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Harry K. Wong

Author of The First Days of School

20 Works 2,040 Members 17 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Harry K. Wong is an educator, an acknowledged expert on instructional methods, and a best-selling author. His The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher has sold over 750,000 copies to prospective, new, and veteran teachers. For this book, Dr. Wong draws on his background as a show more well-known presenter at workshops and conferences for teachers, as well as his own classroom experience as a science teacher. The book is acclaimed for being both a theoretical and practical guide and Wong presents an integrated philosophy based on three characteristics of effective teachers: classroom management, teaching for mastery, and creating positive expectations. It also includes everyday, practical, classroom tested techniques. Wong's expertise is also available in videos designed to be used for teacher training and staff development in-services. The Effective Teacher (1991), a series of eight videocassettes, features common-sense, research-based, noncontroversial information and techniques. He has also used the video format in Inducting New Teachers Into the Profession (1991). How You Can Be a Super Successful Teacher (1984) can be found on audiocassette. Dr. Harry K. Wong is married to Rosemary (Tripi) Wong, his co-author, collaborator, and co-founder of the Harry K. Wong Publishing Co. of Sunnyvale, Calif. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the names: Harry Wong, Harry Wong -, Harry K. Wong

Image credit: via Amazon.com

Works by Harry K. Wong


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
San Francisco, California, USA



17 reviews
Eh. While Wong makes a lot of lucid points about what it takes to be a successful teacher, I found his self-aggrandizing writing style and veiled condescension grating. He reiterates the importance of professionalism as a teacher, but then writes a book whose layout looks like it was designed for five year olds. Teachers aren't idiots, Harry. You can write a book that isn't larded with cliches and ridiculous clip art, and people will read it.
Every few years I like to re-read this book. It really renews my passion for teaching. It's a great reminder of why I use certain practices as well as reminds me of practices I may have forgotten. I received this book as a graduation present from college for my first year of teaching, but twelve years later I still find it practical and useful. I especially appreciated the epilogue and love its comment that our children are becoming an endangered species". Unfortunately that is so true. I do show more think it might be time to get an updated edition though. It is a few years old." show less
When I taught in Utah, this was required reading before the 1st day. I remember certain parts of it giving me focus and direction. After a really rough 1st year back after grad school, I pulled this out again and re-read it. Much of it is second nature to me at this point--which is great--but there were some things that I'd been forgetting to do. It was nice to be reminded. This next year should be better for many reasons, including that I re-read this book.

If you ever know anyone who is show more going to be a teacher, this is a perfect, perfect gift. show less
What a disappointment this book was! Fully one half of the book is devoted to metaphores of good teaching. The target readers are teachers - We get it! The other half of the book tells us the general differences between great teachers and horribly incompetent teachers. We get that, too! What's lacking in this book are realistic scenarios with detailed suggestions for making the best of them. This book was recommended by a colleague and I was looking forward to some insights on making my show more classroom better. All I got were platitudes. show less


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