Book Events for clfisha

Events within the books in clfisha's library

11th century

14th century

16th century

17th century



1893 Chicago World's Fair

18th century



1948 Arab–Israeli War


19th century

1st dissection of an elephant in Britain

7th century

Abu Ghraib Prison scandal

Age of Sail

AIDS epidemic

Alien Invasion

American Civil War

American Revolution

Anatomy Act



Armenian Genocide

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Assassination of William McKinley

Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan

Battle of Armageddon

Battle of Balaclava

Battle of Caporetto

Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Maldon

Battle of Rorke's Drift

Battle of the Little Bighorn

Battle of the Somme

The Battle of Troyes-Le-Mont

Battle of Waterloo

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Big Bang

Black Tuesday

The Board of Poor Law Guardians

British Raj

The British Women's Temperance Association

The building of the Analytic Engine

The building of the Difference Engine

Butlerian Jihad

California Gold Rush


Charge of the Light Brigade

Chicago World's Fair


Cleveland Torso Murders


Cold War

The Conciliation Committee

Coordinated Attack by the Tooks

Crimean War


Cultural Revolution

Death of Morpheus

Death of Ray

Death of Warren G. Harding

Declaration of Helsinki

Dracula Night

Dragon Day

Durban Declaration

Easter Rising

Edo period or Tokugawa period

Eighteenth Amendment

El final de la Reconquista con la toma de Granada por los castellanos

El imperio otomano conquista Egipto

El saqueo de Roma por los luteranos.


Elite Conscription Act

End of the Universe

Establishment of Israel

The Fabian Society

Falklands War

First cattle drive from Texas to Montana

First contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms

First Crusade

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

Fourth Crusade

French Resistance

French Revolution

Funeral Rule

Georgian Era

Gold Rush

Golden Age of Comic Books

Great Comet of 1819

Great Depression

The Great Fire of Ankh-Morpork

Great Leap Forward

The Great Revelation

Gulf War


Guy Fawkes Night

Heaven's Gate suicides

Heian period


Hurricane Donna

Hurricane Katrina

The Ides of March

Indian Mutiny

Indian Rebellion of 1857

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965

Industrial Revolution

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Iraq War

Italian Renaissance

Jack the Ripper Murders

Japanese invasion of Manchuria, 1931

Japanese Occupation

Jazz Age

Kefauver Senate Hearings

Khmer Rouge rule of 1975–1979

The Law and Liberty League

Liberal Party, UK

The London School Board

Manhattan Project

The Men's Political Union for Women's Enfranchisement

Middle Ages

Mint 400 Race

MK-ULTRA experiments

Murder of Katherine Soames

Napoleonic Wars

National Women's League Federation

New Orleans school desegregation crisis

Nizari Ismaili state

The North-of-England Weavers' Association

Panic of 1837

Partition of India

Peninsular War

Persian Constitutional Revolution


Prehistoric Age

Premiere of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring

The Primrose League


Quest of Erebor

R100 Airship project


Regency Era

Reign of Malik Shah I



Russian Revolution

Salem witch trials

The Salvation Army

The Scottish Women's Liberal Federation

Second Crusade

Siege at Ruby Ridge

Siege of Cawnpore

Siege of Leningrad

Siege of Sebastopol

Slavery in colonial times and after the American Revolution

Son of Sam Killings

Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Golden Age

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Student Protests

Superflu epidemic

Taiping Rebellion

Tang Dynasty

Terra Nova Expedition

Third Crusade

Total eclipse of the sun

The Troubles

Trujillo dictatorship

Tuskegee syphilis study

Twenty-First Amendment

Two Hundred Years' War

United States presidential election


Victorian Era

Vietnam War

Viking Age

Volstead Act

Waco Branch Davidian Siege

Walpurgis Night

The War in Heaven

The War on Drugs

Watergate Scandal

Weimar Republic

Whit Monday

Whitechapel Murders

The Women's Co-operative Guild

The Women's Franchise League

Women's Liberal Associations

The Women's Liberal Federation

The Women's Social and Political Union

Women's Suffrage

The Women's Suffrage Society

World Trade Center Attack

World Trade Center Attacks

World War I

World War II

World War II, German Occupation of France

World War II, Pacific Theater

World War II, Ultra

World War III

World's Columbian Exposition

The Wreck of the Essex

Yugoslav Wars

Yuri Gagarin becomes first human in space. April 12, 1961

Zombie Apocalypse

Zulu War