Руководство:Блокировки и разблокировки
Администраторы могут блокировать и разблокировать IP–адреса (а также учетные записи зарегистрированных пользователей, если функция блокировки учетных записей включена). Под "блокировкой" понимается лишение технических возможностей по редактированию, загрузке файлов, переименованию страниц, а также, если пользователь имел соответствующие права - по изменению уровня защиты и восстановлению/удалению страниц.
MediaWiki handles blocks through an abstraction layer; extensions can add their own block types. The mechanism for creating/updating/removing blocks and how they are logged and listed are different for each block type; the mechanism for checking whether a user is blocked, preventing blocked actions and informing the user is unified.
Standard blocking interface
Для наложения блокировок существует специальная страница Special:Block. Процедура блокировки состоит из следующих шагов:
- Укажите IP-адрес или имя учетной записи, которые будут заблокированы. Для этого введите IP-адрес или имя учетной записи в поле "IP-адрес, имя участника или идентификатор блокировки:". Обратите внимание, что имена несуществующих учетных записей тоже могут быть заблокированы, поэтому убедитесь, что вы указали правильное имя. Также можно заблокировать диапазон IP-адресов, см. Справка:Блокировка диапазонов для инструкций как это делать.
- Укажите параметры блокировки. Выберите действия которые будут запрещены блокируемому. Блокировка Во всём проекте запрещает блокируемому редактировать любые страницы, блокировка Частичная запрещает редактирование отдельных страниц в определенных пространствах имен.
- Укажите длительность блокировки. Вы можете выбрать один из стандартных сроков блокировки из выпадающего списка озаглавленного "Закончится через:", или выбрать в списке значение "Другое время" и ввести произвольную длительность в стандартном формате GNU в появляющемся поле справа от списка. Если в качестве срока блокировки вы выберете "бессрочно", блокировка не закончится автоматически, но она может быть снята админист��атором.
- Укажите причину для блокировки (опционально). Эта причина будет показана заблокированному пользователю при попытке редактирования страниц.
Нажмите на кнопку "Добавить блокировку", чтобы применить блокировку. Все блокировки записываются в журнал блокировок, а все блокировки действующие в данный момент перечислены в списке активных блокировок.
Обратите внимание, что вместо того, чтобы вручную вводить IP-адрес или имя учетной записи на странице Special:Block, вы можете использовать ссылку "Добавить блокировку" в панели инструментов при просмотре страницы участника или обсуждения участника. Вы также можете "щелкнуть" по ссылке "заблокировать", которая находится после IP-адреса или имени учетной записи в списке свежих правок или в истории правок.
Параметры блокировки
Версия MediaWiki: | ≥ 1.8 |
В версии MediaWiki 1.8 были добавлены несколько дополнительных параметров блокировки, которые могут быть активированы при помощи кнопок-"чекбоксов" на странице Special:Block.
- Блокировать только ано��имных пользователей (т.н. "мягкая" блокировка)
- Этот параметр влияет на результат блокировки IP-адресов Когда эта опция включена, блокировка затронет только анонимных пользователей вносящих правки с этого адреса, зарегистрированные пользователи делающее правки с того же IP не будут затронуты. The option has no effect on a block of a registered user, but does on an autoblock caused by it.
- Block account creation
- This option changes the effect of a block when blocking a user or an IP address. When it is enabled, the registration of new user accounts from that IP address will be disabled while the block is in effect. However, this can be bypassed by creating an account on another wiki and visiting the wiki where the block is active, as global accounts automatically create local accounts on wikis the first time they are visited by the user. However, the bypassing can be prevented by a global ban that prevents account creation.
- Automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent addresses they try to edit from (also called hardblocking)
- This option changes the effect of a block when blocking a registered user account. When it is enabled, the IP address most recently used by the account, and any IP addresses that the account subsequently attempts to edit from will be automatically blocked.
