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Agabus (Saint, 1st century); Ananias, husband of Sapphira (1st century); Ananias of Damascus (Saint Ananias II, 1st century); Apollos (Saint, 1st century); Aristarchus of Thessalonica (Saint, 1st century); Barnabas, a Levite from Cyprus "also named Joseph" (Acts 4:36,14:1-15:39) (show all 56); Bereans, searched the Scriptures (Acts 17:10-15); Caesar, Roman Emperor "Tiberius Caesar Augustus" (Acts 17:7); Claudius, Emperor "Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 1" (Acts 11:28, 18:2); Cornelius, the centurion, of Caesarea, converted Gentile (Acts 10); Diana, cult goddess "Artemis" (Acts 19:24); Dionysius the Areopagite (Bishop of Athens, Saint, 1st century); Dorcas, Peter raised from the dead "Tabitha" (Acts 9:36–42); Erastus of Corinth (Erastus of Paneas, Saint, 1st century); Ethiopian eunuch, Philip baptized him (Acts 8:26-40); Father "God the Father" (Acts 1:4,7, 2:33); Antonius Felix (4th procurator of Judea Province: c.52-60); Porcius Festus (5th procurator of Judea Province: c.60-62); Gaius of Derbe (companion of Paul, 1st century); Gamaliel the Elder (Rabban Gamaliel I, 1st century); God "Elohim" "Yahweh" (Acts 2-3,5,7,9-13,17,20,28); Hermes (Acts 14:11-13); Herod Agrippa I "Marcus Julius Agrippa" (Acts 12:1-24); Herod Agrippa II, son of the Herod Agrippa I "Marcus Julius Agrippa" (Acts 25:13-26:32); Holy Spirit "Holy Ghost" (Acts 1:5,7-8,2:4,38,4:31,5:3,8:15,9:17-18,11:15-16,13:2,19:1-6); James, the Less, son of Alphaeus and Mary, brother of Matthew (Acts 1:12-14); Jason, relative of Paul (Acts 17:5-9); Jesus, of Nazareth "Christ"; Joel, writer of one of prophetic books in the Bible (Acts 2:16-21); John Mark, son of Mary (Acts 12:25, 15:37-39); John, the Apostle, son of Zebedee and Salome (Acts 4:1-31); Justus, proposed but not selected to replace Judas "Joseph" "Barsabbas" (Acts 1:23); Luke, the Evangelist, the physician (Acts 1-6,7-12,13-18,19-25,26-28); Lydia of Thyatira (Saint, 1st century); Matthew, the Apostle, brother of James "Levi" (Acts 1:12-14); Matthias, the Apostle (Acts 1:20-26); Moses, son of Amram, wrote the first 5 books of the Bible - call (Acts 7:22-39 | Acts 7:35 | Acts 3:22-26); Nicolas of Antioch (1st century); Paul, the Apostle, of Tarsus "Saul" (Acts 7:55-8:3, 9:1-30, 11:25-30, 13-18, 19-25, 26-28); Peter, the Apostle, "Simon Peter" "Cephas", d. 60 (Acts 1:15-22,2:14-41,3,4:1-31,5:1-11,29-32,8:14-25,9:32-43,10,11:1-18,12:1-19); Pharaoh's daughter, found baby Moses (Acts 7:20-21); Philip, the Apostle (Acts 8:5-13, 26-40, 21:8-9); Philippian jailer (Acts 16:16-40); Priscilla, wife of Aquila (Saint, 1st century); Aquila, husband of Priscilla (Saint, 1st century); Sapphira, wife of Ananias (1st century); Satan (Acts 5:3); Saul, of Tarsus (Acts 7:57-58,8:1-3,9:1-30); Savior, the one who saved us from eternal damnation "Jesus" (Acts 5:31,13:23); Silas or Silvanus (Saint, 1st century); Simon Magus (1st or 2nd century); Son of God (Acts 9:20,13:33); Son of Man (Acts 7:56); Spirit "Holy Spirit" (Acts 1:5,8,2:4,17,38,4:31, 5:3,6:3,8:15,9:17,11:16, 13:2,19:2); Zeus, Greek king of gods (Acts 14:11-13); Ananias son of Nedebeus [High Priest 47 to 52] (Ananias ben Nedebeus, 1st century)
Important places
