Inside the Flying Saucers

by George Adamski

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Velobinding with Card Stock Covers, printed on Acid-Free paper.



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Inside the Flying Saucers. (Original: Inside the spaceships) by George Adamski, 1955.

In his second book Adamski has obviously been criticized quite a lot. He mounts a defense of his first experiences and once again enlists the help of Desmond Leslie, though he writes only a short foreword this time. By this time Adamski must be doing some sort of tutoring, probably at some sort of psychological level. He mentions seeing a student of his in Los Angeles who was having trouble in her life. He also mentions he has been interviewed on radio and TV and has given lectures. In any case, while in Los Angeles he as this feeling something is going to happen. Sure enough, two men in suits greet him in the lobby of his hotel. He knows instantly that show more they are not from earth and goes with them. The three drive out into the desert by Los Angeles and down a dirt road. The larger man, six feet tall, explains that he is from Saturn where the smaller man is from Mars. The soon meet the Venusian from the last book working on a casting for his space ship. Adamski has names for all three. The Martian is named Firkon. The Saturnian is called Ramu; and the Venusian is called Orthon. Hey all speak perfect English. Remember that Orthon spoke no English during their first visit. His shoe size also changed. In the last book he wore a men’s size 9 to 9-1/2. Now his shoe size is a woman’s size 4.

Everyone then enters the spaceship, which is covered by graphs and charts along the walls. They sat on benches that had safety belts “like on airplanes.” The ship had a periscope and many dials and buttons. Before he know it the ship has taken off and intends to rendezvous with the 2000 foot long mother ship. Once inside the smaller craft is “re-charged” for its impending flight back to earth. Adamski is taken to a large room full of telescopes for observing earth, and there he meets two beautiful women, one blonde and one brunette. Both have beautiful skin and perfect features. They wore floor length gowns with jewels woven into the fabric. The blonde was named Kalna; the brunette was Ilmuth. Adamski is quite sure both women can read his every thought. He sees a beautiful portrait on the wall that is called “Ageless Life.” Kalna says they keep this portrait in every ship and home, and because it is there, there is no age among the people. In conversation, these human beings (they are not, strictly speaking, aliens, but the same species as ourselves) tell that on average a fourth of the population of any planet takes a cruise every year to visit other planets. The sole exception is earth, because we are so warlike. Everyone else (all human beings, mind you) are not warlike at all and treat everyone as brothers.

