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City of Ashes (2) (The Mortal Instruments)…

City of Ashes (2) (The Mortal Instruments) (original 2008; edition 2015)

by Cassandra Clare (Author)

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15,678428358 (4.03)171
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I feel like this deserves 4 1/2 stars. Much improved from the first book and I can't wait to get started on city of glass. ( )
  Wasitora | Aug 27, 2024 |
{my thoughts} - This book like the first was a very nice read. I enjoyed the storyline and the introduction of the new clues that are placed strategically throughout the book. The description of the world is like any other, and is well worth getting lost in. I could read these over and over again because they truly are amazing.

This book is a bit out there but it is worth the read. Throughout the entire book Clary and Jace struggle with their attraction for one another. They feel it is wrong, yet at the same time it seems so right to them. The heart essentially wants what the heart wants. Simon also goes through some life changing events in this book. For the most part it is a good read and I enjoyed it as well as would probably read it again in the future.

{reason for reading} – I had a lot of friends that were raving about these books so I read them based on the belief that they were probably a good set of books and I have to agree they were a really good read. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
The story continues directly from the first book. If you liked that one you'll like this. If you didn't like that one you won't like this either.

As I said about the first book, this is a reasonably entertaining young adult urban fantasy. The characters are interesting, if not too deep, and the same can be said of the worldbuilding. The plot was good, with some family drama that captured my attention. My main complaint is how typical it is, with its teenage female main character who discovers her family was part of a supernatural community, and finds herself in a love triangle with the likable, non-threatening good-boy geek and the wisecracking, "dangerous" bad-boy. It's entertaining, but not memorable. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
3.5 stars! Still pretty trope-y but I enjoyed it a lot more than book one. ( )
  escapinginpaper | May 18, 2024 |
As I always state when I write up a review for a YA fiction novel, I am most certainly not in the target audience, but when something draws my interest, I give it a chance. Having read the first book in Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments’ series, CITY OF BONES, and liked it well enough despite some flaws, it was natural to move on the second book in the series, CITY OF ASHES. Many YA series get off to a good start with a first book that pulls readers in with a decent hook and characters, who if not original, at least feel like a new take on familiar tropes. The hard work comes in the subsequent novels when suspense has to be kept up, and character arcs sometimes begin to bend to the breaking point.

CITY OF ASHES begins pretty much where the previous book left off with the series MC, Clary Fray, wanting to get back to a normal life even though she is now involved in a secret world filled with supernatural creatures—vampire and werewolves—along with magic and warlocks. Not only that, but her mother is still in a coma, and she has to deal with the fact that she is the daughter of a Big Bad named Valentine, which makes her the sister to Jace, the hot boy Shadowhunter (warriors who keep order in this secret world). Not to mention that her mundane (normal human) best friend Simon, wants to be way more than friends. Things take a turn when Valentine steals a couple of McGuffins, and uses them to drain the blood from warlocks, vampires and werewolves as part of some ritual that would release hordes of demons into the this world—the usual Big Bad stuff. Jace is suspected of helping his evil father, and then Simon gets turned into a vampire, and it is up to Clary to set things right.

The pacing of CITY OF ASHES is one of its strongest points, and Clare does know how to hit the basic plot points to keep me turning the pages. In this second book, she allows many of the supporting characters to grow and step out so that they are more than knock-off versions of people we met in the Harry Potter books and Star Wars, something I took the author to task for in my review of CITY OF BONES. Her world building skills are more than adequate here, so that I felt part of this fantasy secret world, and not a “mundane.” For these kind of fantasy books to work, the reader, especially teenage ones, need to feel like they are just as special as the main characters. There is a mean adult authority figure who makes life tough the young characters, who at first seems like a standard YA fantasy trope, but then Clare puts a spin on it that keeps it from becoming a cliché. And as a villain, Valentine has some moments that elevate him from being a discount Voldemort.

The big problem with CITY OF ASHES is that Clare fails to make Clary more interesting, she’s still just a standard YA fiction heroine. Many of the supporting characters and their stories, such as Magnus and Alex, Maia and Simon, often feel like they would be more interesting MCs. Then there is the incestuous feelings between Clary and Jace that come off as just plain oogy. For me, it was a real distraction, especially when Clare goes out of her way to describe Jace, a typical YA fiction dude with attitude, as having “golden” skin and hair, not to mention long eyelashes. But as some reviewers have pointed out, the forbidden attraction of incest is a big theme in fan fiction, which was where Clare got started in her writing, so I guess it is a real thing with a lot of readers. I’m just not one of them. I couldn’t help but think that a series centered on Clary and Simon, might have worked better, where a teenage Shadowhunter has to deal with her boyfriend after he is turned into a vampire.

