- Member
- Jellyn
- Review
- Yea, so, this is borderline my type of thing. It's space! Yay, space! But I have trouble with the writing style. It's very close first person and you get all sorts of running commentary in her head. But that's not even the tricky part. The tricky part comes when she has conversations with people and they make leaps of logic and intuition that I sometimes have trouble following.
It's like talking to twins, or best friends, or to people who have been married for awhile. They take shortcuts and know what each other is talking about, but even though I'm in the head of one of them, it's still tricky for me!
And like, that makes sense when she's talking to her telepathic boyfriend. It doesn't make sense when she's talking to other people. Why are they all on the same wavelength and leaving me out of it?
Also, fighting, fighting, fighting just isn't the sort of thing I'm keen on reading about. - (3.0)
- Aug 14, 2013
Member Reviews
I liked this second installment of the Sirantha Jax series quite a bit, and the character is growing on me.
Following straight from the end of book 1, Wanderlust sees a huge change for the former Jumper: she's offered the role of ambassador to forge an alliance with an alien species that might prove instrumental in withstanding the threat from an invasion force.
For someone already familiar with this world and this character, the offer sounds strange, to say the least, considering there is no one less diplomatic and ambassadorial than Jax. And yet Aguirre manages to create the right circumstances leading to this and to frame them into a developing situation that promises to be quite interesting. Parallel to the "big picture" of galactic politics and social upheavals, Jax's personal journey takes unexpected directions that are very promising for the continuation of this series.
The greater part of my enthusiasm in embracing this story-arc comes from the realization that Aguirre did not show more follow the expected path with her character, especially in the lack of happily-ever-after with March, and in the twist concerning the after-effects of her ability to jump beyond the normal time frame for run-of-the-mill Jumpers.
I've found some remarks about how Jax seems very dependent on others, reacting more than acting to various situations, and I think the main reason comes from her transformation, both psychological and physical. One could say that in this installment she is in chrysalis form, and only at the end of the book she will finally start to unfold her new wings, tempered by adversity.
In this second book she finds purpose and a goal, and this new Sirantha will be better able (IMHO) to deal with the man March has turned into: due to a particular set of circumstances, the two are driven apart, forcing Jax to give up her emotional reliance on the man and in this way bolstering her inner strength. The old Jax would not have reacted well to the darkness he's carrying after his harrowing experience on Lachion, but the new one has learned how, or at least is willing to try.
Moreover, in this book a new character has come to the fore, after being barely sketched in the previous one: I have quickly developed a fondness for the insectoid Velith and I like the way he's forging with Jax a bond based on mutual respect verging toward trust and friendship, and of course important changes.
There is a moment, toward the end of the book, where Jax understands that the people surrounding her, her friends and allies, are her responsibility, and she seems to take strength from this, not the other way around. This is going to turn into a compelling journey indeed. show less
Following straight from the end of book 1, Wanderlust sees a huge change for the former Jumper: she's offered the role of ambassador to forge an alliance with an alien species that might prove instrumental in withstanding the threat from an invasion force.
For someone already familiar with this world and this character, the offer sounds strange, to say the least, considering there is no one less diplomatic and ambassadorial than Jax. And yet Aguirre manages to create the right circumstances leading to this and to frame them into a developing situation that promises to be quite interesting. Parallel to the "big picture" of galactic politics and social upheavals, Jax's personal journey takes unexpected directions that are very promising for the continuation of this series.
The greater part of my enthusiasm in embracing this story-arc comes from the realization that Aguirre did not show more follow the expected path with her character, especially in the lack of happily-ever-after with March, and in the twist concerning the after-effects of her ability to jump beyond the normal time frame for run-of-the-mill Jumpers.
I've found some remarks about how Jax seems very dependent on others, reacting more than acting to various situations, and I think the main reason comes from her transformation, both psychological and physical. One could say that in this installment she is in chrysalis form, and only at the end of the book she will finally start to unfold her new wings, tempered by adversity.
In this second book she finds purpose and a goal, and this new Sirantha will be better able (IMHO) to deal with the man March has turned into: due to a particular set of circumstances, the two are driven apart, forcing Jax to give up her emotional reliance on the man and in this way bolstering her inner strength. The old Jax would not have reacted well to the darkness he's carrying after his harrowing experience on Lachion, but the new one has learned how, or at least is willing to try.
Moreover, in this book a new character has come to the fore, after being barely sketched in the previous one: I have quickly developed a fondness for the insectoid Velith and I like the way he's forging with Jax a bond based on mutual respect verging toward trust and friendship, and of course important changes.