Adriatic Sea (shipwreck of Paul | Acts 27:13-44); Amphipolis, Greece (spread of the Gospel | Acts 17:1); Antioch, Syria (spread of the Gospel | Acts 11:19-30,13:1-3,14:26-28,15:23-35); Apollonia, Lybia (spread of the Gospel | Acts 17:1); Athens, Greece (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 17:15); Bay of Naples (Acts 28:13) (show all 50); Berea, examined the scriptures (Acts 17:10-15); Caesarea, spread of the Gospel (Acts 8:40,9:30,10:1-48); Cilicia (Acts 15:23-29); Crete, Greece (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 27:7); Cyprus (spread of the Gospel | Acts 13:4-12); Cyrene (Acts 13:1); Damascus, Syria (Saul converted | Acts 9:1-25); Derbe (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 14:19-21,16:1-5); Earth (created by God | Acts 4:24,7:49); Ephesus, Turkey (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 18:19-21,19:17-20,23-41,16:8); Ethiopia (Ethiopian eunuch | Acts 8:26-39); Galatia (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 18:23); Galilee (where Jesus spent most of his life here | Acts 9:31); Gaza, Palestine (spread of the Gospel | Acts 8:26); Greece (Acts 20:1-3); Iconium (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 13:51,14:1-6,16:1-3); Jerusalem, Israel (Acts 9:1-2,13,26-29,11:2-18,27-30,15:1-21); Joppa, Palestine (spread of the Gospel, Tabitha raised "Jaffa" | Acts 9:36-43); Judea (Acts 1:8,8:1,9:31,15:1-2); Lydda (spread of the Gospel | Acts 9:32); Lystra (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 14:8-20,16:1-5); Macedonia (Paul and Silas imprisoned | Acts 16:9-40); Malta (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 28:1-10); Mesopotamia ("Syria of the two rivers" | Acts 2:9,7:2); Miletus (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 20:15); Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel (Jesus arrested "Gethsemane" | Acts 1:12); Nazareth, Israel (Acts 4:10,24:5); Neapolis (Acts 16:11); Pamphylia, Turkey (Acts 13:13-49,14:24-25); Paphos, Cyprus (spread of the Gospel | Acts 13:6-12); Phillippi (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 16:11-15); Phrygia (Acts 16:6,18:23); Pisidian Antioch (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 13:13-52,14:24); Puteoli, Italy (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 28:13-14); Rhegium, Italy (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 28:13); Salamis, Greece (spread of the Gospel | Acts 13:4-5); Samaria (spread of the Gospel | Acts 8:4-25,9:31); Samothrace (Acts 16:11); Syracuse, Sicily (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 28:12); Syria (Acts 15:23-29,40-41); Tarsus, Cilicia (home of Paul | Acts 9:28-30,22:3); Thessalonica, Macedonia, Greece (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 17:1-9); Troas (Paul's missionary journeys | Acts 16:8-11,20:5-12); Tyre, Phoenicia (spread of the Gospel | Acts 21:3-6)
Important events
Judas Iscariot hangs himself (Acts 1:15-20); Ascension (Acts 1:3-11); Matthias chosen to replace Judas (Acts 1:12-26); Pentecost (Acts 2); Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11); Stephen stoned (Acts 7:54-60) (show all 12); Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8); Saul’s conversion (Acts 9:1-19); Peter’s escape from prison (Acts 12:1-19); Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16:16-40); Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos (Acts 18:18-28); The shipwreck of Paul (Acts 27:13-44)


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