Anyway, this second book in the series ends on a note of suspense that sets the stage for the next volume. I have the third book in the series, CITY OF GLASS, on my shelf, and I will be taking it down to read in the very near future. ( )
  wb4ever1 | May 4, 2024 |
3.5 Stars. Potential spoilers.

Not one of my favorites so instead of an in-depth review, I'll add brief pros and cons.

Pros: The "idea" of the series is entertaining. It has fantasy, escapism, magic, etc. The writing, while not great, is sufficient. In this book we learn a lot more about Valentine and he appears several times and I think that the plot progresses, which is good.

Cons: The romance plot is a mess. The entire false notion that Clary and Jace are siblings and their star-crossed, potentially incest lovers theme is off-putting but more importantly boring. Nothing really happens or occurs to develop their relationship and as such it remains superficial. Despite the progression of the plot I felt that the characters were fairly stagnant, particular Clary. As for the men, maybe I have high standards but Jace and Simon both lack any really redeeming or likeable qualities with the exception of Simon's devotion to Clary. ( )
  tnemurtsni | Mar 20, 2024 |
Full disclosure, I have not finished reading this book but I am finished with it. I just can’t take the implied incest; yes, I’m sure the characters are not really brother and sister, but they have no reason to believe they are not. Just not my cup of tea ( )
  corliss12000 | Mar 16, 2024 |
Loved it. My favorite genre! ( )
  mjphillips | Feb 23, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
I was surprised at what Clary can do, but I won't spoil it!! :D I felt bad for Jace because of what he had to go through. It's worse than not having a father, ( )
  anj_anj_anj | Feb 8, 2024 |
TW/CW: Violence, fantasy violence, injury, mild language


REVIEW: City of Ashes is the second book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Claire. It is also the second book in my reread of that series!

The book follows Clary, a teenager who has discovered that she’s descended from a line of demon hunters called Shadowhunters. She finds herself trapped in a war between worlds she didn’t even know existed, all while navigating her feelings towards Jace, a teenage boy who is apparently her brother.

This book is super melodramatic, but honestly that’s one of the reasons I love it so much. It’s pretty fast paced and exciting, and really keeps my interest. This series is exactly the kind of book series I like, and is definitely my guilty pleasure. ( )
  Anniik | Jan 31, 2024 |
Representation: Side biracial character
Trigger warnings: Blood, grief and loss depiction, death of a person from suicide and other people, physical injury
Score: Six points out of ten.
This review can also be found on The StoryGraph.

