Member drnkpnkprincess

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Mar 21, 2018
Real Name
Alexa M.
About My Library
I mostly buy hardcover books but love paperbacks for my purse. I am a BOTM club member. I love thriller/mystery/suspense. I don't read a lot of romance, or chick-lit, but always read recommended titles from friends. I want to own a massive bookshelf with 1000's of 5 star books.

My Kindle has lots of 'deals of the day' that sounded too good to pass up, favorites I own physically but have the need to take with me everywhere, 100's of books I haven't read, some books I might never get to, romance, cookbooks, etc . . .
About Me
Born and raised in Southern California by a my mother and grandmother, whose obsession with books (at one point) put mine to shame. Instead of grandiose presents, I'd receive mountains of books. I never kept track of my reading as a child, and only still have a few which haunts me . . .

Currently, I am living in Arizona with my husband (no babies furry or human), and travel to/from CA as much as possible. I keep my Kindle fully loaded, and stacks of hardcovers by my bedside. I have three bookshelf around the house, each with its own purpose.

*same handle for all social media*
Arizona, where the heat melts all forms of life
Currently Reading