Member center_for_the_book
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- Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—General technique. Specimen books (60), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Style. Graphic design. Format—General works (51), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Handbooks. Techniques and practice of bookbinding (46), Visual arts—Miscellaneous genres and media. not limited by time period. style. place. or subject matter—Artists' books--by Artist (A-Z) (46), Book industries and trade—Printing—Printers and printing establishments—Individual printers and establishments (A-Z) (38), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—History. Biography (22), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—General works (21), Libraries—Library science. Information science—The collections. The books—Preservation. conservation. and restoration (17), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Writing—Calligraphy. Penmanship—General works (16), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing (16), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—General works (16), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Decorative crafts—Paperwork—General works (16), Posters (14), Literature (General) (14), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—History of books and bookmaking—General works (12), American literature—Individual authors—1961-2000 (A-Z) (11), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—History. Biography of bookbinders (11), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Special types of bindings (A-Z) (10), American literature—Collections of American literature—Selections. Anthologies. etc. (10), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Printing as a trade—Periodicals. Societies. Serials (10), Artists' books—General works (10), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—History or Biography (9), Book industries and trade—Printing—History—General works (9), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Special topics (A-Z)—Logography (7), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Decorative crafts—Paperwork—Greeting card craft (7), Fiction and juvenile belles lettres—Juvenile belles lettres—American and English—General juvenile belles lettres (1870-2014) (7), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—General works (7), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Composition. typesetting. makeup. Style manuals—General works (7), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Stereotyping. Electrotyping (7), Book industries and trade—Printing—Handbooks. manuals. etc. (7), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Machinery and supplies (7), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Handbooks. Techniques and practice of bookbinding—Special elements or techniques (A-Z)—Marbling. Marbled papers. Edge marbling (6), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Presswork (6), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—United States (6), Book industries and trade—Printing—History—By region or country—America—United States—General works (6), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Decorative crafts—Paperwork—Box craft (6), Color theory (6), Exhibition Catalog (6), Philology. Linguistics—Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar—Comparative grammar—General special—Written communication. History of writing and alphabet—General works (6), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Great Britain (5), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—General works—1800- (5), Advertising (5), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Composition. typesetting. makeup. Style manuals—Computerized typesetting—General works (5), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—History of printmaking (5), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Study and teaching. Techniques (5), Visual arts—Miscellaneous genres and media. not limited by time period. style. place. or subject matter—Artists' books--General works (5), Book industries and trade—Printing—Printers and printing establishments—Classes of presses (A-Z)—Private presses (5), General bibliography—Special classes of books—Toy and movable books. Pop-up books (5), Book industries and trade—Printing—Museums. Exhibitions (5), General bibliography—Societies (A-Z) (5), Painting—Illuminating of manuscripts and books (5), Photography—Applied photography—Artistic photography—Collections—By period—1951-2000 (5), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Economics of commercial art (4), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—General works. Treatises—1851-—Popular (4), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Graphic art materials (Technique. history and collections)—General works (4), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Writing—Calligraphy. Penmanship—Periodicals. Societies. Serials (4), Print media—Wood engraving. Woodcuts. Xylography. Block printing—Treatises. Manuals (4), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—History—General works (4), Book industries and trade—Printing—Education and training. Schools—General works (4), Symbology (4), Collage (4), Book industries and trade—Bookselling and publishing—History—United States (4), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—France (4), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Specimens (4), English philology and language—Modern English—Language—Grammar—Phonology—Alphabet—General (4), Book industries and trade—Bookselling and publishing (4), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Drawing for reproduction—Illustration (4), American literature—Individual authors—2001- (A-Z) (4), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Collections of designs—General (3), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—History—By region or country (A-Z) (3), Print media—Wood engraving. Woodcuts. Xylography. Block printing—History. Collections of wood engravings (in book form)—Special artists (A-Z) (3), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—Specimens of decorative lettering (3), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—Special topics (A-Z)—Borders (3), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Collections of designs—Special artists (A-Z) (3), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Special elements or subjects in decoration and ornament or design—Plants. Trees. Flowers—General