Member BirdyTheolProf
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- All collections (2,191), Wider 16th-17thC history (43), 16th / 17th C Theology & Devotional (12), Misc (24), Children / YA (9), Classical Literature / Early Philosophy (3), Early / Medieval English Literature (3), Art / Architecture (37), European literature (22), 16th & 17th C Literature (21), Church History (29), Biographies (37), General nature (16), Memoirs (27), Birds / Birding (64), Biblical Studies / Commentaries (44), Dementia (13), Social Justice / Environmental Issues (64), English / British Civil Wars / Commonwealth & Protectorate (88), American History (20), Discipleship / Spirituality / Devotional (70), Theology (290), Poetry (27), Contemporary Novels (100), American Classic novels / plays / essays (29), British Classic novels / plays / essays (33), Your library (2,177)
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- Theology (72), birds and birding (60), English/British Civil War/s (35), 16th and 17th C English Literature (17), dementia (8)
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- Joined
- Oct 26, 2018
- About My Library
It reflects who I am: Christian, theology professor, bird nerd, English/British Civil War/s geek, lover of literature, history, art, music, and the whole of God's good creation.
- About Me
- Aussie born and bred; British by parentage, heritage, and nearly 10 years of living in the UK; (sort of, but not really) American by adoption, after over 10 years of living and working as a theology professor here.
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