Jill Ciment, author of Heroic Measures (August 15-September 1)

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Jill Ciment, author of Heroic Measures (August 15-September 1)

Aug 15, 2009, 10:31 am

Please welcome Jill Ciment, author of Heroic Measures. Jill will be chatting on LibraryThing until September 1st.

Aug 15, 2009, 5:25 pm

Well hi! Just thought I'd post to let you know how much I enjoyed Heroic Measures. Congrats on Oprah choosing it as a summer pick. That's probably how I found it, although indirectly. I was at the library and saw it on the Xpress table and thought it looked interesting (and it was!!). I don't think it would have had such a prominent display if not for the Oprah nod. I didn't see Oprah's picks until after I read your book (well if she did so well picking one...).

I would love to learn more about the characters as their past was really only hinted at but sounded very interesting. Any plans to revisit these wonderful people and their dog?

Aug 16, 2009, 8:39 am

Jill, Heroic Measures was a charming book, and I've reviewed it and given it 4 stars. You know you've succeeded when a reader wishes she knew the characters. I'd love to read more about Ruth, Alex and Dorothy. Now I've found The Tattoo Artist at the local library, and I started reading it just last evening.

Aug 17, 2009, 4:49 pm

I never knew HEROIC MEASURES was an Oprah pick....good for her! I found it myself when I saw the cover in and the dog caught my eye. I got the book and wound up reviewing it and doing a giveaway on my blog as I LOVED the book SO MUCH! I am going to try and get my book club to read it next month. I also believe Jill that you live in Florida. (I live in Daytona Beach) and I was wondering if you will be anywhere near here promoting so I might get a copy autographed and be able to hear you speak??? It would be great! Thanks for a wonderful story and amazing precious characters!

Aug 18, 2009, 3:18 pm

Thanks so much for the kind words about my novel. Kanellio, I do live in Florida--Gainesville to be exact. I teach at the university. I will be giving a reading in Orlando this fall and will post it. Best Jill

Aug 20, 2009, 10:51 am

I loved Heroic Measures, Jill. I kept worrying however, throughout the book that either Dorothy or Ruth or Alex was going to die because of the title. It kept me going because they became so enduring so quickly. I also really liked how you handled the New York scene. For people who live there, it is about neighborhoods and individuals within those neighborhoods not just one big anonymous city. Being a dog lover, I really enjoyed how you handled Dorothy's thoughts and opinions. Is there a new book on the horizon?

Aug 21, 2009, 10:04 am

I own two dachshunds. One is a bit of an older dog, so after reading the description of Dorothy strapped to the cutting board being carried off to the vet by her adoring owners. I knew I had to read that book!! Are you a dachshund owner? Loved Dorothy and loved her owners.

Aug 23, 2009, 1:01 am

hi, jill wouid u please tell me about heroic poetry it's defination and a brief origen.also give me definition of riddles,elegies please send these details in two days because i am to submit my assignement.

Aug 23, 2009, 10:01 am

I was a dachshund "owner" although I was more like her handmaid, chef, and activities director. She lives 16 heroic years, and went "down" like Dorothy 3 times. But she walked till the end. I now how a wonderful rescue pup.

Aug 23, 2009, 10:35 am

My older boy is a rescue. He's 8 and we got him a year and a half ago.

Edited: Aug 31, 2009, 12:07 am

How hard was it to get into the creative writing course at UCI? What did they teach that you still use, and what did they teach that you now think was a waste of time?

Aug 31, 2009, 11:18 am

Dear semckibbin,
I attended UCI in the early 80's so I don't know how difficult admissions are now. However, at the University of Florida where I teach, we accept 6 out of 250 applicants. I imagine Irvine is similar.

Can writing be taught? Talent, compassion, originality, wisdom can't be taught, but a good teacher should be able to help an already promising student hone in on their innate abilities. Do I advocate MFA programs for every young writer. No. But it provides a community of like minded people at a very crucial stage in a young writer's life and two or three years of concentrated writing time. Irvine taught me the most essential lesson of all--to sit down every day and write.