Inscribed, dated and signed by Steffens on front end page. Book is protected by a custom-designed book slip with a color illustration of The Shame of the Cities on both sides.
One of the 2 copies is an uncorrected proof. Both signed.
Limited edition with signed limitation page (64/100). Hayduke edition. Ken Sanders Rare Books. Brown cloth with "Hayduke" blind stamped on the front board.. Hayduke illusttration by R. Crumb also signed by the author and laid in.
Roger Ebert's copy (his signature on blank front page, dated Chicago 1972
Advance Uncorrected REader's Proof
Personal copy of Elbridge Colby (with his signature and bookplate in front inside cover). Pasted and folded onto the rear inside cover is a letter from Bernays to Colby at the War Department, Dated March 16, 1925. No dustjacket.