our Work

Carbon Projects

We're generating high-quality carbon removal projects in the U.S. with true additionality, limited leakage, and unique co-benefits.

Our Differentiators


We conduct extensive site preparation on land that is difficult to reforest. This can include the removal of invasive species or trees experiencing poor growth.


Most degraded sites are not benign, and many threaten further environmental harm. We focus on these sites to maximize social, environmental, and climate impact.

Best land use

We believe land, especially arable and pastoral land, is a valuable resource, so we’re laser-focused on restoring degraded sites where carbon removal clearly constitutes the highest and best economic use.

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Carbon Removal for Businesses

High-quality U.S.-based projects

Procure carbon credits localized to your emission sources and preferences. We also work with companies that use their own supply chain landfor insetting.

Transparent & Verified

We build our own seedling supply and know how much carbon is removed per tree or per acre. Our credits are ex-post verified, meaning that prepurchases are available, but carbon credits aren't delivered until the carbon has actually been removed.

Biotech Collaborations

Our biotech platform is applicable across species and can develop seedings with a variety of traits and functions.

Learn how Living Carbon supplies Watershed's customer, Aledade, with high-quality carbon removal credits.

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A few of our reforestation projects on degraded land

Reforestation of Degraded Agricultural Land

Living Carbon is developing a high-impact reforestation project on former agricultural land in Ohio. This project spans five sites that were previously used for corn and soy production, and will expand restoration plans for the land to include a large-scale mixed native forest.

Restoration of Degraded Mineland

We will be planting and studying our seedlings as a method of truly additional forest carbon. The goal is to not only sequester carbon in a long-term living system, but also direct the land toward reestablishing the original natural forest species composition.

Interested in procuring carbon credits?

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Contact us at [email protected] or check out our subscriptions.