Member pammab

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Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
May 26, 2006
About My Library
This is a collection of the books that I have read for pleasure since 2006, and not a collection of all the books that I own. I started this account back then (before the Collections feature) in order to better generate recommendations and for me to better keep track of what I was reading. More recently I've started reviewing everything I read.

I prefer books with strong plots or nonfiction content and that trade in exploring shades of grey rather than in black-and-white. An Important Message is likely to ruin a piece of fiction for me. I like smart spec fiction of any sort, with well-developed and reflective worldbuilding especially.

My 5-point rating scale is the following:
1 - Eek! Methinks not.
2 - Meh. I've experienced better.
3 - A-OK.
4 - Yay! I'm a fan.
5 - Woohoo! As good as it gets!

(Yep, this means my ratings sometimes have a bimodal distribution.)

I've decided to try to increase the number of books and diversity of what I read by participating in some of the challenges that can be had around here. You're welcome to stop by my current thread or to leave a note below.
-- pammab's 2021 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 2020 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 2019 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 2018 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 2017 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 2014 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 2013 Challenge thread
-- pammab's 12 in 12 Challenge Thread
-- pammab's 11 in 11 Challenge Thread
-- pammab's 1010 Challenge Thread

My list of favorite authors include favorite audiobook narrators.
About Me
I think about structuring things for a living. I think about math, science, and social rules for fun. I do my very best to educate myself and understand all sides before weighing in on an issue, and I avoid Kool-Aid as best I can.

I love LibraryThing and the community that exists here. I take breaks, but I always find myself coming back to active participation.
Currently Reading
Favorite Authors

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Interesting Library