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Focail chosúla: around · ground · rotund · rebound · redound
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cam díreach an ród is é an bealach mór an t-~, ‘the longest way round is the shortest way home’.
Duine a mhealladh le ~, to talk s.o. round.
Tá ~ ar an ngealach, there is a halo round the moon.
Tá ~ dubh faoina shúile, he has black rings round his eyes.
Ag déanamh, ag baint, ~í timpeall na bó, running, circling, round the cow.
~a faoi na súile, puffiness round the eyes.
Beidh sé ina bhró mhuilinn anuas ort, it will be a millstone round your neck.
Tá ~ ainfheola ar an lot, there is a ring of proud flesh round the wound.
Duine a thabhairt chun ~, to bring s.o. to reason, to talk s.o. round.
Chaith sé an cúinne, he shot round the corner.
Tháinig sé isteach ar a chamruathar, he called in on his rounds, unexpectedly.
ar, thar) Rud a chasadh ar eiteán, ar do mhéar, to wind sth. on a spool, round one’s finger.
~ tharat é, wrap it round you.
Chas sí a dhá lámh thairis, she wound her two arms round him.
Ní thig liom mo theanga a chasadh air, I can’t get my tongue round it, pronounce it.
Cuir ~ air, wrap a piece of cloth, a bandage, round it.
2. ~ cáil, cabáiste, round head of cabbage.
Ar a chiorcad, on his rounds.
Timpeall na g~, round the shores, the coast.
~ dhuirlinge, rounded shore-pebble, cobble-stone.
Ba, caoirigh, a chluicheadh, to round up cows, sheep.
Do lámh a chur faoi choim duine, to put one’s hand round s.o.’s waist.
Is fearr cuid ar leith ná ~, it is better to share things round than to scramble for them.
Thart an ~, round the corner.
Thart an ~, round the bend.
Rug sé thar mo chorp orm, he caught me round the body.
Mias chorr, rounded dish.
Cathair chorr, round fort.
Tulacha ~a, rounded, humpy, hills.
Thart ar chósta(í) na hEorpa, round the coast(s) of Europe.
Is maith an chreach a roinneas, it is good to have enough to go round.
Duine a thabhairt chun creidimh, to bring s.o. to the faith; to bring s.o. round to one’s point of view.
Chuir siad ~ crann agus sciath air, they made a ring of spears and shields round him.
Bhí ~ lámh ansin, there were handshakes all round.
Domhan ~, round world.
Bord ~, round table.
Baill chruinne, rounded limbs.
Chomh ~ le liathróid, as round as a ball.
Tá na caoirigh ~ acu, they have rounded up the sheep.
Timpeall na ~, round the globe.
Cruinniú thart, timpeall, ar dhuine, to gather round s.o.
~ thart ort é, wrap it round you.
~ na cruinne, na hÉireann, a thabhairt, to make a circuit of, travel round, the globe, Ireland.
Thug siad ceithre cuarta an tí, they went all round, searched every corner of, the house.
Rinne sí cúpla ~ (chniotála) ar an stoca, she knitted a few rounds of stitches on the stocking.
~ chigireachta, round, tour, of inspection.
Níl ~ (na) ranna ann, there is not enough of it to go round.
Fál a chur ar áit, to put a fence round a place.
Chuir mé sreangán air, I put a string round it.
Rud a chur faoi do mhuineál, to put sth. round one’s neck.
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