Book Series for FondsLeiman

Series that books in FondsLeiman's library belong to

Summary: 69 Series

ASA Rose Monograph Series

The Balkan trilogy

Blackford Oakes

Blackwell Readers

The Bronze Booklet Series

Cambridge Surveys of Economic Literature

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy

Chichele Lectures

Coleção Documentos Brasileiros

The Collected Works of James M. Buchanan

Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes

The Complete Works of Henry George (National Single Tax League)

Concepts in Social Thought

Critical Social Thought

Crowell American History Series

The Discovery of the Orgone

The Don Epic

Economics, Cognition, And Society

The first philosophers

Fontana Modern Masters

For Beginners

Fortunes of War

Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation



A History of Socialist Thought / G. D. H. Cole

A History of Soviet Russia

The Human Comedy

International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction

Interpretations of American History: Patterns and Perspectives


The Invention of the White Race

Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution

Key Contemporary Thinkers

Levende Gedachten

Library of Philosophical Movements

The Lionel Robbins Lectures

Looking Backward series

Major Issues in History

Marx's Capital and Capitalism Today

Masterworks of Economics

The Modern World-System

Museo Casa de León Trotsky & CEIP León Trotsky: Obras Escogidas de León Trotsky

The Myth of the Machine

New Palgrave

Papal Magisterial Documents

The Pelican Economic History of Britain

Pelican History of England

The Pelican History of the United States

Philosophy and Society

Post-Contemporary Interventions

Problems and Perspectives in History

Problems in American Civilization

Problems in European Civilization

Reading Capital

Scenes from Country Life

Seuil, Economie et société

Social Philosophy and Policy

The Socialist Register

The Spiral Ascent

Studies in Social Discontinuity

Studies of Manners

SUNY Series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences

Trevelyan Lectures

Trotsky Trilogy

Verso World History Series

World Development Report

Writers & Readers ... for Beginners