There is a moment, toward the end of the book, where Jax understands that the people surrounding her, her friends and allies, are her responsibility, and she seems to take strength from this, not the other way around. This is going to turn into a compelling journey indeed. show less
Can I just say how much I am loving this series?! Jax is paranoid, fatalistic and basically the universe (including her own mother) is out to get her but she is infinitely likable due to her honesty and that quirky trait of fragility cased in bravado. She never fails to spout off some irreverent smart-alecky remark in the midst of tragedy and pain without seeming flippant and I think it makes me love her all the more. We meet a variety of new characters in this second book and I loved them all. I am especially curious to see what becomes of Jael – he’s got quite the past (and future) it seems. I love Jax’s transformation from galaxy superstar to responsible ambassador – albeit in trademark Jax fashion. And March – poor crazy March. I think I bawled the entire chapter where he makes the decision to stay and help Keri’s clan fight their war – and Jax’s reaction to him. There is so much going on in these deceptively fast-paced novels that I immediately went back to show more reread several of my favorite parts after finishing each one. I can’t wait for more! Gentle readers beware there is quite a bit of language.. show less
Sirantha Jax is about to learn that breaking the Corp's hold on the world was just the beginning of her troubles. Sure she's gotten justice for the death of her lover and crew, and exposed the crash that the Corp arranged and tried to pin on her to the Conglomerate. But now a powerful piece of the world government system is missing and visionaries and bullies from all over are trying to take up the slack.
So when the Conglomerate offers to make her an ambassador, Jax finds herself not only in need of the job, but also in a unique position to be one of the first Conglomerate citizens to make it to the home world of a notorious race of insect-like beings. If only she can get past the space pirates, civil wars, the Syndicate and her own mother first.
Like Grimspace before it, Wanderlust is more than just a story about a girl who navigates space ships through the unfathomable depths of grimspace (something akin to wormholes and subspace pathways combined). This story is about Jax, show more shattered spirit and failing body, in the middle of a complete life upheaval trying to figure out which pieces fit, which don't and what to do with her new sense of responsibility and loyalty. It's hard not to be paranoid and hopeless when everyone seems to either want to kill you or kill for you, when even your body is betraying you and life seems unwilling to give you the time to heal. Aguirre takes readers there, to a flashy science fiction world with a dark side where even the planetary civil wars, human-eating aliens and missions to save the world fade under the compelling clutches of the small band of characters that have come together under enormous pressure and against monstrous odds just to do what they think is right.
Wanderlust is an exciting new tale in the science fiction genre which captures the humanity in even the most odd of aliens and takes the reader for a nonstop action ride that's hard to put down. show less
So when the Conglomerate offers to make her an ambassador, Jax finds herself not only in need of the job, but also in a unique position to be one of the first Conglomerate citizens to make it to the home world of a notorious race of insect-like beings. If only she can get past the space pirates, civil wars, the Syndicate and her own mother first.
Like Grimspace before it, Wanderlust is more than just a story about a girl who navigates space ships through the unfathomable depths of grimspace (something akin to wormholes and subspace pathways combined). This story is about Jax, show more shattered spirit and failing body, in the middle of a complete life upheaval trying to figure out which pieces fit, which don't and what to do with her new sense of responsibility and loyalty. It's hard not to be paranoid and hopeless when everyone seems to either want to kill you or kill for you, when even your body is betraying you and life seems unwilling to give you the time to heal. Aguirre takes readers there, to a flashy science fiction world with a dark side where even the planetary civil wars, human-eating aliens and missions to save the world fade under the compelling clutches of the small band of characters that have come together under enormous pressure and against monstrous odds just to do what they think is right.
Wanderlust is an exciting new tale in the science fiction genre which captures the humanity in even the most odd of aliens and takes the reader for a nonstop action ride that's hard to put down. show less
This book is fine. Aguirre is as good as any writer I've ever read at writing action/adventure scifi. She's not so good at political stuff. And this book has a major scene that is straight out of Aliens--Newt and all. It's fine. She's an excellent writer. She needs a better copy editor. And I will read every book in this series.
2nd in the Sirantha Jax trilogy. Second installments are tricky, and this one I found a little frustrating. I really love that Velith is back and has a prominent role. I was also very pleased to see that Aguirre remains adept at adding new and fascinating characters to the mix (Jael is particularly fascinating!). The Aliens-like portion of the book where they are battling the Morgut was terrfying. The war on Lachion dragged on and on - way too long. Both because i was tired of Jax whining on about being sick and missing March, and because I just generally hate war as a setting for anything. Things get a little more interesting when they are "kidnapped" by the Syndicate...