First, let me tell you something before I begin. It's been months since I read the first book, City of Bones, which I thought was only okay, so a few months later, I picked up the second instalment in the series. When I finished it, I found it slow-paced (that's not always bad. However, sometimes, that's an issue), and couldn't fully connect to the narrative and characters. I could pick up the third novel, but I don't have high hopes anymore. There was a map showing all the locations the book would go over; that was a nice touch. I would be better off if I read another series instead. It starts (or continues) with the main character, Clary Fray, or Clary for short, and I know this novel picks up right off from the first but I barely remember that. In the first half, almost nothing happens, but that let me explore all the characters and their dynamics, e.g., Jace, Clary and so many others I forgot due to the character soup. Out of all of them, the romance was the most significant, but it wasn't the best part. When you think about it, it's messed up. Wow. Now with that out of the way, the second half was a little faster paced than the first, and the final few pages were a rollercoaster to read through, it's has so much action. However, that didn't save the book in the end, considering that I only enjoyed 10% of it. Shame. ( )
  Law_Books600 | Jan 9, 2024 |
Mortal Instruments is the sort of series that not just sucks you in, but makes you feel as if you've swirled down a whirlpool. If you try to swim your way out you just get dragged down deeper into the world of Shadowhunters, Warlocks and demonic forces in their battle between light and darkness. Lines are blurred and drawn between our heroes. Possibly one of my favorite new additions to this part were the Seelie Court and the lycanthrope, Maia, who may or may not be interested in Simon. As for Simon, Clary's best "mundane" friend, his life is altered to a degree you might suspect but wouldn't believe. We learn more of Valentine's plans to conquer the world for mankind. Like any great supervillian, he's convincing enough that even the reader starts to question the goodness of the Clave he's determined to tear down.
The High Inquisitor, meantime has arrived to find out where the loyalties of the New York Conclave lie, and Jace is used as a tool or revenge and retribution. Clare does an amazing job of interveaving character view points and motivations so you aren't sure who to root for, or exactly where their loyalties lie.
At the heart of the novel is the forbidden love between Jace and Clary. I have my suspicions that the "children" of Valentine may not be quite as he declares them to be. And it's heartbreaking as well as rendering to watch them fight the feelings they have for one another. In almost any other circumstance you know you should be revolted by the idea of them together, but Clare once again, burrows you so deeply in her characters that you feel as helpless and anxious to see them come together.
Anticipating to see what City of Glass brings to light. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
I think it's safe to say I'm addicted to supernatural YA Fiction.
Although now I'm pretending that it's research.
I read this after watching the movie (I know, I know) and I love it - albeit in a slightly ashamed way. ( )
  kimlovesstuff | Dec 31, 2023 |
so good i need book 3 :) ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
so good i need book 3 :) ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
At the insistence of one of the teens, I gave this series another try. I forgot most of the characters and plot of the first book, but I just plowed through and worked around the holes. I didn't get the sense of tedium as I did in City of Bones. But the writing was still rushed and squished together haphazardly. I usually overlook this sort of thing, but I just thought about all the bad writing habits that teens could pick up. The plot was engaging though and the story moved along quickly. Good fun. ( )
  mimo | Dec 18, 2023 |
AMAZING!!! ( )
  wallace2012 | Nov 4, 2023 |
This was even better than the first. I look forward to reading the rest of the series. There are a lot of battles in this one. Jace is as sarcastic as ever, all the other characters are even funnier than before. In this one you also meet Maia a young werewolf. She was a little annoying sometimes but helped make a great plot. There is a ton of action and adventure. The last 80ish pages were by far the most thrilling part of this book. There are so many 'What the heck?' moments in this. I highly recommend this!!! ( )
  CaitlinDaugherty | Aug 28, 2023 |
Clary’s life has been turned upside down -- demons are real and her mother’s in a coma. She’s getting closer to Simon and her newfound brother Jace. But she’s ready for it all to go back to normal. But someone in New York City is murdering Downworlder children -- is her father, Valentine, behind it? I’m actually writing this review from the vantage point of mid-way through book 5, but this series is frustrating. I’m enjoying it -- a lot -- and the tension is high -- but it feels like the actual plot is subsumed by the romance sub-plot more often than not. And I mean, I’ve barely done *anything* but read this series since starting it last week. I don’t think I’m going to write separate reviews. But seriously -- Clary and Jace need to be cut a break at SOME point. Gah. ( )
  lyrrael | Aug 3, 2023 |
A book and a half about a boy trying desperately to force a girl to love him, to change into the girl he wants her to be, and throwing fits when she doesn't do it. And he's the 'nice' guy. Can we... can we just stop telling young women that this is romantic? That stubbornly ignoring 'no' isn't loyalty? That insisting you be who they want you to be isn't love? That the pain of your rejection isn't a horrid wrong you have to right? That growing and becoming as a person and loving whoever you love isn't a betrayal? I'm so tired. ( )
  Kiramke | Jun 27, 2023 |
I have a severe problem with this book , while the writing and dialogue have improved , why is the focus all on jace and while Clary is the main character , she didn't do anything useful in this book except maybe two times ?! , it is Jace that and Jace this and every freaking time anyone is about to tell something important , they get cut off , it was to be forgiven if it happened one or two or even three times but it was ALL the damned time ... and the INCEST , please stop with it for god's sake , why did she have to make them siblings , I have no idea , maybe except to make me extremely uncomfortable every single time clary and Jace are mentioned ( )
  Jessicaby234 | Apr 30, 2023 |
Great 2nd book to a series I love, in a well thought out world and great relatable/diverse characters :) ( )
  katejo99 | Jan 28, 2023 |
I have to admit, this wasn't as bad as the first novel! There was a lot more action which kept me wanting more but some of the characters are still so terrible and/or annoying. Even though I did like this book I still feel the need to pick it apart but I have to step back and remember that this series is meant for a much younger audience. It wasn't the best but it was far from the worst! ( )
  mtngrl85 | Jan 22, 2023 |
Ok book. Slow beginning, nothing interesting happens till the second half, but still enjoyable. ( )
  jhellar | Jan 14, 2023 |
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