Property talk:P242

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locator map image
geographic map image which highlights the location of the subject within some larger entity
Representslocator map (Q6664848), map (Q4006)
Data typeCommons media file
Domaingeographic entity (Q27096213), bilateral relation (Q15221623), administrative territorial entity (Q56061), international organization (Q484652), military alliance (Q1127126), geographic region (Q82794), occurrence (Q1190554), constellation (Q8928), geopolitical group (Q52110228), languoid (Q17376908), fictional location (Q3895768), tribe (Q227936), ethnic group (Q41710), architectural structure (Q811979), concept (Q151885), toponym (Q7884789), astronomical object (Q6999), group of humans (Q16334295), phenomenon (Q483247) or archaeological culture (Q465299)
Allowed values(?i).+\.(svg|png|jpe?g|gif|tiff?|xcf|pdf|djvu|webp) (image format file)
ExamplePrague (Q1085)2004 Praha.png
Dahomey (Q468814)Royaume du Danhomè 1894.svg
Queensland (Q36074)Queensland in Australia.svg
Parroquia El Yagual (Q3050305)Parroquia El Yagual - Municipio Achaguas - Apure - Venezuela.svg
Formatter URL$1
Embed URL$1
Tracking: usageCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P242 (Q20117039)
See alsodetail map (P1621), location map (P1943), distribution map (P1846), taxon range map image (P181), route map (P15)
Proposal discussionProposal discussion
Current uses
Main statement241,687>99.9% of uses
Qualifier36<0.1% of uses
Reference14<0.1% of uses
[create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here]
Format “(?i).+\.(svg|png|jpe?g|gif|tiff?|xcf|pdf|djvu|webp): value must be formatted using this pattern (PCRE syntax). (Help)
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P242#Format, hourly updated report, SPARQL
Link to Commons namespace “File”: this property should contain a well-formed link to an existing page on Wikimedia Commons. (Help)
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P242#Commons link, hourly updated report
Type “geographic entity (Q27096213), bilateral relation (Q15221623), administrative territorial entity (Q56061), international organization (Q484652), military alliance (Q1127126), geographic region (Q82794), occurrence (Q1190554), constellation (Q8928), geopolitical group (Q52110228), languoid (Q17376908), fictional location (Q3895768), tribe (Q227936), ethnic group (Q41710), architectural structure (Q811979), concept (Q151885), toponym (Q7884789), astronomical object (Q6999), group of humans (Q16334295), phenomenon (Q483247), archaeological culture (Q465299): item must contain property “instance of (P31), subclass of (P279)” with classes “geographic entity (Q27096213), bilateral relation (Q15221623), administrative territorial entity (Q56061), international organization (Q484652), military alliance (Q1127126), geographic region (Q82794), occurrence (Q1190554), constellation (Q8928), geopolitical group (Q52110228), languoid (Q17376908), fictional location (Q3895768), tribe (Q227936), ethnic group (Q41710), architectural structure (Q811979), concept (Q151885), toponym (Q7884789), astronomical object (Q6999), group of humans (Q16334295), phenomenon (Q483247), archaeological culture (Q465299)” or their subclasses (defined using subclass of (P279)). (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P242#Type Q27096213, Q15221623, Q56061, Q484652, Q1127126, Q82794, Q1190554, Q8928, Q52110228, Q17376908, Q3895768, Q227936, Q41710, Q811979, Q151885, Q7884789, Q6999, Q16334295, Q483247, Q465299, SPARQL
Allowed entity types are Wikibase item (Q29934200), Wikibase MediaInfo (Q59712033), Wikibase sense (Q54285715): the property may only be used on a certain entity type (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P242#Entity types
Scope is as main value (Q54828448): the property must be used by specified way only (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P242#Scope, SPARQL
Comparison of map properties
This property is being used by:


Please notify projects that use this property before big changes (renaming, deletion, merge with another property, etc.)

some phenomenon (Q483247) can be geographical due to their conditions e.g. tidal bore (Q733109)


d1g (talk) 21:00, 16 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Remove "image" from label?


The three other "map" properties (location map (P1943), detail map (P1621), relief location map (P1944)) do not have the word "image" at the end of their labels. I don't think the added word really helps anything. Perhaps it should be removed? --Yair rand (talk) 06:12, 6 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]