works (3), Theory (3), Photography—Biography—Individual (A-Z) (3), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—History. Biography of bookbinders—Individual bookbinders (A-Z) (3), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—History—Modern—Special countries (A-Z) (3), Book industries and trade—Printing—History—By region or country—Americas—General works (3), Book industries and trade—Printing—Dictionaries (3), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Decorative crafts—Paperwork—Origami (3), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Styles or forms (A-Z)—Display type (3), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—19th-20th centuries (3), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—History—General works (3), Libraries—Book collecting—Bookplates (3), English philology and language (3), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—History (3), Book industries and trade—Printing—History—By region or country—America—United States (California)—San Francisco (3), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Societies (3), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Non-Roman—Special alphabets. characters. scripts. etc.—Islamic (3), Literature (General)—Encyclopedias. Dictionaries (3), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—Paper types. Special papers—Handmade (3), Book industries and trade—Book decoration and ornamentation (General) (3), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Conservation and restoration of prints (3), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Data processing. Computerized type and type founding—General works (3), Mathematics—Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic—Textbooks. Facsimile (2), Photography—Photomechanical processes—Photoengraving. Relief processes (2), Journalism—Journalism. the periodical press. etc.—Collections (2), Print media—Lithography��General works—Since 1850—Technical (2), Visual arts—Religious art—Christian art (2), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Decorative crafts—Printing—Rubber stamp printing (2), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Writing—Bibliography (2), Print media—Wood engraving. Woodcuts. Xylography. Block printing—Linoleum block prints (2), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Special subjects—Architecture (2), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—History. Biography of bookbinders—General works (2), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Composition. typesetting. makeup. Style manuals—Desktop publishing—General works (2), Libraries—Book collecting—Bibliophilism (2), English literature—1961-2000—Individual authors (A-Z) (2), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Dictionaries (2), Libraries—Library catalogs—United States (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Special elements or subjects in decoration and ornament or design--Menus (2), Book industries and trade—Biography—Individual (A-Z) (2), Book industries and trade—Bookselling and publishing—Lines of trade—United States (2), Libraries—Library science. Information science—Shelving. Bookstacks (2), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Spain (2), Book industries and trade—Treatises on the modern printed book (2), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Styles or forms (A-Z)—Centaur roman (2), Print media—Wood engraving. Woodcuts. Xylography. Block printing—History (2), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—Exhibitions—By region or country (A-Z)--United States (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—14th-18th centuries (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—General works (2), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Tradesmen's cards and billheads—Special regions or countries—United States (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Special elements or subjects in decoration and ornament or design (2), Visual arts—Special subjects of art—Nature—Animals. Wildlife—General works (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—History—Modern—19th century—Art nouveau (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—History—Special regions or countries—Asia. The Orient—Eastern Asia—Japan—General works (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Theory of ornament and design (2), Sculpture—History—Special regions or countries—Europe—Great Britain. England—Special artists (A-Z) (2), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Manuscripts. Paleography. Codicology—Special alphabets (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Arts and crafts movement—History—General works (2), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Proofreading (2), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Decorative crafts—Fancy articles—Books. Altered books (2), Visual Arts--General (2), Libraries—Library science. Information science—The collections. The books—Preservation. conservation. and restoration of books and other library materials—Special topics (A-Z)—Book boxes (2), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Book ornamentation (2), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Composition. typesetting. makeup. Style manuals—Makeup (2), General bibliography—Books and reading. Choice of books. Book reviews (2), Photography—Photographic processing. Darkroom technique (General)—Conservation and restoration of photographs (2), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—General special (2), Print media—Lithography—History. Collections in book form—Special regions or countries—Europe—Other regions or countries (A-Z)—Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic (1), Print media—Lithography—History. Collections in book form—Special regions or countries—Europe—Great Britain. England—Special artists (A-Z) (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—History—Special regions or countries—America—North America—United States—Ethnic groups—Special (A-Z)—Japanese Americans (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Styles or forms (A-Z)—Script (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Non-Roman—Special alphabets. characters. scripts. etc.