of a Girl <Smithsonian American Art Museum artwork ID> 21713 | - |
ZXDB ID | P4705 | External identifier | identifier in the videogame database ZXDB | Zombi <ZXDB ID> 0005865 | - |
Ent'revues ID | P4706 | External identifier | identifier for a magazine on Ent'revues, directory service of French cultural magazines | Charles <Ent'revues ID> charles | - |
Rugby Canada player ID | P4707 | External identifier | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the Canada national team on the Rugby Canada website | Callum Botchar <Rugby Canada player ID> callum-botchar | - |
VOGRIPA ID | P4708 | External identifier | Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project: identifier for a volcano on the Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project website | Antofalla <VOGRIPA ID> 2174 | - |
Barnes Foundation ID | P4709 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Barnes Foundation website | The Joy of Life <Barnes Foundation ID> 7199 | - |
Guardiana ID | P4710 | External identifier | identifier in the SEGA videogame database Guardiana | Sonic the Hedgehog <Guardiana ID> 166 | - |
CHGIS ID | P4711 | External identifier | identifier for a historical administrative region of China in the China Historical Geographic Information System (CHGIS) | Jingzhao Fu <CHGIS ID> 111220 | - |
Minneapolis Institute of Art artwork ID | P4712 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Minneapolis Institute of Art website | Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple (1571) <Minneapolis Institute of Art artwork ID> 278 | - |
Walters Art Museum artwork ID | P4713 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Walters Art Museum website | Madonna of the Candelabra <Walters Art Museum artwork ID> 10681 | - |
title page number | P4714 | Quantity | title page: qualifier to indicate the number of the page of a document in which the title page is located. Don't use for the actual cover page. | not applicable | - |
Guide to North American Birds ID | P4715 | External identifier | identifier for a bird taxon in the Guide to North American Birds on the National Audubon Society website | magnificent frigatebird <Guide to North American Birds ID> magnificent-frigatebird | - |
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres member ID | P4716 | External identifier | identifier for a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres on its website | Jean-Yves Tilliette <Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres member ID> tilliette-jean-yves-marie-guy | - |
Académie française member ID | P4717 | External identifier | identifier for a member of the Académie française on its website | Jean d'Ormesson <Académie française member ID> jean-dormesson | - |
Basketball Reference NBA coach ID | P4718 | External identifier | identifier for a NBA coach on the Basketball Reference website | Richie Adubato <Basketball Reference NBA coach ID> adubari99c | - |
Basketball Reference WNBA coach ID | P4720 | External identifier | identifier for a WNBA coach on the Basketball Reference website | Michael Adams <Basketball Reference WNBA coach ID> adamsmi99w | - |
MuBE Virtual ID (archived) | P4721 | External identifier | identifier for a sculpture in Brazil, in the MuBE database | Indio Cacador <MuBE Virtual ID (archived)> 220 | - |
Érudit journal ID | P4722 | External identifier | identifier for a journal in Érudit | Atlantic Geology <Érudit journal ID> ageo | - |
GSMArena phone ID | P4723 | External identifier | identifier for a telephone model on GSMArena | Nokia 3310 <GSMArena phone ID> 192 | - |
Maitron ID | P4724 | External identifier | Le Maitron en ligne: identifier for a person on the online version of Le Maitron, a biographical dictionary of the French labour movement | Jacques Chérèque <Maitron ID> 19790 | - |
C-SPAN organization ID | P4725 | External identifier | identifier for an organization, on C-SPAN | United States Senate <C-SPAN organization ID> 187 | - |
Sign@l journal ID | P4726 | External identifier | identifier for a journal in the Sign@l database | Alternatives économiques <Sign@l journal ID> 3 | - |
Deutsche Synchronkartei dubbing voice actor ID | P4727 | External identifier | identifier for a dubbing voice actor, in the synchronisation (dubbing) database Deutsche Synchronkartei | Traudel Haas <Deutsche Synchronkartei dubbing voice actor ID> 233 | - |
uBio ID | P4728 | External identifier | identifier for a taxon, in the uBio 'Namebank' database | Liolaemus atacamensis <uBio ID> 197279 | - |
