Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance

by Nick Estes

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Politics. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:How two centuries of Indigenous resistance created the movement proclaiming "Water is life" In 2016, a small protest encampment at the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, initially established to block construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, grew to be the largest Indigenous protest movement in the twenty-first century. Water Protectors knew this battle for native sovereignty had already been fought many times before, and that, even after show more the encampment was gone, their anticolonial struggle would continue. In Our History Is the Future, Nick Estes traces traditions of Indigenous resistance that led to the #NoDAPL movement. Our History Is the Future is at once a work of history, a manifesto, and an intergenerational story of resistance.

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2024 Nonfiction - Indigenous Studies (1) ebook haymarket books (1) Environmental justice--Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) (1) etc. -- United States -- History. Indians of North America -- United States -- Government relations -- History. Red Power movement. Protest movements -- North Dakota. (1) history (17) history-north-america (1) Indians of North America -- Land tenure -- Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Indians of North America -- Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) -- Politics and government. Petroleum pipelines -- Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N (1) indigenous (6) Indigenous activists--Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) (1) Indigenous History (5) Indigenous peoples of North America--Land tenure--Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) (1) Indigenous peoples of North America--Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.)--Politics and government (1) Indigenous resistance (3) Indigenous Studies (7) land tenure of the Indians of North America (1) law-anorder (1) Lower Brule Sioux (2) marginalized-communities (1) mutual-aid-organizing (1) Native American (7) Native American/First Peoples History (1) North Dakota (3) Petroleum pipelines--Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) (1) politics and government of the Indians of North America (1) radical-library (1) resistance-heroes (1) Social Justice & Social Issues (1) Standing Rock (7) uprising-resistance-revolution (1) Wishlist: Climate and Environment (1)


Member Reviews

4 reviews
In Our History is the Future, Nick Estes, member of the Lower Brule Sioux tribe, journalist and professor of history at the University of Minnesota connects the 2016 Standing Rock NoDAPLE struggle against the Dakota pipeline with the longer history of Indigenous struggles against colonialism. In doing so, he shows clearly that Indigenous struggles are and always have been a battle between very different views of our relationship to the earth, to the land and water, and the importance of and need to protect them if we are to survive. He discusses many different actions, strategies, whether direct or through the courts, as well as solidarity and work with other movements including BLM as well as internationally.

Our History is the Future show more is a well-written, well-researched, and informative book. But Estes’ passion for and deep understanding of the urgency of the subject shines through. An important book and one that anyone concerned about issues like climate change and/or the effects of colonialism should read.

Thanks to Edelweiss+ and Haymarkey Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review
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A fascinating, well-written history of resistance particularly of Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people and those who share land claims with them, though the book also stretches outside of those nations as those peoples interact with other nations. Estes does a great job of challenging the historiography where it fails, and keeping the history coming from within community where possible (and it's way more possible than most histories have acknowledged.)

I'm like very behind the times, but the chapter on indigenous internationalisms had me like shaking the book and demanding more. I'm really looking forward to digging into those citations, but I think it's a totally accessible intro to that and I really think could be super effective in a show more classroom. I certainly wish I had access to it sooner! That tipped it over for me, though I recommend the whole book regardless, for its specificity and accessibility. show less
***who sucked me in***
Brain of Bookish on YouTube.

«Eskerrak Emateko Eguna: horra hor kolonoen nazioak bere buruari kontatzen dion sorrera-istorio arketipikoa. Istorio horren arabera, natiboek eta kolonoek, indioilarra eta batata erreak janez, ‘bakea’ erdietsi zuten Massachusetts estatuko Plymouth hirian, non, 1620an, kolonia bat ezarri baitzuten Mayflower itsasontzian iritsi ziren erromesek. 1637an, ostera, pekuota herriko 700 bat lagunen sarraski zentzugabea burutzeko, zera esan zuen Massachusetts Badiako Koloniako gobernari William Bradford-ek: Eskerrak Emateko Eguna ospatu beharra zela ‘garaipen odoltsuaren omenez, eta Jainkoari eskerrak emanez borrokan gailentzeagatik’. Bakea, lapurtutako lurretan, genozidioz blai dago».


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Canonical title*
Gure historia da etorkizuna : Standing Rock vs Dakota Access oliobidea, eta indigenen erresistentziaren tradizio luzea
Original title
Our history is the future : Standing Rock versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the long tradition of indigenous resistance
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Dakota Access Pipeline protests
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*Some information comes from Common Knowledge in other languages. Click "Edit" for more information.


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