This is a tell all that perhaps tells a little too much. Ms Tindall does a good job of researching and reporting the history of the classical music industry in America. However she uses her sex life with her many partners perhaps to bring an emotional charge to her book? If that is the case her failure is complete. Ms. Tindall nobody cares why, how or how many times you spread your legs. She proclaims she had to do it to get gigs. Sorry, I feel you're justifying what you want to do, gig or no gig. Nevertheless, I think the book is a good read for students and parents interested in classical or Broadway music. I would be interested in reading more of this authors writing provided she keeps her legs crossed! Amazon used her book as the basis for a pilot using the same title.
If you like Mr. Gurney, he's at his best in this one act play. It's not political, just realistic of life on a Canadian beach in the 1950s.
If you are interested in writing a script this is an excellent book!
This may be the best Preston & Child book yet. They bring back Corrie Swanson and introduce Captain Stacy Bowdree, USAF. Corrie is realistically portrayed as a youth growing into maturity, rebelling against Pendergast one minute, grateful for his protection the next. Stacy Bowdree reminds us that conflicts don't end after early adulthood. And, the adventure ties the past with our present in unique ways, one of which is to include a lost Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes story. It is one thing to admire Doyle, it's another to put his characters in your book. My opinion is P&C when too far, so I downgraded them from 5 stars to 4. Still like most Pendergast novels it was hard to put down. And my advice is stay out of Aspen, CO.
Heresy by A.R.Gurney
I'm a big A.R. Gurney fan, but this play is horrible. Christian Bible bashing for that sake only. He's done other works placing a Biblical story in a modern setting with success, but here he couldn't even get the ending right. One wonders at the hatred in his heart towards Christians? All I can say is grow up Mr. Gurney, you're not even funny anymore.
If I counted correctly "FUCK" is used 19 times, "God Damm" around 6, and "Jesus" used as a swear word a few times too. It's sad because the basic story is rather good. It suggests if love is based on trust or sex or both what will result? And, what is the best way to handle mental illness? But, there is something else going on in this play. Does Mr. Auburn want to desensitize us to swearing? Does he want the playgoer to leave his values at the theater door as he mocks the God most Americans worship? How politically correct is this play? Well, just look at the awards given it!!!
How to Learn and Memorize German Vocabulary: ... Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the German Language (and adaptable to many other languages too) by Anthony Metivier
Mr. Metivier gives the basics of a memory system. His examples are memorizing a poem, a deck of cards and a few words in German. I've been working on the system for memorizing cards and I found his example poorly constructed. I was disappointed with the book.
A light comedy with unusual twists. I haven't seen the live production but suspect it would be enjoyable!
This book has less to do with Alice in Wonderland and more to do with attacking belief in God, Christ, moral values and Republicans. Why not rename it to Bitching About Everyone Dr. Patten Dislikes? I really don't care who he likes or dislikes, I thought I was getting a book about Alice. He should have stuck to the topic presented in the title.
Bishop Lahey does a nice job of explaining the Rosary, it's past and present form along with related scripture and music.
Do older Americans have to be potbelly fat? Not so, if you follow the steps outlined in this book. Dr. Joyal does an excellent job of explaining the biology of being overweight, what it does to you, and how to bring your waistline back to normal. This isn't a fad diet book, it's a science based approach to smart weight loss!
The Life Plan: How Any Man Can Achieve Lasting Health, Great Sex, and a Stronger, Leaner Body by Jeffry S Life
At last a diet and exercise book written for men! Dr. Life does a great job of going over the science of weight loss and muscle gain.
The following plays are contained within this collection: The Snow Ball, The Fourth Wall, Later Life, A Cheever Evening, and Overtime. All of them except The Snow Ball are based on the works of other authors. The Fourth Wall has loose ties to Saint Joan by G.B. Shaw. Later Life is based on the short story The Beast of the Jungle by Henry James. A Cheever Evening is a cut and paste of scenes from the works of John Cheever contained in The Stories of John Cheever. And, Overtime is based on the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. The teacher in Mr. Gurney tempts us to read these other authors. In fact, not to do so before reading Later Life, A Cheever Evening, or Overtime will lessen the enjoyment of Gurney’s plays.
A Cheever Evening is a collection of parts of different stories from The Stories of John Cheever as indicated below. I have not seen this play performed, but as the script is Mr. Cheever’s words, one should consider reading his stories first to fully appreciate Mr. Gurney’s effort.
Act 1
0. Preface p. vii
1. The Enormous Radio
2. The Pot of Gold
3. The Season of Divorce
4. The Bus to St. James’s
5. Reunion
6. The Scarlet Moving Van
7. The Cure
8. The Brigadier and the Golf Widow
9. The Housebreaker of Shady Hill
Act 2
1. The Summer Farmer
2. An Educated American Woman
3. The Seaside Houses
4. The Jewels of the Cabots
5. The Ocean
6. The Chaste Clarissa
7. Goodbye, My Brother
8. The Fourth Alarm
9. The Day The Pig Fell Into The Well
A Cheever Evening is a collection of parts of different stories from The Stories of John Cheever as indicated below. I have not seen this play performed, but as the script is Mr. Cheever’s words, one should consider reading his stories first to fully appreciate Mr. Gurney’s effort.
Act 1
0. Preface p. vii
1. The Enormous Radio
2. The Pot of Gold
3. The Season of Divorce
4. The Bus to St. James’s
5. Reunion
6. The Scarlet Moving Van
7. The Cure
8. The Brigadier and the Golf Widow
9. The Housebreaker of Shady Hill
Act 2
1. The Summer Farmer
2. An Educated American Woman
3. The Seaside Houses
4. The Jewels of the Cabots
5. The Ocean
6. The Chaste Clarissa
7. Goodbye, My Brother
8. The Fourth Alarm
9. The Day The Pig Fell Into The Well
An excellent collection of A. R. Gurney's work.
A collection of interviews and articles either written by or about A. R. Gurney. None appear critical of Gurney's work except at times Gurney himself. If you're a Gurney fan this book provides interesting insights into his work and life.
Hoyt C. Franchere's book is part of a group of books in Twayne's United States Authors Series. Mr. Franchere's 147 page work is an introduction not only to the life and selected works of Robinson but also to other critical reviewers of Robinson such as Ellsworth Barnard. Serious acedemic researchers my find Franchere's work lightweight, but for the average reader it's a great way to start a study of Robinson's poetry. Prior to starting this book it may be good to have acquired Robinson's Selected Poems and Tristram.
The Shadow Club: The Greatest Mystery in the Universe--Shadows--and the Thinkers Who Unlocked Their Secrets by Roberto Casati
Overall an interesting book that covers history and science of shadows. The illustration by George Cruikshank on page 23 maybe the reverse image of the original.
Three brief sketches in which David Lodge addresses Catholic sex doctrine in Where the Climate’s Sultry, capitalism in My First Job, and the hazards of professional writing in Hotel des Boobs.