Le jardin des plantes

by Claude Simon

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"While Simon admits that there are defining moments in life - eight days of battle during World War II were Simon's unforgettable experience - The Jardin des Plantes rings with his refusal to be defined by any single event. His thoughts show the complexity, the fabulous chaos, that make up the experience of life for Simon and, he insists, for all thinking human beings. Simon's memories - whether of everyday minutiae or passages from novels or the staggering experiences of war and death - show more unreel like films, constantly replaying or stopping and starting according to the whimsical or terrifying nature of his experiences. The juxtapositions may hold meaning or be nothing more than tricks of the mind. What is important is that each memory has a place in his mind and each has an effect on his self and the way he interacts with others."--BOOK JACKET. show less



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ThingScore 75
Dieses Spätwerk des 85-jährigen steht, wie alle seine vorangehenden Werke, in der Tradition des Nouveau roman und dessen Abkehr von klassischen Erzählstrukturen. So finden sich im "Jardin des Plantes" verschiedene konturenlose Erzähler oder Erzählperspektiven. Der Autor springt in den Zeiten hin und her, von einem Teil des Erdballs zum anderen, von einer Assoziation zur nächsten.

Doch show more geht die simple literarische Kategorisierungen mit der Gleichung "Widerspiegelung einer chaotischen Welt in einem sich formal auflösenden literarischen Werk" für diesen Text nicht auf. Gerade das Gegenteil trifft zu, denn schon der Titel macht deutlich: Hier handelt es sich um ein geordnetes Chaos. So wie dem wilden Wachstum der Natur in der kunstvollen Parkanlage in der Nähe seines Pariser Wohnortes von Menschenhand Einhalt geboten wird, komponiert Simon ein nach ähnlichen Regeln funktionierendes sprachliches Kunstwerk und versucht auf diese Weise, dem Chaos entgegenzuwirken. show less
Monika Papenfuß, literaturkritik.de
Apr 1, 2000
added by Indy133

Author Information

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29+ Works 1,778 Members
Claude Simon was born on October 10, 1913 in Tananarive, Madagascar. He was educated at the Collège Stanislas in Paris, Oxford University, Cambridge University, and the André Lhote Academy. He traveled extensively through Spain, Germany, the Soviet Union, Italy and Greece until he joined the French Army during World War II, where he was captured show more by the Germans but soon escaped to join the Resistance. After the war ended, he wrote several books including The Cheat, The Wind, and The Flanders Road. He received several awards including the prize of l'Express in 1961, the Médicis prize in 1967, and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1985. He died in Paris France in July 6, 2005. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Some Editions

Stump, Jordan (Translator)

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Common Knowledge

Original title
Le jardin des plantes
Original publication date
1997 (original French) (original French)


Fiction and Literature, General Fiction
843.914LiteratureFrench & related literaturesFrench fiction1900-20th Century1945-1999
PQ2637.I547 J37Language and LiteratureFrench, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese literaturesFrench literatureModern literature1900-1960


5 — English, French, German, Latin, Swedish
Paper, Audiobook