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Qualifiers “language of work or name (P407) , performer (P175) , depicts (P180) , publication date (P577) , point in time (P585) , media legend (P2096) , applies to part (P518) , object of statement has role (P3831) , reason for deprecated rank (P2241) , reason for preferred rank (P7452) , filming location (P915) ” : this property should be used only with the listed qualifiers. (
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Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P10#allowed qualifiers , SPARQL
This property is being used by:
eu:Txantiloi:Biografia infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Film infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Musika talde infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Telesail infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Arma infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Biografia infotaula automatikoa/en , eu:Txantiloi:Film infotaula automatikoa/en , eu:Txantiloi:Mendi infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Unitate militar infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Mendate infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Haran infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Mitologia infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Lan infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Teleskopio infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Elkarte infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Unitate militar infotaula alternatiboa , eu:Txantiloi:Musika estilo infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Lan infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Aireontzi infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Geografia fisiko infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Gertakari infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Taxotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Taxotaula/probak , eu:Txantiloi:Izar infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Antzerki talde infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Musika disko infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Gimnasta infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Txakur arraza infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Eskala , eu:Txantiloi:Bide infotaula
ca:Plantilla:Infotaula esdeveniment , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula conflicte militar , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula d'ésser viu , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula conflicte militar/proves , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula instrument musical , ca:Plantilla:Infotaula ésser viu
kab:Talɣa:Infobox biography , kab:Talɣa:Infobox musical artist , kab:Talɣa:Infobox television , kab:Talɣa:Infobox physical geography , kab:Talɣa:Infobox intellectual work , kab:Talɣa:Automatic taxobox , kab:Talɣa:Infobox religion
se:Málle:Biografia infotaula automatikoa/en
mt:Mudell:Infobox biography , mt:Mudell:Automatic taxobox , mt:Mudell:Infobox bijografija
ha:Template:Infobox biography , ha:Template:Automatic taxobox , ha:Template:Infobox physical geography , ha:Template:Infobox intellectual work , ha:Template:Infobox religion , ha:Samfuri:Automatic taxobox , ha:Samfuri:Infobox biography , ha:Samfuri:Infobox intellectual work , ha:Samfuri:Infobox physical geography , ha:Samfuri:Infobox religion
ast:Plantía:Ficha d'estrella , ast:Plantía:Ficha de nebulosa , ast:Plantía:Ficha de sablera , ast:Plantía:Ficha de taxón , ast:Plantía:Persona , ast:Plantía:Competición deportiva , ast:Plantía:Ficha de compuestu químicu , ast:Plantía:Videoxuegu , ast:Plantía:Taxotabla automática
ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Scannáin , ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Duine , ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Ainmhí Bheo , ga:Teimpléad:WD Bosca Sonraí Coinbhleacht Mhíleata
gd:Teamplaid:Baile anns an Fhraing , gd:Teamplaid:Comann fiosraichte , gd:Teamplaid:Leabharlann , gd:Teamplaid:Sgìre Phàrlamaid , gd:Teamplaid:Bogsa eachdraidh-bheatha
jv:Cithakan:Infobox spesies , jv:Cithakan:Infobox species
ban:Mal:Spesiesbox , ban:Mal:Infobox spesies , ban:Mal:Automatic taxobox , ban:Mal:Infobox spésiés
gor:Templat:Infobox spesies
bjn:Citakan:Infobox spesies , bjn:Citakan:Infobox spesies/bakpasir
id:Templat:Infobox spesies , id:Templat:Infobox spesies/bakpasir , id:Templat:Infobox spesies/mirror , id:Templat:Kotak info Wikidata museum
ss:Template:Umuntfu , ss:iThempleti:Umuntfu