Ultimately, I guess I was a little disappointed because I was actually looking forward to getting to Velith's world and seeing how that diplomacy was going to go -and you you won't get there in this book. It looks like *maybe* they're set up to arrive in book 3, but at this rate, who knows. Still looking forward to show more reading it. :) show less
Ultimately, I guess I was a little disappointed because I was actually looking forward to getting to Velith's world and seeing how that diplomacy was going to go -and you you won't get there in this book. It looks like *maybe* they're set up to arrive in book 3, but at this rate, who knows. Still looking forward to show more reading it. :) show less
I am really liking this series so far & can't wait to read book 3. While I still whipped through this book, it was not as engrossing as #1. It quite literally is a transitional book, Jax has survived the fall of the Corp, but now has a new role that she is trying to wrap her head around. I always find such transitions a bit frustrating, but understand the necessity. It's done well here and I think that it's handled in a realistic manner for Jax's personality. Everything is very "1 step forward, 2 steps back". She continues to be a broken person who still has a lot to work through emotionally. I'm looking forward to reading more & continuing to root for her character as she continues to open up more to the rag-tag support system that her crew is becoming.
The premise: Wanderlust picks up right where Grimspace left off: Jax and her crew are going through hearings after the fall-out of the Corp, and she's offered a job: an ambassador to the Ithiss-Tor to convince them to join the government Conglomerate. Jax doesn't understand the importance of the job, no one does, save for Vel, our trusty bounty hunter who just happens to their cultural liason. And for all their best-laid plans, nothing is easy, and Jax is learning that her ability to navigate through the grimspace is taking a bigger toll on her body than anyone realized...
My Rating
Must Have: for fans of Grimspace. Though I will point out that for those readers who liked Grimspace but weren't fond on the romantic elements, that's toned down quite a bit in this book, and this book has a different focus. For new readers, be warned, Wanderlust not a stand-alone book by any means. I've read and adored the first, and I still had trouble remembering certain details and character names. I show more strongly recommend this series to those readers who like that urban fantasy voice in a space opera setting, just start with Grimspace first. It's comfortable and familiar, and enjoyable to read. The only reason I nit-picked this sequel so much is because I'm so involved in the world and the characters, and I can't wait to see where the story is going.
The full review, which does include massive spoilers, may be found in my LJ. As always, comments and discussion are most welcome.
Happy Reading! :) show less
My Rating
Must Have: for fans of Grimspace. Though I will point out that for those readers who liked Grimspace but weren't fond on the romantic elements, that's toned down quite a bit in this book, and this book has a different focus. For new readers, be warned, Wanderlust not a stand-alone book by any means. I've read and adored the first, and I still had trouble remembering certain details and character names. I show more strongly recommend this series to those readers who like that urban fantasy voice in a space opera setting, just start with Grimspace first. It's comfortable and familiar, and enjoyable to read. The only reason I nit-picked this sequel so much is because I'm so involved in the world and the characters, and I can't wait to see where the story is going.
The full review, which does include massive spoilers, may be found in my LJ. As always, comments and discussion are most welcome.
Happy Reading! :) show less
Forced to jump for her life in Grimspace, Wanderlust finds Sirantha with the opposite problem. Returned to Lachion only to trigger a bloody civil war, Blackmail, relatives with dirty secrets, and alternatives that lead nowhere she wants to go... Sirantha's once again under the gun with no good way out.
Grim, gutsy and gritty - gripping adventure with enough loose ends to wrap up that you'll want to have the third installment somewhere nearby.
Grim, gutsy and gritty - gripping adventure with enough loose ends to wrap up that you'll want to have the third installment somewhere nearby.
What an awesome book! I thought it was better than the first book, as I am now aware of what grimspace is and what it is to be a jumper, I'm familiar with the world building and the characters feel like friends. We have the usual crew from the first book obviously there is Jax, her lover and pilot March, ships mechanic Dina and bounty hunter Vel. Doc is back on Lachion after Vel had locked him away whilst he stole his identity when he was capturing Jax. We also meet some new characters in this book but I won't go into that as I don't want to spoil it for you however I will say they are fantastic. There is action galore and quite a few times it felt very much like the film Aliens. There are also quite major shocks, one in particular that left me feeling betrayed and reeling. Jax is definitely changing in this book from the self centred prima donna she is quickly becoming a caring unwitting leader. Vel also comes into his own in this book and is fast becoming one of my favourite show more characters. This book flew by and totally engrossed me all the way, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would like to give it 5 stars. show less
The best part of Ann Aguirre's characters is their growth. I want to learn more about them and continue learning what happens to them.
