- Colors are most commonly specified as either a color name or as the hexadecimal triplet representing an RGB combination. See web colors for details.
- Color accessibility, with sufficient contrast, must be respected.
- Remember that the meaning of colors is not universal.
- Text is optional; it is displayed using (by default) the default style foreground color as prescribed by CSS. For most users this is black.
- The wikilink parameter is also optional and specifies the article to which the text should point.
Visual effect | Markup |
| |
Default color for this text | {{colorbox|fuchsia|Default color for this text}}
Wikilink to "Mediawiki" | {{colorbox|yellow|Wikilink to "Mediawiki"|Mediawiki}}
Using an X11 color name | {{colorbox|chartreuse|'''Using an X11 color name'''|:w:X11 color names}}
Using RGB hex triplet | {{colorbox|#FEDCBA|''Using RGB hex triplet''|:w:Web colors#Hex triplet}}
- Controling the visibility of text color on a colored background
- Using a blue, purple, or red background colorbox obscures unvisited, visited, and missing wikilinks, respectively, as these are the default link colors for most users.
- Using a black colorbox with text markers obscures the text as the default style foreground color for most users is black.
- Most background colors (except white and pale colors) will not be contrasting correctly with the default text or link colors.
- For this reason, you should specify a contrasting color for the rendered text in the 4th parameter (the presence of a link in the 3rd parameter will be made signaled by a bottom dotted line, in the same color as text)
Visual effect | Markup |
Inverted text | {{colorbox|black|Inverted text||white}}
Inverted link | {{colorbox|Inverted link|Help:link|white}}
Not a link | {{colorbox|white|Not a link||blue}}
Effective link | {{colorbox|Effective link|Help:link|blue}}
Legends and keys
[edit]The colorbox
template is widely used to annotate complex tables in which editors have used color to group like entries. The editor uses the background-color
style to color individual cells in the table and then adds a legend consisting of colorboxes at the beginning or end of the table explaining the meanings behind the color scheme. The editor may also add symbols like a caret (^), dagger/obelisk (†), double dagger/diesis (‡), or asterisk (*) to call attention to the different meanings.
Visual effect | Markup |
^ | {{colorbox|#CEF2E0|^}}
† | {{colorbox|#CEDFF2|†}}
‡ | {{colorbox|#DDCEF2|‡}}
* | {{colorbox|#F2E0CE|*}}
- Note
- The HTML code
must be used to create the asterisk as Wikipedia will treat the typed asterisk as an indented bullet point.