Show Me Readers Award2009

Given by Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL)

1 Work 91 Books 9 Reviews 4.0
About the Show Me Readers Award

Age Level

The Winner of the annual Show Me Readers Award is selected by students in grades one through three.


The purpose of the Show Me Readers Award is to show more promote literature, literacy, and reading in Missouri elementary schools for grades one through three and to promote recognition of authors and illustrators of books that are favorites of Missouri children in these grades.


Criteria for Show Me nominees is as follows:

Books should be published two years prior to nomination on a Master List of nominees

Published in the US, with the author and illustrator living in the United States

Picture book, easy to read aloud with strong literary value

Interest and appeal to children 6 to 10 years old in grades one to three

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