European History
If you've ever wondered how Byzantium became Constantinople or why Stalin banished Trotsky, this collection is for you. Explore Europe's fascinating history with articles, biographies, and timelines covering the middle ages to the European Union.
What Is Gaelic? Definition, History, and Modern Usage
The Treaty of Versailles: An Overview
The 12 Best Books on the French Revolution
The Creation of Britain’s Welfare State
The 10 Most Important Russian Czars and Empresses
A Brief History of Rome
Belle Époque or the "Beautiful Age" in France
The History of the European Union
The History of Venice
Humanity Bloomed During the Renaissance
A Guide to Renaissance Humanism
Key Events in Italian History
The Rise and Fall of the Borgia Family
What Is Absolutism?
Napoleon's Empire
8 Major Events in European History
Historical Profile of France
A History of the Napoleonic Code (Code Napoléon)
The Velvet Divorce: The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
Erntedankfest: Thanksgiving in Germany
The European Overseas Empires
The Long Telegram of George Kennan
The Elgin Marbles/Parthenon Sculptures
Female European Historical Figures: 1500 - 1945
A History of the Guillotine in Europe
A List of Celtic Gods and Goddesses
The Best Books on Early Modern European History (1500 to 1700)
A Brief Look at Italy's History of Division
What Is a Monarchy?
Warsaw Pact: Definition, History, and Significance
The Red Terror
Ireland's Repeal Movement
The Duma in Russian History
Anschluss Was the Union of Germany and Austria
Books on French History
The Donation of Constantine
Resistance and Opposition in the GDR
Do Statues of Riders or Knights Conceal Codes?
Key Events in Spanish History
What Was the 'Third Estate'?
Containment: America's Plan for Communism
The Brezhnev Doctrine
A Beginner's Guide to the Enlightenment
The 19 Best Books on the Napoleonic Wars
Destalinization in Soviet Russia
Glossary of Historical Terms
Indulgences and their Role in the Reformation
Who Were the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks?
Images of British India
What Is the Origin of the Word 'Protestant?'
A Beginner's Guide to the Renaissance
Who Were the Huguenots?
The Concordat of 1801: Napoleon and the Church
Top 13 Historical Myths Debunked
Top 12 Books About the Holy Roman Empire
A History of the Eiffel Tower
What Is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
Irish History: The 1800s
Top 11 Books: Prussia
The Oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible: Part 1, Creation