
2,583 Books 8 Recommendations
May 13, 2009
Private Catalog
Real Name
Rowena Scoundrel
About My Library
I love fantasy, science fiction and horror. Lately I have been on a big horror kick. I have also been known to enjoy non-fiction, though I usually only read a handful of non-fiction books per year. I have a soft spot for graphic novels and anything superhero-related.

Anything with LGBTQ themes is of especial interest to me, particularly if it has spec-fic themes as well.

I borrow a lot of books from the public library. I also give a lot of books away when I am finished with them, so I like the LT feature that lets you divide books between "owned" and "read but unowned" collections - my books frequently flip between these categories!

A note about my "ratings". . . when I rate a book out of five stars on librarything I don't rate it based on how technically "good" a book is and I don't rate based on how I think the world or history should view the book. I only give a star rating based on my own personal enjoyment level the last time I read it. My star ratings:
1 - hated it
2 - it was "meh"/I was bored/I have major problems with it
3 - it was fine/it was decent/it was what I expected
4 - it was really good!
5 - it was excellent/loved it
About Me
30-something librarian. Most days I wish I was my cat.
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