INRAN Italian Food ID | P4729 | External identifier | identifier in the Italian national nutriment database | peanut butter <INRAN Italian Food ID> 009010 | - |
Mir@bel journal ID | P4730 | External identifier | identifier for a journal in the Mir@bel database | Commentaire <Mir@bel journal ID> 5 | - |
The Baseball Cube player ID | P4731 | External identifier | identifier of a baseball player at | Brian Johnson <The Baseball Cube player ID> 158314 | - |
IUPAC Gold Book ID | P4732 | External identifier | identifier of definition in Compendium of Chemical Terminology (IUPAC GoldBook) | aldonic acid <IUPAC Gold Book ID> A00212 | - |
produced sound | P4733 | Item | sound: item for the sound generated by the subject, for instance the cry of an animal | Meleagris <produced sound> turkey call | - |
IBM code page ID | P4734 | External identifier | code page: identifier of a code page of characters assigned by IBM | EBCDIC 1047 <IBM code page ID> 01047 | - |
IBM coded character set ID | P4735 | External identifier | identifier of a coded character set assigned by IBM | UTF-8 <IBM coded character set ID> 1209 | - |
IBM graphic character global ID | P4736 | External identifier | identifier of a character/grapheme in the IBM graphic character identification system | exclamation mark <IBM graphic character global ID> SP020000 | - |
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation artwork ID | P4737 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation website | Mountains at Saint-Rémy <Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation artwork ID> 1491 | - |
Yale Center for British Art artwork ID | P4738 | External identifier | (DEPRECATED, see P9789) identifier for an artwork or other object on the Yale Center for British Art website | A Lion Attacking a Horse <Yale Center for British Art artwork ID> 1667665 | - |
Musée des Augustins artwork ID | P4739 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Musée des Augustins website | Nymphs and satyrs in a landscape <Musée des Augustins artwork ID> 52ef2527-336a-4b84-a5b6-20783f59621e | - |
Brooklyn Museum artwork ID | P4740 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Brooklyn Museum website | Market Scene in Venice <Brooklyn Museum artwork ID> 4646 | - |
OpenEdition journal ID | P4741 | External identifier | identifier for a journal in OpenEdition Journals | Clio. Femmes, genre, histoire <OpenEdition journal ID> 17609 | - |
Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme | P4742 | External identifier | Uniform Resource Identifier scheme: IANA-assigned uniform resource identifier scheme which identifies items within this class or set | telephone number <Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme> tel | - |
animal breed | P4743 | Item | breed: subject item belongs to a specific group of domestic animals, generally given by association | Giroud <animal breed> Belgian Sport Horse | - |
Basketball Reference NBA G League player ID | P4744 | External identifier | identifier for an NBA G League (formerly NBDL) player on the Basketball Reference website | Hiram Fuller <Basketball Reference NBA G League player ID> f/fullehi01d | - |
is proceedings from | P4745 | Item | this work contains articles presented at the given event | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 <is proceedings from> Thirty-first Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems | - |
Elhuyar ZTH ID | P4746 | External identifier | Elhuyar Science and Technology Dictionary has a wide range of terms in four languages (en, es, fr, eu) that can easily be linked to and from Wikidata | star <Elhuyar ZTH ID> 026029 | - |
Line Music artist ID | P4747 | External identifier | identifier for an artist on Line Music | JBJ <Line Music artist ID> mi000000000e51260d | - |
Line Music album ID | P4748 | External identifier | identifier for an album or single on Line Music | Fantasy <Line Music album ID> mb000000000157235d | - |
Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois ID | P4749 | External identifier | identifier in the Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois en ligne, that presents the life and work of authors who, since 1815, have participated in the literary life of Luxembourg | Lex Roth <Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois ID> 942/942 | - |
National Historic Ships ID | P4750 | External identifier | ID for a vessel as found on the National Historic Ships website | Aberdonia <National Historic Ships ID> 516/aberdonia | - | college basketball coach ID | P4751 | External identifier | identifier for a NCAA Division I college basketball coach on the college basketball website | C. M. Newton < college basketball coach ID> cm-newton-1 | - |