—Egyptian (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Presswork—Color printing (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Non-Roman--Other by language (A-Z)--Afrikaans (1), Print media—Etching and aquatint—History. Collections of etchings in book form—General history—General collections (1), Visual arts—History—Special regions or countries—Europe—Russia. Soviet Union. Russia (Federation)—Modern—20th century—General works (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Non-Roman--Other by language (A-Z)--Arabic (1), Visual arts—History—Special regions or countries—America—North America—United States—20th century—General works (1), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—General works—Early to 1800 (1), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—Biography (A-Z) (1), Photography—Photomechanical processes—Halftone process (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Handbooks. Techniques and practice of bookbinding—Special elements or techniques (A-Z)—Headbands (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—Special styles of lettering (A-Z)—Victorian (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Writing—Calligraphy. Penmanship—Bibliography (1), or subject matter—Artists' books—By Region (A-Z) (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Non-Roman--Other by language (A-Z)--Chinese (1), Spanish literature—Outside of Spain—Special—America—Spanish America—West Indies—Special—Cuba—History—20th century (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Great Britain. England (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Illustration in special countries—United States—Special illustrators (A-Z) (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Manuscripts. Paleography. Codicology—Topics not elsewhere provided for (A-Z)—Conservation (1), etc.—Greek (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Posters—Special countries (A-Z)--United States (1), Painting—Painting technique and styles—Color—General special (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—History—Modern—15th-16th centuries. Renaissance—General works (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—History—Medieval—General works (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Automata (1), Oriental philology and literature—Egyptology—Egyptian writing and its decipherment—Specimens and types (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Metalwork (1), Spanish literature—Outside of Spain—Special—America—Spanish America—General—Translations. By language—English (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—Special styles of lettering (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Data processing. Computerized type and type founding—By special language or system (A-Z)—PostScript (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Germany (1), Subject bibliography—Literature—Special subjects (A-Z)—Popular literature. Chapbooks (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Japan (1), Visual arts—History—Special regions or countries—America—North America—United States—Special artists (A-Z) (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Special subjects—Health and safety (1), Philology. Linguistics—Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar—Comparative grammar—General special—Collections of alphabets. Specimens. etc.—General special (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—History—Special regions or countries—Americans—Mexico—Special cities (A-Z) (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Special subjects—Landscapes. Views—Special countries. By country of origin—Special countries (A-Z)--United States (1), Print media—Etching and aquatint—History. Collections of etchings in book form—Special regions or countries—America—North America—United States—Special artists (A-Z) (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Special subjects (1), A-Z—Signs and signboards (1), Arts in general—The arts in relation to other subjects (A-Z)—Censorship (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Americas (1), Literature on music—Literature for children—Biography—Individual (A-Z) (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Museums and collections of drawings—Private collections—United States—Special. By collector (A-Z) (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—History—By region or country—Great Britain (Nottingham)—General works (1), etc.—Latin. Roman (1), Visual arts—Special subjects of art—Other special subjects (alphabetically)—A - Industry—Flags (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Styles or forms (A-Z)—Solotype (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—By Region—Great Britain. Scotland (1), Painting—Watercolor painting—Fore-edge painting (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Posters—General works (Technique. etc.) (1), style (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Other arts and art industries—Alphabets. Calligraphy. Initials—Roman—Ancient (1), Print media—Etching and aquatint—Collagraph (1), Photography—Photographic amusements. Trick photography. Special effects (1), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Special crafts treated collectively (1), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Stencil cutting. Stencil work—Screen process work. Silk-screen printing (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Manuscripts. Paleography. Codicology—Scrolls (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—History—Origin and antecedents of printing. History of the invention—Precursors of modern (movable type) printing (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Paper and ink (1), Literature on music—Music librarianship (1), Print media—Lithography—Exhibitions (by place held)—United States (1), Print media—Etching and aquatint—General works—Since 1850—Popular (1), Photography—Photomechanical processes—Photolithography (1), Visual arts—Miscellaneous genres and media (1), not limited by time period (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Technique—General works (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Drawing for reproduction—Book cover design—General works (1), A-Z—Art deco (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—History—By region or country—United States—General works (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—History—By period—1900-—Special styles or movements A-Z—Art deco (1), Print media—Lithography—General works—Early (to 1850) (1), Painting—Illuminating of manuscripts and books—Collections in special libraries and museums (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Special topics (1), Literature on music—Dictionaries. Encyclopedias (1), place (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Machinery. Materials. Tools (1), Book industries and trade—Book