Partial blocks
Версия MediaWiki: | ≥ 1.33 |
Since MediaWiki 1.33, it is possible to prohibit the block target from making changes only to the specified pages and/or all pages in namespaces. If a page is moved, the restriction will be switched to the new title. Currently non-existent ("redlink") pages cannot be blocked, and setting multiple overlapping blocks with different expiration dates is not supported.
In MediaWiki 1.33 and 1.34, partial block is disabled by default.
It may be enabled by setting $wgEnablePartialBlocks = true
Версия MediaWiki: | ≥ 1.35 |
Since MediaWiki 1.35, partial blocks are always enabled and cannot be disabled. You may hide partial blocks form elements by adding some JS or CSS to user or site common.js/common.css. This does not disable partial blocks which may still be set via API.
An IP address or registered user account can be unblocked via the list of active blocks. Find the IP address or registered user account you wish to unblock in the list (you can enter the address or name in the "Поиск заблокированного участника" field to help you find the entry), and click the "разблокировать" link displayed to the right of the block's expiry time.
This will lead you to a confirmation page. Enter the reason for unblocking (optional) in the "Причина:" field, and click "Снять эту блокировку" to remove the block. All unblockings are recorded in the block log.
Note that if a range is blocked, then the unblock must cover the whole range to be effective. Attempting to unblock an individual IP address in the range will not be effective.
Effects of being blocked
When $wgBlockDisablesLogin
is enabled, blocked users are locked out of their account entirely.
This is mainly meant for private wikis which need a mechanism to revoke reading privileges once a user is not active anymore.
On other wikis, blocked users may still read pages, but they may not create, edit or move pages, or upload files.
Partially blocked users may not edit the particular pages or namespaces specified in their block, but may create, edit or move other pages, and may upload files.
Users with certain other user rights may not be able to use those rights when they are blocked, depending on their block.
For example, users with the rights to delete and undelete or protect and unprotect pages will not be able to do so if they are sitewide blocked.
If they are partially blocked, then for any page they are not blocked from, they will still be able to perform these actions.
However, users with the rights to block and unblock users will still be able to do so when they are blocked. Unblocking your own account requires the extra right unblockself
; by default all sysops have this but on large wikis it might make sense to remove it to make potential account takeovers less disruptive.
Users who are blocked and attempt to edit a page (or move a page, or upload a file) will see the "Your account or IP address has been blocked" message informing them that they have been blocked.
If the autoblock option has been enabled with respect to a block, and the blocked user attempts to edit (or move a page, or upload a file), the IP address being used by that user will also be blocked.
Configuration settings related to blocking
The configuration options below can be set in LocalSettings.php and can be used to enable or disable certain aspects of the blocking interface.
- controls how many seconds need to pass until a block on an "autoblocked" IP address will expire. The default is 86400 seconds (one day)$wgBlockAllowsUTEdit
- controls whether or not a blocked user is able to edit their own user talk page. This is currently (1.26+) true by default. The ability to disable the ability of a blocked user to edit their own user talk page, when this variable is true, is an option available in Special:Block.- The blockemail user right controls the ability for sysops to prevent users from using the Special:EmailUser interface.
- controls if blocked users will be prevented from logging in. This is false by default.$wgCookieSetOnAutoblock
- (1.29+) determines whether to set a cookie when a user is autoblocked. Doing so means that a blocked user, even after logging out and moving to a new IP address, will still be blocked. This is enabled by default.
- The hideuser user right controls the ability for sysops to prevent a blocked user from appearing in the block log, the active block list, and the user list.
Default block duration options
To change the default options listed in the "Expiration" drop-down menu, edit the page MediaWiki:ipboptions.
The options are stored as a comma-separated list of "label:value" strings, for example 6 hours:6 hours,infinite:infinite
To have three options listed in Spanish, the page could include 6 horas:6 hours,2 días:2 days,para siempre:infinite
The default duration is "other".
To specify another default duration, edit the page MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry and enter the value you want.
Note that you must write the value and not the label, if you were using the Spanish example listed above, MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry should be infinite
(the value) and not para siempre
(the label).
