ráite. 1. pp. of abair1. 2. conj. Considering, in view of. ~ an díobháil seo, considering this evil. 3. ~ go, that, because of. Bhí náire air ~ go mbéarfaí air, he was ashamed that he should be caught out. 4 : rá1.
In ~ a ráite, a dheánta, on the point of being said, done.
5. Ráite agus ~ráite, said over and over again.
Ráite agus ~, repeated over and over.
Ní ~ a bhfuil ráite, there is enough said.
Mar atá ráite ~ (féin), as stated already.
De bharr a bhfuil ráite, on account of what has been said.
Nuair a bhí ~ ráite aige, when he had finished speaking.
~aim ar do ráite féin é, I leave it to yourself to say; whatever you say yourself.
I bh~ a bhfuil ráite agat, in view of what you have said.
De dhéanta, de ráite, na ~, as a matter of fact.
Tá go ~ ráite! Enough said!
~ na ráite, phrase method.
Tuigim sin ón méid atá ráite agat, I understand that from what you have said.
Tá sé ráite go ~ agat, you have stated it exactly.
Níor creideadh mo ~ite, my words were not believed.
Fágaim ar do ~ite féin é, I leave it to yourself to say; whatever you say yourself.
~ite béil, statements, remarks.
Is é ~, ~ite, a bhéil é, it is his own statement.
~ite an bhéil bhréagaigh, the statement of a liar.
De ~ite na fírinne, as a matter of fact.
Tá sé ráite ~ (go), it is an old saying, a truism (that).
Má tá ~ a ráite agat, if you intend to say it.
Focal atá ar shlí a ráite, a remark that may appropriately be made.
Mar atá ráite ~, as stated below.