Here's how to create a list:
There are six kinds of headings; levels 1 through 6, six being the smallest. These are transcribed using equals signs on either side of the heading.
For heading one, type =Heading 1=. For heading two, type ==Heading 2==. And so on:
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Major characters
Mario series
Usage: Topics and subtopics within pages.
To indent a paragraph, use the colon sign.
For a single indent, type :. For two indents, type ::. And so on:
- Single indent
- Double indent
- Triple indent
- Double indent
Usage: Mostly in talk pages to reply to a specific comment.
Bulleted and numbered lists
To create a bulleted list, use the asterisk sign. To create a numbered list, use the pound sign.
For a level one bullet, type *. For a level two bullet, type **. And so on:
- Single bullet
- Double bullet
- Triple bullet
- Double bullet
Use a single pound sign, #, for each number:
- First
- Second
- Third
Numbered lists can have different levels too:
- First single
- First double
- Second double
- Second single
- First double of the second single
- Third single
Bullets and numbers can be combined. If the bullets go under the number (which is made with a single pound, as usual), the pound comes before the asterisk, #*; if the numbered list is under a single bullet, the order is reversed, *#. Levels can be used, and combinations can be made on more than one level.
- First
- First's single bullet
- double bullet
- First's single bullet
- Second
- Second's 1st single bullet
- Second's 2nd single bullet
- Second's 2nd single bullet's first
- Second's 2nd single bullet's second
- Second's 3rd single bullet
- Bullet
- Bullet's first
- Bullet's second
Usage: Mainly for listing topics or giving ideas.
You can use the break tag to force a new line when using unformated text.
Use a single break tag, <br>, to force a new line.
This list is not formated,<br>
so you need the break tag,<br>
to start each new line.
Usage: When you want unformated text to wrap the page in a specific way.