Member dragonasbreath

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Jan 9, 2010
Real Name
About My Library
We are omnivorous readers. If it doesn't run away, we will give it a try.
Some books are far more successful than others, though!

To early review authors:
I don't mind winning 20 books from the same batch (know it won't happen), Love it when the author takes the time to sign the book and add a short cute note to it - even something like 'thank you for volunteering/taking the time to read and review my latest work'

Interesting thing about our library - our friends know we collect books. It is not unheard of to come home and find a case full of books on the doorstep needing a home. When that happens - you have no idea what you've just inherited until you start digging through.
About Me
I was reading before kindergarten (not well, but I was), there were always books in the house - and people reading them. We had no restrictions on WHICH of the books we read - anything in the house was fair game (same with frig, which may be why I have never smoked or drank - tried it, didn't like it, no pressure to stay away from it)
We've lived in 4 states now, and between us have relatives in 48 of them (and maybe all 50 - not all cousins have been located!)
Right now we have 2 cats, and will have a dog again when we finally have a home of our own.
Other than that, it's SSDD

The way I handle anthologies:
Both the authors and the stories are in order of table of contents. All you have to do is match up the number to see who wrote what.
Ft wayne, IN

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