Thursday: Pok�mon UNITE - Tinkaton Release + Pok�mon Masters EX - Holiday Event

12-12-2024 03:00 GMT / 22:00 EST by Serebii.

This update will be amended throughout the day so be sure to check back. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in.
Last Update: 13:00 GMT
Edit @ 06:00: Pok�mon Masters | Edit @ 07:00: Pok�mon UNITE | Edit @ 13:00: TCG Pocket

Pok�mon TCG Pocket

In The Games Department

Pok�mon TCG Pocket

The latest set for Pok�mon TCG Pocket has been officially revealed. This set is called Mythical Island and will release on December 17th 2024 and is a Themed Booster Pack. It will feature new Solo battles as well as over 80 new cards including Mew ex, Aerodactyl ex, Celebi ex and more.
There will also be new cosmetic items in the game including binders and display boards. There will also be a special bonus gift of 12 Pack Hourglasses each day on December 17th, 18th and 19th
We're currently compiling all details so be sure to keep checking back
Edit: We have opened up our database for Mythical Island. It'll be updated with a full set list and details on Tuesday so be sure to check back


TinkatonReleased in Pok�mon UNITE

In The Games Department

Pok�mon UNITE

Pok�mon UNITE has received a small update which adds a variety of things to the game.
First, the Pok�mon Tinkaton is now available to obtain. Alongside this, its Holiday Style Holowear is also now available.
We're currently compiling full details for Tinkaton in our Pok�mon section for the game.

Pok�mon Masters EX

In The Games Department

Pok�mon Masters EX

Pok�mon Masters EX has announced the next event. This event is the Joyful Music with Everyone event and introduces the Sync Pairs of Lillie & Shiny Primarina and Bugsy & Kricketune into the game. It runs from December 13th 2024


Pok�mon Masters - Threads of Strength

In The Games Department

Pok�mon Masters

The next event has begun in Pok�mon Masters EX This event is a repeat of the Pok� War Games event which tells the story of Guzma, Diantha, Jasmine & Hilda facing off against eachother in a competition. Alongside this, a Costume Scout offering Guzma & Buzzwole, Diantha & Keldeo, Hilda & Diancie and Jasmine & Celesteela is available
We've added full details in our Pok� War Games and Battle Prep section with details of the event

Until Next Time, See Ya