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About My Library
My library includes books I have read in the last couple of year that influence me or books that I want to read in the upcoming year.
About Me
I am first of all a Christian, who has historical evangelical and Baptist convictions. I live in Corona, CA with my wife Ann and my 2 sons - Jonathan (3 3/4 years old) and Anderew (1 1/2 years old). I grew up in Houston, Texas with my mom, dad and my sister, Karen. After graduating from Westchester Sr. High school in Houston, Texas, I went to Texas A&M (81-85) and Baylor (85-86) for College and Graduate School. Karen, my sister, lives in Clear Lake, Texas, and my Dad lives in San Antonio, Texas. I was called into ministry full time after graduating with my MBA, and served from 1987-1991 with Campus Crusade for Christ. I met my wife ann on Staff with CCC and we were married March 10, 1990. God then redirected my call to be a disciplemaking pastor, and I went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1991-1994 in preparation to fulfill this call. My Wife and I moved then to San Antonio where I had the privilege to serve as pastor of Shavano Baptist Church from 1994-2002. Since 2002 I have have been gladly serving as the Pastor of Brea Center Baptist Church. I am currently working on my Doctor of Minsitry From Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.
Middle River, MD
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Bookstores: Borders - Brea, Borders Express - Brea Mall, Community College of Baltimore County Essex Bookstore, House of Bibles, In Christ books, The Bookman

Libraries: California State University, Fullerton - Pollak Library

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