ro:Format:Infocaseta Transport în comun
ace:Seunaleuëk:Infobox spesies
incubator:Template:Wp/shi/Automatic taxobox , incubator:Template:Wp/shi/Infobox biography , incubator:Template:Wp/shi/Infobox intellectual work , incubator:Template:Wp/shi/Infobox musical artist , incubator:Template:Wp/shi/Infobox physical geography , incubator:Template:Wp/shi/Infobox religion , incubator:Template:Wp/igl/Bio , incubator:Template:Wp/ibb/Bio , incubator:Template:Wp/zgh/Automatic taxobox , incubator:Template:Wp/zgh/Infobox biography , incubator:Template:Wp/zgh/Infobox physical geography , incubator:Template:Wp/zgh/Infobox religion
nia:Templat:Infobox species , nia:Templat:Infobox spesies
qu:Plantilla:Biografia , qu:Plantilla:Kawsay
vec:Modeło:Infobox de Avegnimento , vec:Modeło:Tassobox
ig:Àtụ:Infobox intellectual work , ig:Àtụ:Infobox physical geography , ig:Templeeti:Infobox intellectual work , ig:Templeeti:Infobox physical geography
shi:Talɣa:Automatic taxobox , shi:Talɣa:Infobox biography , shi:Talɣa:Infobox intellectual work , shi:Talɣa:Infobox musical artist , shi:Talɣa:Infobox physical geography , shi:Talɣa:Infobox religion
dag:Tɛmplet:Bio , dag:Tɛmplet:Taxon
b:eu:Txantiloi:Taxotaula automatikoa
ff:Template:Infobox biography
min:Templat:Infobox spesies
oc:Modèl:Economia de país , oc:Modèl:Economia de país/tèst , oc:Modèl:Infobox Continent , oc:Modèl:Infobox Domeni de primièr nivèl , oc:Modèl:Infobox Logicial , oc:Modèl:Infobox Partit politic , oc:Modèl:Infobox Economia de país , oc:Modèl:Infobox Geografia fisica , oc:Modèl:Infobox Geografia fisica/Tèst , oc:Modèl:Infobox Document , oc:Modèl:Infobox Foncion , oc:Modèl:Infobox Taxon
zgh:ⴰⵍⴱⵓⴹ:Automatic taxobox , zgh:ⴰⵍⴱⵓⴹ:Infobox biography , zgh:ⴰⵍⴱⵓⴹ:Infobox physical geography , zgh:ⴰⵍⴱⵓⴹ:Infobox religion
commons:Template:Wikidata list/Simple gallery item (video)
igl:Éwn malábó:Bio
ms:Templat:Infobox language
mad:Cèṭa'an:Infobox spesies
kcg:Ta̱mpi̱let:Nkhang shyicet
Please notify projects that use this property before big changes (renaming, deletion, merge with another property, etc.)
I think that this property should be merge with Image and renamed "Image". The name of this property explains what it's ("an image of commons") but not the relation , ie it's an "image" of the topic. Tpt (talk ) 20:20, 4 February 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Agree, "media file" is a datatype, and will probably be used by many other properties. --Zolo (talk ) 20:40, 4 February 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
After a discussion in IRC, I've change of opinion and I think we should maybe keep this property only as "mother" property for the others, with a warning in description. Tpt (talk ) 21:02, 4 February 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
I renamed the property "Video" instead of "Commons media file", since it was only used for video, and there are properties defined for other media types "image", "audio", "road map", "anthem recording", etc. I hope this was ok. I understand that it will require a lot of translation work. Mange01 (talk ) 16:32, 8 March 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Ok with me. I found only one non video (Ludwig van Beethoven, Q255) and changed it to "image". --ThorstenX1 (talk ) 20:42, 8 March 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
This is explicitly wrong; this is the super-type of the other types. James F. (talk ) 18:12, 9 March 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
… but clearly no-one listens to me, and now we're sort-of stuck with it. :-( James F. (talk ) 22:11, 9 May 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
Is it okay to use this property also for trailers like on The African Queen (Q384397) or should we create a new property? --Pasleim (talk ) 15:09, 30 December 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
I asked myself the same question at Wikidata_talk:WikiProject_Movies#Property_for_trailer_.28Q622550.29_.3F , but I didn't have in mind the ones at Commons. --- Jura 15:35, 30 December 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
I have now instance of (P31) as qualifier allowed till another solution for trailers is found. --Pasleim (talk ) 19:24, 1 January 2017 (UTC) [ reply ]
Are animated GIFs okay with video (P10) ? --Pasleim (talk ) 12:14, 15 May 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
Probably not. I think I did use it for one or the other pre-1900 films that consisted of a few frames only. Maybe these should be listed as exceptions. --- Jura 12:25, 15 May 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]