The story is of Sirantha Jax and her crew. Their mission is to go to Isthiss-Tor in a diplomatic mission. The true mission is to stay alive and whole. It's an exciting story and loads of fun.
The story is of Sirantha Jax and her crew. Their mission is to go to Isthiss-Tor in a diplomatic mission. The true mission is to stay alive and whole. It's an exciting story and loads of fun.
With Farwan's fall the Conglomerate is scurrying to keep control over things. Siratha has been summoned to the conference room for the umpteenth time expecting to be put through another round of questions. She's surprised when she walks in to see March and the others, whom she's been separated from since the day of upheaval. The Conglomerate wants to make Jax an Ambassador and help them with a mission to Tarn with the bounty hunter Velith as the liaison to help. Then Jax's mother shows up... As Jax goes on her journey she heads back to Lachion to see Doc as something is slowly happening to her. Now things are starting to get even more dangerous in space with Farwan gone. Will it be better or not with out Farwan's control? Will Jax be able to succeed her mission as Ambassador or will she be sidetracked and trouble find her?
I have to say I am liking the new characters in this book. And to meet Ramona Jax, Siratha's mother. Nice. She shares some big pieces of information about Jax and show more the story here. And we bring together a few new people into the crew, and I'm hooked on them. I do hope they stick around a while longer. And the old characters, well, we keep them around and learn soooo much more about them... good and bad. I like how these characters are taken to a brink and grow from there. Some grow to be leaders and others start to break apart. But this is where we leave off and leave us wanting more.
Here the world opens up and becomes more dangerous to Jax and everyone in it. The fall of a powerful controlling unit has left the outskirts of space, and even closer areas to the Central system of the Conglomerate open to raids and damage by dangerous human eating creatures and pirates looking to turn a profit.
Jax being in her new position doesn't realize she can attract attention and trouble quicker than normal now. When she appears at places there are thoughts of armies coming with her, or even assassination attempts on her. Her newly acquired position could end up being the death of her faster than the jumping was. And if not death, at least the destruction on the universe.
Another good read of Siratha Jax. This book seems to be the one leading you into Doubleblind. So have Doubleblind ready for you when you read this one, as you'll want to keep going with Jax on her missions. I will definitely be continuing with the series as I'm hooked. show less
I have to say I am liking the new characters in this book. And to meet Ramona Jax, Siratha's mother. Nice. She shares some big pieces of information about Jax and show more the story here. And we bring together a few new people into the crew, and I'm hooked on them. I do hope they stick around a while longer. And the old characters, well, we keep them around and learn soooo much more about them... good and bad. I like how these characters are taken to a brink and grow from there. Some grow to be leaders and others start to break apart. But this is where we leave off and leave us wanting more.
Here the world opens up and becomes more dangerous to Jax and everyone in it. The fall of a powerful controlling unit has left the outskirts of space, and even closer areas to the Central system of the Conglomerate open to raids and damage by dangerous human eating creatures and pirates looking to turn a profit.
Jax being in her new position doesn't realize she can attract attention and trouble quicker than normal now. When she appears at places there are thoughts of armies coming with her, or even assassination attempts on her. Her newly acquired position could end up being the death of her faster than the jumping was. And if not death, at least the destruction on the universe.
Another good read of Siratha Jax. This book seems to be the one leading you into Doubleblind. So have Doubleblind ready for you when you read this one, as you'll want to keep going with Jax on her missions. I will definitely be continuing with the series as I'm hooked. show less
Wanderlust is the second in a series about Jax and March. The first book was a wonderful read. This second book is just as good.
The story continues with March and Jax, who are supposed to be on their way to a planet so Jax - who has never played a role like this - is to be a diplomat. Jax is trying to keep from grimspace jumping, which is like trying to stay away from an addiction, because each time she jumps, she pays a higher physical and mental toll. The huge conglomerate that owned so much and so many people has been broken. On the way to fulfull their diplomatic mission, they are waylaid, and get stuck in the middle of a war. Bad things happen.
This book is just as well written as the first. I was pulled into the story and when the book ended, I wasn't ready for it to end. Thank goodness there will be a third novel. Ann Aguirre is one of those writers that I feel will always write an interesting story, no matter what she writes about. All of her characters have such rich show more personalities, and the planets that Jax and March visit are described well, without giving the feeling that you are drowning in descriptive phrases and purple prose. The love story between March and Jax is not a HEA, but there is a strong connection between the two. show less
The story continues with March and Jax, who are supposed to be on their way to a planet so Jax - who has never played a role like this - is to be a diplomat. Jax is trying to keep from grimspace jumping, which is like trying to stay away from an addiction, because each time she jumps, she pays a higher physical and mental toll. The huge conglomerate that owned so much and so many people has been broken. On the way to fulfull their diplomatic mission, they are waylaid, and get stuck in the middle of a war. Bad things happen.
