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Coquandite from
Baia Sprie mine, Baia Sprie, Maramureș County, Romania

Locality type:Mine
Formula:Sb6+xO8+x(SO4)(OH)x(H2O)1- x (x = 0.3)
Validity:Believed Valid
Mineral Data:Click here to view Coquandite data
Locality Data:Click here to view Baia Sprie mine, Baia Sprie, Maramureș County, Romania
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:928937
Long-form Identifier:1:3:928937:6
GUID (UUID V4):c98fc193-9a80-4f8f-b441-7d5091612494
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Report (issue)
= 5.7648(6) Z=4 X-ray Powder Pattern: Baia Sprie, Romania. 3.131 (vs), 6.22 (s), 3.892 (s), 3.545 (s)... (2) 11.75 85.60 2.65 Total 100.00 (1) Baia Sprie, Romania; by electron microprobe, partial analysis...stibiconite, coquandite, peretaite, onoratoite, cetineite. Distribution: In Romania, from Baia Sprie (Felsőbánya) Tuscany, at the Cetine mine, 20 km southwest of Siena; in the Pereta mine, Scansano; and at Micciano
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
CaSb4O4(SO4)2(OH)2·2H2O, and coquandite, the most recently discovered. Coquandite was originally assigned...paragenesis. Coquandite is known from three localities in Tuscany, Italy, the Ribeiro da Serra mine, Gondomar...Portugal, and the Lucky Knock mine, Tonasket, Washington, U.S.A. In the Pereta mine, Tuscany, it always occurs...product of stibnite, as is the case in the La Cetine mine, Tuscany, from which peretaite and al. 1992). At the Lucky Knock mine, fibers and plates of coquandite are associated with stibnite and
Book (edition)
Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43...abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept...Uintah County. Utah. and m (2.B. acanthite group). Monoclinic, C2/m, a,b,c Rio Blanco County. Colorado...Rice, Dolores co., both Colorado, at the Questa mine, Taos co., New 1994. Abernathyite K2[(UOJ 2l(AsO_J2]•6HzO...Harding Co .. South Dakota. and at the Fuemrole No2 mine, Emery co .. Utah. Also at Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald
Book (edition)
Spotsylvania Co., and Partridge mine, Orange Co., VA, and at Dahlonega, GA; Homestake mine, Lawrence Co., SD; Silver...Lake Co., Breckenridge(*), Summit Co., Ground Hog mine(*), Gilman Co., Silverton and Telluride, San Juan...Ledge mine, Nevada Co., Jamestown, Tuolumne Co., Colorado quartz mine, Mariposa Co., Bonanza mine, the Alps; major occurrences in Transylvania, Romania, especially Rosia Montana (Verespatik). In Russia...Nelson, Westland, Otago, and Southland. Emperor mine, Vatukuola, Fiji. Mt. Kare, Papua New Guinea. In
variety amethyst, sceptre habit, Denny Mountain, King County, Washington, U.S.A. / Photo by Ken Mayer Production...1000° Mots inc. Native Gold on Quartz, Paymaster mine, South Porcupine, Ontario / Photo by Brian Boyle...Marquis imprimeur inc. Barite on Quartz, Rock Candy mine, Grand Forks, British Columbia / Photo by Ken Mayer...Mayer Publisher Pyromorphite, Society Girl mine, Moyie, British Columbia / Photo by Ken Mayer Mineralogical... Ontario Canada Diopside on Grossular, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec / Photo by Jeffrey A. Scovil
Book (edition)
44. c 1 3 .50 A. A natural occurrence at a coal mine in the (TL) Lvov-Volynsk basin, USSR. Achates. syn...33- 1 230]. (TL) Villedicu Township. Temiscaming County, Quebec. Canada. Named for S.O. Agrel l. Agricolite...09. c 7.76 A . Z=2 [PDF 27-620]. (TL) San Carlos mine. Guanajuato. Mexico. Named for S. Aguilar. Agustitc...PDF 34- 1 266 on synth. material]. (TL) Akaganc mine. Iwate Pref., Japan. Named for locality. 9 Akalidavyne...synth. material) . (TL) Nagyag. (Transylvania). Romania. Etymology unknown-A.H. Chester ( 1 896) Diet.
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