design (1), Literature (General)—Quotations (1), General bibliography—Special classes of books—Hornbooks (1), Photography—Applied photography (1), General bibliography—Special classes of books—Illustrated books (1), Sculpture—Sculpture in special materials—Stone (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—History of drawing (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Drawing for reproduction—Illustration—Special styles (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Museums. Collections (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—History—Modern (1), Photography—History (General) (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Watermarks (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Printing as a trade—United States (California) (1), General bibliography—Special classes of books—Privately printed books. (1), General bibliography—Biography of bibliographers (1), Libraries—Library reports. History. Statistics (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—History of drawing—Special regions or countries—Europe—Great Britain. England—Special artists (A-Z) (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—General works. Treatises—1851-—Technical—General (1), Painting—Illuminating of manuscripts and books—Special elements and subjects—Initials. Ornaments (1), German literature—Individual authors or works—1700-1870 (A-Z) (1), Manufactures—Stonework—Monuments. tombstones. tablets. etc. (1), Manufactures—General catalogs (1), Photography—Applied photography—Artistic photography—Photography of art—General works (1), Photography—Instant photography (1), American literature—Collections of American literature—Poetry—Special—By subject (A-Z)—Water (1), American literature—Individual authors—1900-1960 (A-Z) (1), American literature—Individual authors—19th century (A-Z) (1), English literature—outside of Great Britain—Australia—Individual authors—21st century (A-Z) (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—History of books and bookmaking—By period—400-1450 (1), Personal bibliography (A-Z)—Neruda (1), National bibliography—America—United States—Local—By state—California—General bibliography (1), General bibliography—Books for the young—General works (1), Book industries and trade—Bookbinding—Handbooks. Techniques and practice of bookbinding—Special elements or techniques (A-Z)—End papers. Decorative paper (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Individual advertising designers. families and firms—United States. By designer (A-Z) (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Illustration in special countries—United States—General works (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Commercial art as a profession (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Study and teaching—Popular works for self-instruction (1), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Woodworking—Tools and supplies (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography—Writing—General works. History (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—Collections of prints in book form (1), Visual arts—Technique. composition. etc.—Popular manuals (1), Print media—Printmaking and engraving—History of printmaking—Special regions or countries—Europe—Germany—Special aspects or movements (A-Z) (1), Drawing. Design. Illustration—Commercial art. Advertising art—Special topics (A-Z)—Packaging (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—History—Special regions or countries—Europe—Austria—Special cities (A-Z) (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—Study and teaching. Research (1), Decorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament—Decoration and ornament. Design—History—Modern—19th century—General works (1), Technology (General)—Patents—History of patents—By region or country—America—North America—United States—General works—General works (Trademarks) (1), Manufactures—Country divisions—America—North America—United States—General works (1), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Periodicals. societies. etc. (1), Manufactures—Paper manufacture and trade—Paper characteristics. properties. etc. (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Printers and printing establishments—Collective biography (1), Visual arts—Miscellaneous genres and media. not limited by time period. style. place. or subject matter—Artists' books—by Region (A-Z) (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Presswork—Folding (1), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts—Home arts. Homecrafts—Textile arts and crafts—Ribbon work (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Printers' marks. mottoes. etc.—General works (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Printing as a trade—General works (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Legibility (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Practical printing—Type and type founding. Specimen books—Styles or forms (A-Z)—Roman (1), Book industries and trade—Printing—Societies (1), Invitations & announcements (1)
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- Mar 11, 2011
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- San Francisco Center for the Book
- About My Library
- The San Francisco Center for the Book library is a reference collection that includes books on a variety of book related topics including calligraphy, typography, design, biographies, reference, type catalogs, and history. The collection does not circulate, but is available for use in the Center.
- About Me
- The San Francisco Center for the Book fosters the joys of books and bookmaking—their history, artistry, continuing presence in our culture and their enduring importance as a medium of self-expression. We provide both a home for Bay Area book artists and a place where the wider community can discover book arts.
Everyone is welcome here, experienced practitioners and newcomers alike. Over 300 workshops annually offer learning at all levels: from introductory to focused advanced courses spanning traditional bookbinding, cutting-edge printing techniques to experimental book forms.
Exhibitions are designed to inform and delight visitors. Free public programs include opening receptions for the exhibition program, poetry readings, book release parties for our publications, gallery talks, Open Houses and other community events like the Annual Earth Day Extravaganza and Roadworks Street Fair. - Location
- San Francisco, CA
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