Версия MediaWiki: | ≥ 1.35 |
To specify a default duration for anonymous users, edit the page MediaWiki:ipb-default-expiry-ip and enter the value you want.
Using the Spanish example listed above, you could write 2 days
(the value) but not 2 días
(the label).
Interface messages
URL parameters
Версия MediaWiki: | ≥ 1.18 |
Special:Block accepts some URL parameters to prepopulate the HTML form:
- username/IP addresswpEditingRestriction
- the type of block restriction (=sitewide or =partial)wpPageRestrictions
- the pages to block (only applies for partial blocks; separate multiple pages with %0A; maximum 10 pages)wpNamespaceRestrictions
- IDs of the namespaces to block (only applies for partial blocks; separate multiple namespaces with %0A; see API:Block for a list of blockable namespace IDs)wpExpiry
- expiry timewpAutoBlock
- autoblock setting (=1 or =0)wpHardBlock
- hard block setting (=1 or =0)wpCreateAccount
- prevent account creation (=1 or =0)wpReason
- reason, from selection of MediaWiki:Ipbreason-dropdownwpReason-other
- prepopulating "other reason" text field
- BlockIp - occurs whenever the software receives a request to block an IP address or user
- BlockIpComplete - occurs after the request to block an IP or user has been processed
- UnblockUser , UnblockUserComplete - like BlockIp/BlockIpComplete, for unblocking
- AbortAutoblock - occurs when creating an autoblock, allows extensions to cancel
- PerformRetroactiveAutoblock - similar to AbortAutoblock but called when doing a retroactive autoblock (when performing a block, also autoblocking the user's last used IP)
- GetUserBlock - when the software checks for blocks, can be used to modify existing blocks or implement new types of blocks
- UserIsBlockedFrom - can be used by extensions which reimplement user talk pages in some way (e.g. Extension:LiquidThreads ) to honor the "allow the user to edit their own talk page" flag
- UserIsBlockedGlobally - similar to GetUserBlock, but for global blocks (which are for historical reasons handled separately)
- OtherBlockLogLink , OtherAutoblockLogLink - allows cross-linking Special:BlockList and Special:AutoblockList respectively with similar special pages provided by extensions
- SpecialBlockModifyFormFields - allows modifying the core Special:Block form
All types of blocks are stored in the block
Older versions of MediaWiki (before 1.42) used the ipblocks
table instead, but stored user account blocks there as well.
Only currently active blocks are stored here.
To see old blocks, check the logging
is a string and can be a username, an IP address, or blank.
contains the user_id
of the blocked user.
Here is how to filter for different kinds of blocks:
- The data on who was blocked is stored in the block_target table, keyed by
.- User blocks –
WHERE bt_user != 0
- IP address blocks –
WHERE bt_user IS NULL AND bt_range_end = ''
- IP address range blocks –
WHERE bt_range_end != ''
- User blocks –
- Who blocked them?
- Auto blocks –
WHERE bl_parent_block_id IS NULL OR bl_parent_block_id = 0
- Admin blocks –
WHERE bl_by_actor = 1234
(replace number with user ID of the blocking admin)
- Auto blocks –
- What are they blocked from?
- Partial blocks –
WHERE bl_by_actor = 0
- Full blocks (not a partial block) –
WHERE bl_by_actor = 1
- Partial blocks –
- How long are they blocked?
- Blocks that are indefinite –
WHERE bl_expiry = 'infinity'
- Blocks that expire –
WHERE bl_expiry != 'infinity'
- Blocks that are indefinite –
См. также
- Справка:Блокировка участников
- Manual:Block abstraction layer for writing blocking extensions or other code that interacts with blocks
- Extensions implementing new block types:
- Extension:GlobalBlocking - for allowing multi-wiki blocking of IP addresses and ranges
- Extension:TorBlock - automatically block Tor exit nodes
- Extension:RegexBlock - allow blocking by username patterns
Code stewardship
- Maintained by Trust and Safety Product .
- Issue tracker: Phabricator MediaWiki-Blocks (Report an issue)