The mother ship leaves Earth and heads out to space. At 50,000 miles from earth they let Adamski see what Earth looks like. He describes it as a ball of white light with no indication of continents or oceans. Note that the moon is approximately 250,000 miles from Earth, so the spaceship has traveled only one fifth that distance. (Ed Note: I think this is a setup for saying Venus is inhabited.) During this time Adamski is lectured by an older man, a Master, on the issues. He essentially repeats what was in the first book, warning that the danger of a nuclear holocaust would severely hurt mankind. Not only that, if we blew ourselves up, the radioactivity would enter into space and make space travel difficult. Yes, the Space Brothers could stop us, but they have vowed never to kill a human being, therefore they would die before doing so. He also says ever solar system has twelve planets and every twelve solar systems revolve around a central core, and this pattern is repeated throughout the universe. It is then revealed that the Space brothers have been watching Adamski for some time. The reason Orthon spoke in sign language and telepathy on their first meeting was to test Adamski’s penchant for telepathy, which is used throughout the universe, and especially on Venus. It was also revealed that Space Brothers have been mingling on Earth for the last 2,000 years, cataloging and reporting back o their home planets. Also, they have a record of Earth achievement dating back 78 million years. After some more conversation Adamski was returned to Earth in the scout ship. Firkon drove Adamski back to his hotel. The next day Adamski took a bus back home.
Two months later Adamski again had a feeling he shpuld go to Los Angeles. He checked into the same hotel and the next day Firkon showed up, this time giving him a secret word to be used to identify Space brothers if he did not recognize them. They stopped by a café where Firkon ordered a peanut butter sandwich and Firkon explained the Space brothers cook their food differently than earth people do, using high frequency sound waves. He did allow that earth was experimenting with the same sort of technique (microwave ovens.). They took the same car, a Pontiac, out to the country. This time a much larger scout ship was waiting for them, piloted by someone Admaski had not yet met. He calls the man Zuhl. The ship was from Saturn, as was the much larger mothership they flew to. Six men and six women were waiting for him. The women were all slender and beautiful. Although they all looked in their twenties, Firkin later told Adamski they ranged from thirty to two hundred years old. Three of the women were from Mars; three were from Venus. Ll the men were from Saturn. They sat around a large dining room table where the Space Brothers began to discus the failures of Earth people with Adamski.
It’s the usual stuff. Earth people’s love is possessive. Space brothers’ love is all encompassing. Earth people are warlike. Space brothers do not indulge in war. The problems of Earth are all because we do not embrace the Supreme Being, even though we say we do. They quote a couple of Bible verses and say earth people aren’t really that bad, just mis-directed. The women got up and said they had to go put on their pilot suits. They all then went to the ship’s laboratory.
Here the Space Brothers began manipulating “registering disks” which were small unmanned vehicles that fly about in Earth’s atmosphere to record events. They range from very small up to twelve feet in diameter. Hey are capable of registering people’s thoughts and emotions which will be recorded on their screens. Thus the Space People can register whether humans are hostile toward them. They also learn our languages in this way. These disks can be destroyed if they run out of control. The mothership sends a magnetic ray to the disk, which then turns from metal to jelly, and then to gasses. During this conversation they also reveal their belief in reincarnation. If one of their members is killed, they know they are a separate intelligence and will return in a new body.
As all this has been happening the mothership has come close to the moon. Adamski is told the moon has an atmosphere and is breathable, though not many clouds, except on the unseen side. On the other side there is also a strip of land that supports vegetation, trees and animals. Humans could live quite well in this area. Adamski hoped to see the other side of the moon, but the Space Brothers did not completely trust him yet, so they would not allow this. Adamski did see a small furry four legged animnal run across his field of vision, but he could not identify it.
They all returned to the lounge where there was another Master on hand to greet them. Adamski receives yet another lecture on the state of mankind where Earth would be a Garden of Eden and paradise were it not for the folly of its inhabitants. As the master talked pictures of what Earth could be like floated in his mind. He master also gave solace to Adamski telling him not to be discouraged by all the criticism he had received for talking of the events he had experienced. After this lecture Adamski was returned to Earth where Firkon drove the Pontiac to take Adamski back to his hotel.
A couple of months later Adamski had those feelings again, traveled to Los Angeles, checked into his hotel, went to the lobby, and there were Firkon and Ramu. Immediately they set off for a café. Adamski had been wondering whether the mental questions that he had shot off into space over the last few months had been heard. Indeed, they had, said his visitors. Adamski asked about a Florida scoutmaster report that said he had been burned by a flame from a UFO. Not true, they said. The scoutmaster was hacking at the machine with a machete and got too close to the power source. What about the sightings at Brush Creek? True, they said. They have been secretive because it was necessary. What about Capt. Mantell who flew to his death chasing a saucer? An accident, they said. He just got to close and the shape of the airplane, which was not uniform, caused a disintegration.