Manus Online manuscript ID | P4752 | External identifier | identifier for a manuscript held by an Italian library | Codex Trivulzianus <Manus Online manuscript ID> 217763 | - |
Ecocrop ID | P4753 | External identifier | identifier of a plant used as an agricultural crop in the Ecocrop database | Ananas comosus <Ecocrop ID> 402 | - |
Harvard botanical journal ID | P4754 | External identifier | identifier of a publication, in Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries' 'Index of Botanical Publications' | Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society <Harvard botanical journal ID> 897 | - |
UK railway station code | P4755 | External identifier | official, three-letter identifier for a railway station in the United Kingdom | Birmingham New Street railway station <UK railway station code> BHM | - |
V Live channel ID | P4756 | External identifier | identifier for the V Live channel of a person, musical group or organisation | The Boyz <V Live channel ID> DE341F | - |
Songwriters Hall of Fame ID | P4757 | External identifier | Songwriters Hall of Fame: ID for a person at Songwriters Hall of Fame | Samuel A. Ward <Songwriters Hall of Fame ID> Samuel_A_Ward | - |
MONA ID | P4758 | External identifier | identifier for a Lepidoptera species, in the Hodges List (i.e. the "Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico", with subsequent revisions) | Stigmella gossypii <MONA ID> 0076 | - |
Luminous-Lint ID | P4759 | External identifier | identifier for a photographer in the Luminous-Lint database | W. Eugene Smith <Luminous-Lint ID> W_Eugene__Smith | - |
LTI Korea Library writer ID | P4760 | External identifier | identifier for a writer in Literature Translation Institute of Korea Library ( | Ko Un <LTI Korea Library writer ID> 200041 | - |
Images d'Art artwork ID | P4761 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object on the Images d'Art website | L'émancipation à la Réunion - Sarda Garriga - Le 20-10-1848 <Images d'Art artwork ID> alphonse-garreau_l-emancipation-a-la-reunion-sarda-garriga-le-20-10-1848_peinture-a-l-huile_1849 | - |
Common Database on Designated Areas ID | P4762 | External identifier | identifier in Common Database on Designated Areas | Struffelt <Common Database on Designated Areas ID> 165771 | - | ID | P4763 | External identifier | identifier on, the Rust package manager (used by cargo) | Cargo < ID> cargo | - |
Base Arcade artwork ID | P4764 | External identifier | identifier for an artwork or other object in the Arcade database | Monument à la gloire de l'expansion coloniale française ou à la plus grande France <Base Arcade artwork ID> AR459394 | - |
Commons compatible image available at URL | P4765 | URL | image file: image with Commons compatible copyright status is available at the following URL. It could be uploaded to Commons to illustrate the item | → Property talk:P4765 | - |
Australian honours ID | P4766 | External identifier | ID for an instance of an Australian honour being awarded to an Australian citizen | Rechelle Hawkes | - | name or company ID | P4768 | External identifier | identifier for a person or company in | Vittorio Gassman < name or company ID> 46267 | - |
GameFAQs game ID | P4769 | External identifier | identifier for a game on GameFAQs | Super Mario Odyssey <GameFAQs game ID> 200275 | - |
hydrated form of | P4770 | Item | hydrate: given compound is an anhydrous form of this compound | sodium tetraborate octahydrate <hydrated form of> borax | - |
compArt institution ID | P4771 | External identifier | identifier for an institution in the compArt database Digital Art | Bell Labs <compArt institution ID> 128 | - |
compArt person ID | P4772 | External identifier | identifier for a person in the compArt database Digital Art | Vera Molnár <compArt person ID> 14 | - |
MobyGames company ID (former scheme) | P4773 | External identifier | identifier for a company at MobyGames (this property is deprecated, use P11689 instead; PLEASE NOTE: identifiers (except numeric ones) of this property should be preserved, not removed! For more info see | Bethesda Softworks <MobyGames company ID (former scheme)> bethesda-softworks-llc | - |
biological phase | P4774 | Item | biological phase: biological period or stage when this biological process or phenomenon occurs | DNA replication <biological phase> S phase | - |
