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A very good time spent ! (1), torcher (1), marriage counselor (1), home security system (1), auto accident (1), Old Sparky (1), computer dating (1), Crime mystery (1), blisters (1), general contractor (1), Maine State Police (1), golddigger (1), Chat room (1), sealed records (1), never ending ploys (1), lay-offs (1), alias's (1), cistern (1), limpet (1), command center (1), violent behavior (1), assistant D.A. (1), Metal of Honor (1), riding shotgun (1), My first John Lescroart novel (1), had a hard time putting it down. The characters placed a spot in your heart (1), deception and profiler. (1), CASKU-(Child Abduction & Serial Killer Unit) (1), greatest miler in American history (1), Transient serial killer (1), financial genius (1), screen name (1), velet (1), personal fortitude (1), no Ivy League lawyer (1), Neonatal ICU (1), chief resident (1), plainiff's lawyer (1), Tennis touring pro (1), Wimbledon Championship (1), twin-screw motor yacht (1), Boston Whaler (1), skipper & owner (1), realitor (1), Argentina's Dirty War (1), boat salesman (1), one in the same (1), embezzlement of millions (1), great unpredictable conclusion (1), "office girl (1), knock-off (1), electrical components (1), " sleep-over (1), golden-lab (1), Senior VP (1), expelled student (1), touch-pad system (1), bunked in (1), suicide jumper (1), FBI's taskforce coordinator and hostage negotiator. (1), insurance policy for kidnapping and ransom (1), safety deposit box (1), sun burns (1), festering wounds (1), beriberi (1), Special forces-Navy Seals (1), dishonorable discharge (1), District Sales Manager (1), upper management (1), Commercial fishing business (1), overhaul shrimp boats (1), senior partner (1), supervisor special agent (1), private consultant and telecommunications with kidnappers "my deluxe power package" (1), rape and public grants. (1), Small-town girl (1), Equity Card (1), king of broadway (1), security systems expert (1), inherit large trust fund (1), serious mental disorders (1), straight edge razor and US Attorney. (1), golden spoke rims (1), anitsheation (1), Correctional Center (1), half American Indian (1), x-rated video (1), informant (1), Gangsters (1), civil lawsuit (1), Scotland Yard (1), private detective (1), journalist (1), State Department (1), Attorney General (1), choke (1), litigation (1), stalker (1), autopsy (1), extortion (1), FBI agent (1), coverup (1), interracial relationship (1), prescription drugs (1), special forces (1), midwife (1), captive (1), medical examiner (1), relatives (1), dehydration (1), chloroform (1), prosecutor (1), Zeppelin (1), court martial (1), CEO (1), very enjoyable (1), private investigator (1), quarantine (1), manhunt (1), thrilling (1), detective (1), Murder (1), violence (1), ghost (1), murders (1), detectives (1), survival (1), surveillance (1), lawyers (1), greed (1), counterfeit (1), epiphany (1), dishonesty (1), Hispanic (1), invention (1), artist (1), miscarriage (1), real estate (1), abduction (1), starvation (1), unemployment (1), SWAT (1), cyber space (1), gang (1), malaria (1), Florida Keys (1), drug dealer (1), Mysterious (1), fast paced action (1), sexual harassment (1), death row (1), loyalty (1), epidemic (1), schizophrenia (1), accounting (1), CIA (1), theater (1), albatross (1), guerrillas (1), financial advisor (1), Negotiator (1), insurgency (1), DUI (1), rationalization (1), amputations (1), video recorder (1), white devil (1), CFO (1), alias (1), Vietnam (1), Ghetto (1), mystery (1), cell-phone (1), Boarding school (1), prisoner (1), sociopath (1), transfer (1), Liberators (1), Green Beret (1), Malice (1), recording (1), oil rig (1), interrogation (1), purses (1), caretaker (1), defense lawyer (1), criminal defense lawyer (1), founder (1), body guard (1), master of disguise (1), Good Samaritan (1), rohypnol (1), cameraman (1), regatta (1), aspiring author (1), Corporate America (1), action packed (1), renovations (1), anemia (1), breach (1), colitis (1), fingerprint (1), malnutrition (1), The syndicate (1)
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Mar 9, 2011
Real Name
Dan LeBlanc
About My Library
I live in Gardner, MA and in this city has this gem of a resource the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, it has DVD's, DV's or tapes, computer terminals for public use and a book collection that's unbelievable and if the Gardner library doesn't have what your looking for you can request items from other libraries thoughout the state, my home away from home.
About Me
I'm recently retired due to health reasons, laying back an enjoying the simple things in life, sports oriented; loving baseball an the Boston Red Soxs and college football and my alumni the Florida State Univ. Seminoles. Since retirement I've been reading 2-3 books a week, it's very enjoyable and relaxing, it also help to keep my mind thinking of creative thoughts.
!96 Lovewell St., Gardner, MA 01440
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Bookstores: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Leominster

Libraries: Levi Heywood Memorial Library

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