Having allayed Adamski’s fears Firkon and Ramu began to talk of Earth’s past. They said that every planet reaches a stage where human habitation is possible. When this happens volunteers are sough to populate the planet. His happened on Earth, but something about future upheavals made most people pack up and leave. Only a few stayed, and they soon began living in caves amongst the lush environment of earth. The Space Brothers performed another service as well. They treated earth as a place to put troublemakers on their worlds, thus intentionally populating earth with the lowest form of humanity, the selfish egos and people with harmful intent. They exiled these people here without any instruments or equipment to force the to work. These were the original 12 Tribes. They began to live happily after all in this garden of Eden, but unfortunately, they ate of the tree of knowledge. We all know what happened to humanity after that.
Firkon and Ramu also touch on reincarnation again, saying those on earth are living at such a low vibration that we suffer from not remembering past lives except having an affinity or talent for what we have accomplished before. In extreme cases these turn out to be prodigies. On other planets humans are fully mature by two years of age, as opposed to the eighteen or twenty years it rakes on low-vibrational earth. Hen someone on earth does manage to get to a higher vibration, he is allowed to reincarnate on another more advanced planet. No space trip for Adamski on this encounter.
Yet another trip to Los Angeles. Adamski is getting better at telepathy and knows this encounter will not be just at a restaurant. He follows the same routine as before, gets a bite to eat, and finds Ramu in the lobby on his return They get into the Pontiac and drive off until they get to the Saturnian Scout ship. Adamski finds himself in the same lounge of the mothership as before. This time the beautiful women are Saturnian; he can tell because of their insignias. The Master has asked to see Adamski and his lecture begins. There is not much to distinguish this lecture from others. Earth has lost its way is pretty much the source material. The master does talk a great deal about reincarnation. He says that humans on other planets can either visit other planets directly, or choose to be reincarnated on another planet. Either way works. The Master also confirms to divinity of Jesus Christ. He then says that humans can be comfortable on any planet in the universe and that what our scientists have told us about different atmospheres or the lack thereof is not true. The Master’s primary message seems to be that “All is One,” a truth that must be learned by all on Earth.
Adamski says he had several more contacts over the next few months. His “little group” had sold their Palomar Gardens restaurant and moved up the mountain. The new owners closed it, thus putting a burden on Adamski’s guests. They seem to be living in near primitive conditions on the land, at first without running water or electricity. One gets the impression this was a small commune type of arrangement and that Adamski was quite busy with ‘visitors’ who came to see him. It reminds one of the Meier case in the telling. Adamski also begins a lecture tour which takes him across he country, but he loses his voice and is forced to cancel the tour midway through. Desmond Leslie, co-author of Adamski’s last book, came to visit and stayed many months. Though he wished to be taken aboard a saucer, the Brothers did not grant this request and Leslie was never taken aboard.
Adamski reports that his last contact as August 23, 1954, when his Space brother friends said they would not be returning. They flew to the Venusian Scout Ship this time with his original contact Orthon. The Brothers tell him they have prepared a surprise. They are all served drinks and Adamski observes many people playing cards, a form of Parcheesi, and table tennis. When they go to the control room the Moon is very apparent. He is told the brothers have built large hangers on the far side. When people visit the Moon they must undergo a 24 hour depressurization because of the lower pressure on the Moon. There are mountains, lakes, and rivers on the far side. Water is piped down from the snow-covered mountains to the settlements. Adamski was showed a fair sized city on the Moon through the mothership’s telescope. He could see people walking along the tree-lined streets. Busses that floated on air also could be seen.
They return to the lounger where a large banquet has been laid out in honor of Firkon and Ramu who are returning home. They had fruits, vegetables, and bread, then a large cake for dessert. After the banquet hey were treated to the singing of one person and dancing by two of the women. Next Adamski was treated to a movie showing scenes from Venus, a planet that looked just like our own. Venus has seven oceans, all inter-connected, large forests, rivers and lakes. There are many cities, circular in structure, but people do not rush about as they do here. Life is unhurried. Adamski saw horses, cows, dogs, and birds along with numerous flowers and vegetation. He main difference from earth varieties is coloring.
Adamski saw a family with 18 children, but the parents looked in their twenties. The cloud cover on Venus acts as a filter for harmful rays leading to a lifespan of 1,000 years. The Earth itself once was like this, but as the cover went away the lifespan shortened. Earth is tilting on its axis and will fall completely over sometime soon throwing everything askew. The resulting ocean land ,masses will be on dry land and the resulting evaporation of formerly ocean lands will build the cloud cover again around the earth so that it will look like Venus. This will be the beginning of the Aquarian Age. After this Adamski was returned to Earth.
On one final meeting Adamski was allowed to take pictures of the inside of one of the crafts, but for various reasons the pictures, which were to serve as proof, did not turn out well. Adamski ends the book by saying he knows there will be attempts to debunk the pictures that did turn out. He seems resigned to continued controversy.
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Canonical title*
Olen ollut lentävällä lautasella
Original title
Inside the space ships
Pevernell Marley; Joseph Mansour; Firkon; Ramu; Orthon; Kalna (show all 8); Ilmuth; Zuhl
I Dedicate This Book To A Better World

I wish to express my deep appreciation to Charlotte Blodget for framing my experiences to the written words of this book. ~ George Adamski
*Some information comes from Common Knowledge in other languages. Click "Edit" for more information.


629.13TechnologyEngineeringOther branches of engineeringAviationAviation engineering
TL789.A3TechnologyMotor vehicles. Aeronautics. AstronauticsMotor vehicles. Aeronautics. AstronauticsAstronautics. Space travel


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