This book is just as well written as the first. I was pulled into the story and when the book ended, I wasn't ready for it to end. Thank goodness there will be a third novel. Ann Aguirre is one of those writers that I feel will always write an interesting story, no matter what she writes about. All of her characters have such rich show more personalities, and the planets that Jax and March visit are described well, without giving the feeling that you are drowning in descriptive phrases and purple prose. The love story between March and Jax is not a HEA, but there is a strong connection between the two. show less
I read this two days ago and already I can't really remember what the point of it was as it just swung from one plot point to another without a cohesive story holding it together. As in, by the end of the book, the characters ended up where I thought they would be by about chapter 3- the whole thing was about going off course, but it didn't seem to have any depth or meaning except that Jax figured out what she reasonably would have needed to know in order to do her job (which she doesn't even really get to START). The whole book is basically sub-plot and yet... I still think Aguirre is a solid writer. I enjoy her world building and characters.
This is the sequel to Grimspace and takes up where the first book left off.
Many worlds banded together and the Farwan corporation ruled them through economic control, a space jump monopoly, and their security apparatus. Jax and her crew were able to bring the corporation's manipulation and crimes to light, resulting in the collapse of the corporation, and with it their governmental functions. The confusing aftermath creates a power vacuum. The social power structure comes apart, and there is economic and social chaos. In space, pirates, the mafia, and aliens, the Morgut, who hunt and eat humans are trying to build their own empires and harvest snacks.
Jax and her crew are sent to an insectoid planet, to try to get them to join the other worlds, and hopefully deal with the Morgut (the are poisonous to them). Jax has befriended a bug and he has agreed to teach her the finer rules of their society. They depart New Terra for Ithiss-Tor.
The book is the story of their journey, and show more does not actually cover the diplomatic mission. It ends as they arrive at Ithiss-Tor. I actually hate books that do this, set up a goal and then end as it appears. However, I did enjoy the book in spite of the bait and switch of the blurb.
The same characters from the first book are included and there are 2 new ones added to the crew. All are good and fit well together. One of the old characters, March the hero and love interest goes off to do his own thing for the middle part of the book. It saves us from continuous goopy romance and allows Jax to become the leader. But the whole split and his return and condition seem contrived and annoying.
Again it is an adventure book and a quick light read. The way the book ends, it could be the finish of the series, though there is room left to continue. It appears her next book in April 2009 is with a different publisher and about a different character. show less
Many worlds banded together and the Farwan corporation ruled them through economic control, a space jump monopoly, and their security apparatus. Jax and her crew were able to bring the corporation's manipulation and crimes to light, resulting in the collapse of the corporation, and with it their governmental functions. The confusing aftermath creates a power vacuum. The social power structure comes apart, and there is economic and social chaos. In space, pirates, the mafia, and aliens, the Morgut, who hunt and eat humans are trying to build their own empires and harvest snacks.
Jax and her crew are sent to an insectoid planet, to try to get them to join the other worlds, and hopefully deal with the Morgut (the are poisonous to them). Jax has befriended a bug and he has agreed to teach her the finer rules of their society. They depart New Terra for Ithiss-Tor.
The book is the story of their journey, and show more does not actually cover the diplomatic mission. It ends as they arrive at Ithiss-Tor. I actually hate books that do this, set up a goal and then end as it appears. However, I did enjoy the book in spite of the bait and switch of the blurb.
The same characters from the first book are included and there are 2 new ones added to the crew. All are good and fit well together. One of the old characters, March the hero and love interest goes off to do his own thing for the middle part of the book. It saves us from continuous goopy romance and allows Jax to become the leader. But the whole split and his return and condition seem contrived and annoying.
Again it is an adventure book and a quick light read. The way the book ends, it could be the finish of the series, though there is room left to continue. It appears her next book in April 2009 is with a different publisher and about a different character. show less
Didn't like this one as much as Grimspace. The plot got a little muddled and Sirantha a little more whiny-angsty. Still an interesting world. Horror movie elements, lots of danger (although didn't feel very suspenseful, for some reason).
This one was a little slower to kick off, but it picks up pace about halfway in. Lots of scene setting and stuff, but I loved it nearly as much as book 1. 4 and a half stars.
Sirantha battles more baddies.
Review to come.
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