The CGLINK group has been set up to facilitate communication among staff on campus who are involved with administering contracts and grants. The Office of Research (OR) will utilize the group to share information, including but not limited to:

  • Regulatory changes.
  • Research-related policies and procedures changes.
  • New information or changes on the OR website.
  • Schedules of contract and grant meeting and training sessions.
  • Time-sensitive contract and grant matters.
  • Pertinent information from funding agencies.

C&G liaisons are welcome to use the CGLINK group to post questions and solicit information from other departments or from the Office of Research on contract and grant matters of general interest. Please continue to direct questions on specific projects to the relevant contract and Sponsored Projects officer & analyst team. Information on joining and leaving the group is found below.

The CGLINK Group is a Google group and has all the conveniences of a Google group including viewing all conversations and threads over time, easily see members, and membership settings. 

Joining and Leaving the CGLINK group:

Joining the group:

Send us an email.

Leaving the group:

  • Go to Google Groups and sign in with your account.
  • Go to C&G Link in My groups.
  • Go to My membership settings.
  • Click on Leave group.
  • Confirm your choice when prompted.

To send a message after you have been added the group:

Send an email to