Book Events for MaskedBrute

Events within the books in MaskedBrute's library

11th century

14th century


17th century

4th century BCE

Alien Invasion

American Civil War

American Indian Movement

American Revolution

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Auspicuous Event

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Fredericksburg

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of Midway

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of Verdun

Battle of Waterloo

Bronze Age


The Coercive Acts

Cold War

Colonizing the New World

Coronation of Aragorn

The Council of Elrond

Death of Smaug


Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of the One Ring

Final Crisis

French and Indian War

Genesis creation narrative

Golden Age of Comic Books

Guadalcanal Campaign

Guy Fawkes Night


Hindenburg disaster



House of M

Hyborian Age

Jazz Age

Kefauver Senate Hearings

Manhattan Project

Martian invasion of Earth

May Day

Middle Ages

Napoleonic Wars

Peninsular War

Persian Gulf War

Pontiac's Rebellion

Quest of Erebor

The Regulators Rebellion

Running of the Bulls

September 11 Attacks

Siege of La Rochelle

Spanish-American War

Stamp Act Crisis

Tea Party

The Townsend Acts

Trojan War

Vietnam War

War of the Five Kings

War of the Ring

War of the Usurper

World War I

World War II

World War III

Xenocide of the Formics

Zombie Apocalypse