lot number | P4775 | String | lot number: takes a number; used as a qualifier in combination with new property for "Wikidata:Property proposal/Auction sale"; section number for unconnected segments of an artwork or other works | → Property talk:P4775 | - |
MAC Address Block Large ID | P4776 | String | MAC Address Block Large identifier and organizationally unique identifier: unique identifier of an organisation registered with the IEEE | Microsoft <MAC Address Block Large ID> 0050F2 | - |
has boundary | P4777 | Item | element that's on the two dimensional border that surrounds the subject; the limit of an entity | Old City of Bones <has boundary> Walls of Jerusalem | - |
USA Rugby player ID | P4778 | External identifier | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the national team on the USA Rugby website | Perry Baker <USA Rugby player ID> perry-baker | - |
MYmovies actor ID (former scheme) | P4779 | External identifier | identifier for an actor in | Sean Connery <MYmovies actor ID (former scheme)> 446 | - |
MYmovies movie ID | P4780 | External identifier | identifier for a film in | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade <MYmovies movie ID> 11931 | - |
MYmovies director ID (former scheme) | P4781 | External identifier | identifier for a director in | Mario Monicelli <MYmovies director ID (former scheme)> 934 | - |
Movieplayer person ID | P4782 | External identifier | identifier for a person in | Michael Crichton <Movieplayer person ID> 484 | - |
Movieplayer film ID | P4783 | External identifier | identifier for film in | Iron Man 3 <Movieplayer film ID> 28100 | - |
Movieplayer TV-series ID | P4784 | External identifier | identifier for TV-series in | Under the Dome <Movieplayer TV-series ID> 3132 | - |
MYmovies name ID (former scheme) | P4785 | External identifier | identifier for producer, cinematographer, screenwriter and company in | Mark Boal <MYmovies name ID (former scheme)> 27433 | - | film ID | P4786 | External identifier | identifier for a film in | The Rock < film ID> 34581 | - |
NII author ID | P4787 | External identifier | NII author ID: identifier for an author/researcher in scholarly literature databases operated by National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan | Shizumu Nomura <NII author ID> 9000363887724 | - |
storage device | P4788 | Item | recording medium: data storage device supported by a machine (e.g. camera or mobile phone) | Canon EOS 300D <storage device> CompactFlash | - |
Who's Who UK ID | P4789 | External identifier | identifier in "Who's Who" or "Who Was Who", UK edition | Walter Greaves-Lord <Who's Who UK ID> U226108 | - |
Basketball Reference international player ID | P4790 | External identifier | identifier for a basketball player in a non-U.S. league on | Aleksandar Vezenkov <Basketball Reference international player ID> aleksandar-vezenkov-1 | - |
commanded by | P4791 | Item | commanding officer: commander of a military unit/army/security service, operation, etc. | Air Force Space Command <commanded by> John W. Raymond | - |
dam | P4792 | Item | dam: construction impounding this watercourse or creating this reservoir | Savannah River <dam> Hartwell Dam, J. Strom Thurmond Dam, New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam and Richard B. Russell Dam | - | prefix | P4793 | External identifier | code used in front of an identifier, as supported by and | Gene Wiki < prefix> genewiki and Foundational Model of Anatomy ID < prefix> FMA | - |
season starts | P4794 | Item | season: month or season when sports competition begins | Serie A <season starts> August | - |
Basketball Reference referee ID | P4795 | External identifier | identifier for a referee on the Basketball Reference website | Dick Bavetta <Basketball Reference referee ID> bavetdi99r | - |
Basketball Reference NBL player ID | P4796 | External identifier | identifier for a NBL player on the Basketball Reference website | Curly Armstrong <Basketball Reference NBL player ID> a/armstpa01n | - |
member of the Assembly of Madrid ID | P4797 | External identifier | member of the Assembly of Madrid: identifier for a person in the Assembly of Madrid webpage | Cristina Cifuentes <member of the Assembly of Madrid ID> 357 | - |
BTO Birds of Britain ID | P4798 | External identifier | identifier for a bird species or sub-species in the BTO Birds of Britain/ BirdFacts database | Recurvirostra avosetta <BTO Birds of Britain ID> bob4560 | - |
Rugby Australia ID (archived) | P4799 | External identifier | identifier for a rugby union player selected with the Australia national team on the Rugby Australia website | Matt Giteau <Rugby Australia ID (archived)> matt-giteau | - |