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Nintendo GameCube

From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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This article only covers the Star Fox-related information of Nintendo GameCube.
For more general info, please check out this article on NintendoWiki.
Nintendo GameCube
Released 2001 (Japan/North America)
2002 (Europe/Australia)
Console generation Sixth generation
On other wikis
Category:Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo GameCube

The Nintendo GameCube, commonly abbreviated as the GCN, is Nintendo's fourth home video game console, being preceded by the N64 and succeeded by the Nintendo Wii. The GameCube was the first Nintendo Console to use disks rather than cartridges, as well as the first to require an extra device to store memory on.


Two Star Fox games were released on the GameCube, as well as a fighting game starring Fox and Falco.
